December 16, 2024

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Weekend Full Closure of McKinley Street COMPLETE

Bridge Traffic Now Open

We are pleased to announce that traffic on the newly constructed McKinley Street Bridge is NOW OPEN for travel in both northbound and southbound directions.


Please keep in mind that construction for the project is still in progress as crews make efforts to build retaining wall structures and the future loop road connecting McKinley Street to Sampson Avenue.

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Project Overview

The McKinley Street Grade Separation Project is set to change the way you travel through McKinley Street.

City of Corona residents and commuters experience significant traffic congestion daily on McKinley Street. To improve this, a suspension bridge will be built elevating McKinley Street over the BNSF railroad tracks and Arlington Channel. Construction will extend from State Route 91 on the north side to Magnolia Avenue on the south side.

Once complete, the project will relieve traffic congestion, improve mobility and safety for both motorists and pedestrians, as well as improve emergency response times, air quality and noise. Expected project completion is early 2025.

Neighboring Projects

71/91 Interchange Project: Westbound 91 will be fully closed nightly, Monday – Wednesday, between the 71 and Green River Rd. in Corona starting Monday, December 2-18, and again on January 6-22, 2025. Express Lanes and ramps along westbound 91 will also be fully closed nightly.