Wednesday, May 10, 2023

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National Volunteer Week 2023

At the April 25th Township Committee meeting, Mayor Shawn Lipani recognized National Volunteer Week with a proclamation. Many of Hillsborough Township's volunteers were invited to the presentation to receive a copy of the proclamation and take a group photo.

Read the proclamation.

Watch the presentation.

Pictured: Committeeman James Ruh, Deputy Mayor Robert Britting, Social Services Administrative Assistant Jennifer Boriskenko, Director of Parks & Recreation and Social Services Robert Wagner, Assistant Social Services Director Cathy Faerber, Mayor Shawn Lipani, and the many outstanding Hillsborough Township volunteers.

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Take Your Child to Work Day

On April 26th, Hillsborough Township welcomed many new young employees to the Municipal Building for Take Your Child to Work Day. These diligent workers spent time with Judge Frank Taddeo to learn more about Municipal Court before visiting with Mayor Shawn Lipani to learn more about his duties and working for Hillsborough Township. Afterward, the township's newest staff members went outside to learn more about the OEM, fire, and DPW trucks before coming back inside for fun and games, and pizza.

Pictured: Mayor Shawn Lipani and Hillsborough's Employees for the Day.

See all the pictures from Take Your Child to Work Day.

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Hillsborough Township Commemorates National Day of Prayer

On May 4th, Mayor Shawn Lipani was joined by Committeeman John Ciccarelli as Hillsborough hosted the First Annual National Day of Prayer Interfaith Ceremony. Thank you to all those who came out in support of the event, especially Msgr Joe Curry and Pastor Jill Collict as well as the Interfaith Community Network for putting this event together.

Pictured: Pastor Jill Collict, Committeeman John Ciccarelli, Mayor Shawn Lipani, and Msgr. Joe Curry.

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Committeeman Ruh Recognizes Older Americans Month

On May 4th, Committeeman James Ruh had the pleasure of attending the Senior Chapter A meeting for a meet and greet - and would like to thank Chapter A for the invitation.  

Every May, the Administration for Community Living leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month (OAM). The 2023 theme is Aging Unbound, which offers an opportunity to explore diverse aging experiences and discuss how communities can combat stereotypes. It’s important to promote flexible thinking about aging – and how we all benefit when older adults remain engaged, independent, and included.

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Hillsborough - Millstone Municipal Alliance Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup

Thank you to those volunteers who came out on Saturday, May 6th to participate in the Adopt a Highway program sponsored by the Hillsborough Millstone Municipal Alliance and cleaned up a section of Route 206, as well as those volunteers who through our Clean Communities program cleaned up Docherty Park.

Pictured: Committeeman John Ciccarelli and the clean-up volunteers.

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Sponsorships Available for Salute to Military Service Breakfast and Other Commemoration Programs

A long-standing tradition in Hillsborough Township is to observe Memorial Day with a parade and commemoration ceremonies. Over the last 17 years, we’ve been honored to have nearly 300 Hillsborough veterans, spouses, and widows lead us in the day’s events, beginning with The Salute to Military Service Breakfast. There is no group more fitting to help us honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom than the Veterans who experienced first-hand the demands of military service. Once again, this year, we will invite all Hillsborough veterans to the Township’s 2023 Salute to Military Service Breakfast and Memorial Day Commemoration Ceremonies on Saturday, May 27th. 

Learn more about the sponsorship opportunity.

Watch the Township Committee meeting of May 9th to see all the presentations.

Recent Press Releases:

News You Can Use:

See all Hillsborough Township news and updates.

Hillsborough Township is hiring for multiple


See the Employment Opportunities Portal for more information.

Hillsborough Township offers a variety of services to residents. See the Business Services Playlist on YouTube to learn more.

Now Playing: Notary Public Services at Hillsborough Township

ICYMI! Here's the latest News Around Town!

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Department Updates & Other News

Visit the News & Media page and individual department pages on the

Township website for all updates

There is still time to sign up for Hillsborough Recreation Summer Camps and Summer Sports Camps and Summer Basketball. See the 2023 Summer Activities Guide for more ideas for summer fun!

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COVID-19 Updates
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Upcoming Meetings and Hillsborough Township Events

Visit the Township Calendar for All Meetings and Community Events

May 11, 2023

7:00 pm Planning Board

May 15, 2023

7:00 pm Youth Services Commission

May 16, 2023

7:00 pm Sustainable Hillsborough Steering Committee

May 18, 2023

7:00 pm Wildlife Management Commission

7:30 pm Historic Preservation Commission

May 22, 2023

6:30 pm [Cancelled] Sign Review Committee

7:00 pm Environmental Commission

May 23, 2023

7:30 pm Township Committee Meeting

May 25, 2023

7:00 pm Planning Board Business Meeting

May 27, 2023

7:30 am Salute to Military Service Breakfast

10:00 am Memorial Day Parade

11:00 am Garden of Honor Memorial Day Ceremony

May 29, 2023

Municipal Offices Closed

Request to Add Event to Calendar

Visit the Somerset County Website for all news articles of interest to County residents.

Hillsborough Township |