July 5, 2022
EVS Housekeeper Carrie Morris Selected as McLaren Flint's June Outstanding Employee of the Month
McLaren Flint is pleased to announce June’s Outstanding Employee of the month, Carrie Morris, Environmental Services Housekeeper. Morris was presented the honor by hospital leadership on June 20, 2022. To read more about Carrie's nomination click here.
McLaren Flint’s Employee of the Month Carrie Morris (center butterfly top), is surrounded by staff and leadership from 8 South, as well as Adam Johnsen, manager of Environmental Services (second from right) and Chris Candela, president and CEO of McLaren Flint (far right).
Breakdown of Positions Filled the Week of June 27
3 RNs, 2 Nurse Assistants, 1 Recruiter, 1 Quality Improvement Specialist RN, 1 Physician Assistant Specialist, 1 Medical Technologist, and 1 Nurse Intern

Recruit for Loot Incentives Continue
The opportunity to receive between $5,000 and $10,000 for referring a candidate who is hired in an eligible position continues. Once the candidate is hired, you will receive the bonus on their six-month anniversary and on their one-year anniversary at McLaren Flint. Learn more about the program by clicking here. Find a comprehensive list of eligible positions here. Find the list of positions with extra incentives here

Active Shooter/Stop the Bleed Training
For the schedule and how to sign up for Active Shooter/Stop the Bleed training, please click here.

New Dates Added for Implicit Bias Training
This training is for all licensed clinicians who must meet LARA licensing requirements.
For the upcoming schedule and more information, please click here. To sign up for Implicit Bias Training courses, please visit McLaren University.

 McLaren is Proud to be the Presenting Sponsor Again at the Ally Challenge PGA Champions Tournament
All rounds take place August 22 through 28 at Warwick Hills Golf and Country Club in Grand Blanc, Michigan. Employees can claim two grounds tickets for free! Click here for more information and to claim your tickets.

Discounted Detroit Tigers Tickets Available for McLaren Employees
To access tickets, please use the link and promotional code as listed below.
Promo Codes – McLaren
*code is NOT case sensitive

Free Stroke Screenings Offered Monthly
The Flint Stroke Coalition, led by McLaren Flint in partnership with all Genesee County hospitals and the Genesee County Free Medical Clinic are offering free stroke screenings. Details can be found here.

McLaren offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) with confidential 24/7 on-going counseling services for you and your dependents. They are also offering upcoming webinars including topics on "Balancing Work and Life" and "Mindfulness-Being Present in your Work and Life." Click here for more information or to register.

How Well Do You Feel Today? Balance vs. Burnout
For resources and strategies to help with your overall well-being, click here.

Understand the Benefits of Your Retirement Plan
For retirement planning sessions visit or you can sign up for a virtual individual session with a retirement education specialist here.
July Dedicated Parking Spot Winner
The Forward Together Committee congratulates Samuel VanDorne, Supply Chain Clerk, as the July dedicated parking spot winner. Samuel will have access to this special parking spot located in the visitor ramp.

On the Hunt for Summer Fun!
For the next 12 weeks, two-person teams will be given clues leading them on a scavenger hunt across the McLaren Flint campus. Hundreds of dollars' worth of prizes will be awarded, and a chance at an awesome grand prize! For more information and to participate, see the Forward Together intranet page, or view the rules here.

"Moving Together" Reminder
The McLaren Flint Cardiac Rehab Gym is once again being made available to employees. Those interested must fill out an application form and turn it into the dropbox located outside of the Human Resources department before badge access can be given. The hours of operation for employee use are Monday through Sunday 5 p.m. -2 a.m. The application form is available here.

Internal Medicine Resident Recognized for LDCT Screening Research
Dr. Maxwell Akanbi was recognized at the 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting for his research on low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) for lung cancer screening and its impact on leading to a significant decrease in advanced lung cancer in the United States.

Auxiliary Volunteer Happenings
The Special Things gift shop is open weekly Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from
11 a.m.- 2 p.m.

The gift shop mobile cart is back and will be making its way around patient care units on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Vendor Sales
Grateful Hearts Sterling Silver Jewelry Sale-July 11 and 12 from 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. in Dining Room 1. The public is also welcome. Payroll deduction, cash, debit cards, and credit cards are all accepted.

Linen Sale July 19 from 7 a.m.-4 p.m. in Dining Room 1. You can purchase bedsheets, hooded throws, cool gel pillows, and more!

A Little Change Makes a Big Difference Campaign
How you can join to “Make a Big Difference!”
Please consider donating $1.00 or more through payroll deduction or make a one-time gift through your preferred donation method. 100% of your gift is applied directly to the campaign and to the fund you choose to support. This year the campaign will support the Cancer Patient Care Fund, Patient Care Fund, Hospitality House at McLaren, Wheels to Wellness and the Scholarship Fund for the Dependents of McLaren Flint Employees. These funds are accessed for our patients through the McLaren Flint Foundation and the McLaren Flint Case Management Team at the request of staff members who identify a patient need. You can click here to fill out the pledge form on-line to have your donation taken out weekly via payroll deduction

Scholarship for Dependents of McLaren Flint Employees
The “A Little Change” Scholarship application for dependents of McLaren Flint employees can be found here. The deadline for submission of the application is July 8. The incentive drawing and scholarship drawing will take place at 12 p.m. on July 19, 2022 in the ground floor cafeteria.

Words of Appreciation
Cath Lab- “My primary nurses were Denise, Jessica and Tom. My aides were Rosie and Andrea and all were excellent in their care and concern for my comfort. I have had multiple procedures done at McLaren and have always received the best of care and attention.”

12S- “Robert in housekeeping was wonderful and thorough. Everyone was very friendly and attentive. Marcia was excellent and other fantastic RN's were Teresa, Taylor, Casey, Jess and Leah.”

8S- “I have quite a few health issues and frequent hospital visits. I would never go to any other hospital except McLaren.  I lived in Mt. Pleasant and always used McLaren for health care there as well. Thank you.”

9S- “My care was taken seriously and I had competent staff addressing my needs. I was taken care of by very great people.”
In July We Recognize:
  • Sarcoma Awareness Month 
  • UV Safety Month
  • Healthy Vision Month
  • National Disability Independence Day-July 26
For submissions to the McLaren Minute, email

This email is sent to all McLaren Flint employees using a list provided by the Human Resources Department. If you would like to add or update your email address, please visit MyMcLaren.