The Mazol Connection

Summer Ceremonial Edition 2021

A Message from Ill Sir Gerald Budden

Divan Visit
The Boot Shrine Club

Stated Meeting in Burin
Ill Sir Gerry Budden and Recorder Bill Smith relaxing with Noble Shane and Lady Vivian
Cheque presentation to the Potentate 
Boot Shrine Club Ladies present quilt to Lady Christine
Lady Christine and the Boot Shrine Ladies

Chief Rabban Report William Radford

So Chief Rabban’s Report, where do I start? Actually, there is a lot to tell.
Really, I need to go back to 2020 and the Assistant Rabban’s Seminar. This of course was held in Tampa in March of 2020. This is a very worthwhile seminar. Both the Oriental Guide and Assistant Rabban Seminars are very helpful and each different from the other. Leadership of the Temples is changing. There is an emphasis on modeling the Divan as a Board of Directors. In fact, I have noticed there is a greater use of the term Board of Directors than Divan at the Temple and Imperial level. You may wonder why this is significant? It is to emphasize that the Shrine is moving away from a top/down model of governance. Now every member of the Divan or Board of Directors  has an equal voice with an equal opportunity to give input. Everyone has a vote of equal value. When the democratic process is complete, all are expected to accept the decision and put every effort into making the outcome successful.
2020 and the first half of 2021 was very difficult, as we all know. Your Divan met frequently to seamlessly carry on the work of the Shrine. We were unable to complete Club visits as well as visits to other Temples. The Imperial was cancelled.
The first part of 2021 is not much different. Most Canadian attendees chose not to attend Imperial. As a board member of the Canadian Association of Shrine Temples (CAST), I can advise you, we tried to get accommodations for Canadians to have input but we were not successful. Major changes to Shrine law would have been necessary.
Things are opening up as many of us get our second shot.
The Summer Ceremonial is going ahead July 24th., we still have to follow some Covid 19 protocols. We can now have 75 % of capacity or 150. Music is permitted. For those of us who have many years in the Shrine, we recall the days when the Summer Ceremonial was widely attended and a wonderful opportunity to meet up with old friends and friends you had not yet met. 
During the Fall we are trying to have our traditional Potentate’s Visits to the clubs. Everyone is welcome on these. Nobles why not take your Lady to a hotel for the weekend, God knows she deserves to see some great people, after having to spend so many days at home with a limited number of faces. (No offence intended). Many of the visits, are in one location on Friday and in another for Saturday. They are lots of laughs & lots of fun. You will make life long friendships from all parts of NL. And yes, I do mean Labrador as well. We are hoping to do it.
Another note for your 2021 Calendar, is September 30 to October 2, Tunis Shrine is hosting the Northeast Shrine Association Fall Field days in Gananoque, ON. Contact the Recorder or myself for more details. Borders to the Provinces are open and hopefully the US as well. Gananoque is a beautiful place that time of year. We have a few extra rooms available but you must act fast.
 From speaking to my counterparts from the NSA they are expecting many of their members will be even more anxious to travel and party by then.
Speaking of parties, I want to give you a long-term heads-up. We have some very significant milestones approaching. In 2022 it is the 150th Anniversary of the Shrine, the 100th Anniversary of the Hospitals and the 40th Anniversary of Mazol receiving its charter. There are multiple parties in the planning stages. Also, for those of you who book your trip south after the Christmas season, why not wait until after the 2022 Mazol Installation? Chief Rabban’s night is booked for January 7 with the Installation on the 8th of January 2022. So, book your southern departure after that weekend. You won’t be sorry. If you are from outside Metro, book to leave from St. John’s.
The second quarter Stated meeting is scheduled for April 16 to coincide with National Volunteer Week. Location to be determined.
Imperial for 2022 will be in Minneapolis July 3-7 with two significant anniversaries a great time is expected with many activities planned around family with children’s activities as well. Here’s an idea for the start or finish to a family vacation.
The Summer Ceremonial in 2022 is booked for July 29-31. There will be a “Family” component to this as well.
Yes, there is a theme here… “Family, Fun and You in ‘22”
On behalf of Lady Beverley and myself, we hope to you see you at the Summer Ceremonial or one of the Club visits scheduled this year.
Please keep safe and practice; “We’re back!”
Noble William Radford – Chief Rabban and Lady Beverley

Stated Meeting & Banquet
Mazol Shrine Centre on
July 24th
Ladies Luncheon
July 24 @ 1 pm
at Lester's Farm Chalet



Meet little Oliver. He’s 5 months old and became a Shrine patient earlier this year."
Oliver is from Traytown. He was born with Clubfeet, also known as talipes equinovarus (TEV). It is a common foot abnormality, in which the foot points downward and inward. The condition is present at birth, and involves the foot and lower leg. In June he travelled to the Montreal Hospital along with his mother Stephanie He spent 8 weeks there and underwent many surgeries. This was the start of Oliver’s journey with Mazol. In the months and years ahead our Hospital staff will monitor his progress and provide the necessary treatment for his condition. We expect that Oliver will fully recover from his present condition, become an energetic child; and be another success story for Shriners Hospitals.

The Hospital Report 

Download SpineScreen and check your child’s spine for possible signs of scoliosis.
Developed by the orthopaedic specialists at Shriners Hospitals for Children®, SpineScreen gives parents a quick, informal way to regularly monitor their child’s spine. And, it’s easy to use! Simply move your smartphone along your child’s spine and SpineScreen detects any abnormal curves.
Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that can restrict movement and in some cases lead to other serious medical conditions. It is most commonly diagnosed between 10 and 15 years of age, when children grow Because there is often no known cause, monitoring for scoliosis is an important part of a child’s ongoing healthcare. Shriners Hospitals encourages parents to download the free SpineScreen app and check kids annually.
With the SpineScreen app, you can:
I. Learn the signs of scoliosis and treatment options available.
II. Perform a preliminary spine check on your child at home.
III. Schedule calendar reminders for annual screenings.

If you have immediate concerns about your child’s spine or other possible medical conditions, please consult your healthcare provider. For more information on scoliosis screenings, treatment options and to download the app, please visit

Harold Duffett Shriners RV Park

ILL Sir John Brake PP and Chair Mazol Charitable Trust Board, and I met with members of the H W Duffett R V Park board on Saturday June 26, 2021 at the park rec center. The meeting was primarily an opportunity to check in with park management team to see how the season is going to this point given we are still operating under Gov Covid protocols. 
In summary the park is on track to meet or exceed budgeted oppucancy targets for 2021. 
Planning is also proceeding on a project to install site electrical metering for introduction in the 2022 season. 
The visit also provided an opportunity to present Noble George Joseph with a certificate and Treasurer Emeritus fez strip in recognition of his outstanding service as Treasurer for the park board since the park began operations under Mazol. 

The pic included is the presentation on Saturday. Shown are (left to right) Noble Dave Reeves, III Sir John Brake, Noble George Joseph, Noble Kevin Butt President RV Park Board and Noble Roger MacDonald.

III Sir Rolly Card PP
Secretary, Charitable Trust Board

Happy Canada Day !

The Lewisporte Shrine Club & The Harold Duffett RV Park

Helping Hands !

Brothers from Saint John’s Lodge No. 1 believe that Community engagement is a big part of being a Mason. On June 5th they rolled up their sleeves and did a great job cleaning up the grounds of the Shrine Centre. A big Thank-You goes out to Saint John’s Lodge No. 1 for going above and beyond in their dedication to Community service and exemplifying the tenets of Freemasonry. 
Reading heartwarming notes like these sure do make your day! To all of the "men behind the mission" (and their Ladies ) who help support each and every Shriners kid !
Thank you for sharing Noble Robert Adams .
Shriner's Children's Florida
The Gander S.C. Community Charities Inc. / Gander Co-op 50/50 Committee made a generous donation today of $30,000 towards the purchase of a new Wheelchair Accessible Bus for our long term care residents at Lakeside Homes. Thank you to everyone that supported the Gander Co-op 50/50 as it has made a real difference in the lives of our long term care residents. Thank you!!!!


Starting in August we will be adding a new weekly feature to our Facebook .#Fezfriday will showcase our nobles, our clubs and their events , but we need your input to make it a success.
Please email Karen at your pics with a brief description. Thank you!
Happy Fez Friday !

Shriners Awareness Day June 6th, 2021

Mazol Shriners
Celebrating at
Confederation Building
St John's 
The Boot Shrine
Celebrating In Burin
June 6 was a special day for Shriners everywhere. International Awareness Day celebrates the founding of the original governing body of the Shriner’s fraternity in 1876 in New York City; as well as the many good things Shriners do in support of our young patients globally.

Mazol has been active in Newfoundland and Labrador since --------, and continues to stand out across Canada in its support of Shriners Hospitals for Children. During the week of June 6th., the Shrine Flag was flown in St. John’s at the Confederation Building, as well as in Burin and Happy Valley Goose Bay.
Here are a few pictures from these locations:

Lake Melville Shrine Club
Happy Valley Goose Bay
Shrine Awareness Day !

Shriners International Day June 6th 2021

The Honourable John Haggie
Minister of Health and Community Services
Shriners Awareness Day
June 6th,2021
Did you know you can request a matching gift from your employer? That means you can make a donation today and your employer may match that amount with a donation of their own, doubling the impact of your generosity. To see if your gift is eligible for an employer match visit
I thought I share ! lol

From The Mazol Connection Editorial Team

This is the second edition of The Mazol Connection. Many thanks to all those who have contributed, and continue to so, with their articles and photographs. The Connection is an invaluable communication tool which is dedicated to spreading the good word on Shrine events and activities, throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. I cannot overemphasize the opportunity presented by the Connection for our Clubs to promote their respective Regional happenings. Thank-you to the Clubs who have shared their latest news with us. Over time I would urge the Executives from all Clubs, if you have not already done so, to identify a Noble to be responsible for inputting material to the Connection. After all, we never have enough new pictures of Shriners having fun. As we now start to see some light at the end of the Covid Tunnel, there will undoubtedly be newsworthy events and activities that will be worth sharing with your fellow Nobles throughout the Province.

This issue of The Mazol Connection is our Summer Ceremonial edition. Please note the scheduled events and consider attending. After being restricted in our level of activities for so long, the opportunity is now here to join Illustrious Sir Gerry Budden, Lady Christine, and your fellow Nobles and Ladies at this much anticipated annual Mazol weekend. We look forward to seeing you in St. John’s on July 24th.

The Lewisporte Shrine Club

Appropriate signage on the MSC has been the subject of much discussion over the years. As of mid July the old signage has now been replaced with identification that better reflects the present structure of the Temple and it’s member Clubs.
Northeast Shrine Association's Fall Field Days October 1-3
Mark your calendars for the Northeast Shrine Association’s Fall Field Days, scheduled for October 1-3 in Gananoque, Ontario. (, hosted by Tunis Shriners. Further details will follow under separate email once accommodation options and event schedules are finalized. Stay tuned!

The Town of Gananoque is located quite conveniently on the Highway 401 corridor and centrally located between urban centres such as Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and Syracuse, New York. It’s merely minutes away from the US border.
We have 1000 reasons why you should come for a visit.