McClain Launches Second Commercial -
Getting America Back to Work
Conservative Outsider Lisa McClain has released a second commercial, as she introduces herself to the voters of Michigan’s 10th District. This commercial is running, along with another commercial she released last Monday morning, April 27th.

This second message stresses the importance of Capitalism and getting America back to work. As the businessperson in the race, who has signed the front of checks, as well as the back, Lisa understands how our economy works, and how vital it is to every sector of society. 

Lisa will rely on her real-life experience to take a tough stand for our citizens and always fight to bring more global jobs to America. 

Watch for the spot on your TV around the 10th District, check it out below, share it with friends, and let us know what you think!  

Helpful Resources
For helpful resources and links, visit our COVID-19 Resources Page.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month
More than 40 million people in the U.S. are living with a mental health condition. We need to erase the stigma and embrace the person.

During this time, I encourage you to reach out to friends and family living with mental illness to offer love, hope and positive words or encouragement.

We need to let them know: #YouAreNotAlone

Mental Health Resources Available in Michigan, Click here
PO Box 380890
Clinton Township, MI 48038