May 20, 2020
Mr. Dave Mueller
Principal's Corner

McNicholas is uniquely positioned to provide the best available high school experience in the area during 2020-21. Our spacious campus and close-knit community give us distinctive advantages.
We have the HUGE advantage of enough classroom space to accommodate all students with six feet of social distancing. ALL ROCKETS can attend scheduled classes on campus for the whole day every class day even when social distancing is required. No staggered days. No partial days.
We are committed to FLEXIBILITY in response to family needs. Because presence on campus is so important to the McNick experience, we prioritize students and teachers being together in classrooms, eye to eye. Yet we expect that some families will need to opt against on-campus attendance because of health concerns. With parent authorization, students will be able to participate in on-campus classes from home via their tablets. If the state requires school buildings to close for a time, we will shift nimbly to remote learning as
Photo credit-Creative Commons
needed. The emblem for the McNick experience in 2020-21 is the CONVERTIBLE, a green machine that provides the same sweet ride whether it's sunny or rainy. The top goes up and down seamlessly.
We are focusing on HEALTH AND SAFETY practices to protect students, staff, and faculty. These include
  • Sanitizing classroom surfaces between classes
  • Following guidance from health authorities
  • Designating one-way corridors and stairways to enhance social distancing
  • Using a block schedule so that students move into no more than four class groups per day, with four classes meeting one day and the other three the next
We know that CARE FOR STUDENTS is more important than ever before. Every student will belong to a HOME FOR THE McNICK EXPERIENCE in a teacher-led small group that will meet frequently. Students will pray together, fire up school spirit, and grow in skills such as goal-setting, leadership, and self-care. Teacher leaders will be alert for students who need academic or emotional support.
When seniors were invited to say what they will miss most about McNicholas, almost all pointed to McNick friends and teachers. The McNick community is our strength and identity, and together we have become stronger in this new reality. Strategic planning begun a year ago has positioned us to see amid the current turmoil opportunity to lead educational enhancements. McNick educators have ten years of experience in using tablets to supplement in-person teaching. For two years we have developed ways to ensure that students learn the most essential skills and content. This summer we will strengthen skills for effective instruction in our new reality.
We look forward to the return of in-person classes with a renewed appreciation for our school community that empowers every student to
  • develop unique talents through active participation.
  • have access to a depth and breadth of opportunities.
  • be part of a close-knit, faith-based community.
By staying true to our roots, building on our strengths, and accelerating plans for educational adaptation, McNicholas is uniquely positioned to create exciting new opportunities for our students while ensuring the highest regard for safety. Please stay tuned for updates about planning for 2020-21 and visit the McNick website's  Moving Forward page for the latest.
NOTE: If the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your family's finances and makes you wonder whether you can continue at McNick, please contact Roberta Veleta, Director of Finance at [email protected] . Keeping the lines of communication open is the best way to navigate these challenges and concerns.

News and reminders

Important dates through June 2


Class Day
Class Day
Seniors assigned to Assistance Days notified today
Class Day
(Last class day for seniors)
Memorial Day holiday
Class Day for Fr, So, Jr
Assistance Day for assigned seniors
Class Day for Fr, So, Jr
--Assistance Day for assigned seniors
--Fr, So, Jr assigned to Assistance Days notified today
7 p.m. Baccalaureate Mass broadcasted
Last Class Day for Fr, So, Jr
Assistance Day for assigned seniors
Class of 2020 individual graduations
Assistance Day for assigned Fr, So, Jr
Class of 2020 individual graduations
Graduations also on Sat.,May 30 and Sun., May 31
June 1
Assistance Day for assigned Fr, So, Jr
Assistance Day for assigned Fr, So, Jr

Office hours
Please click here  for the schedule.

Celebrating and thanking this year's retiring faculty and staff 

At the end of this school year, seven members of the faculty and staff will retire. We recognize them for their incredible years of service and wish them well as they move on to the next chapter of their lives.

Beth Custer
5 years at McNicholas
"My favorite event was Freshman Registration Night.  It is such a celebration, and the culmination of months of shadow days and all the other recruitment efforts.  It's great to meet the incoming freshmen as a group and share in their excitement about becoming Rockets!  I will miss the students, staff, and teachers, but I look forward to tackling projects around the house and travelling!"

Judy Enda
8 years at McNicholas
 "I will miss all the faculty and staff I meet in the halls and our luncheons. Their friendly smiles and caring ways have made a family to me while I have been at McNick.  I have enjoyed working with everyone.  I will miss McNick, but my retirement plans are to travel, camp and enjoy my grandkids.  My prayer and hope is that they will find a way to control this coronavirus."

Katherine Hayes
5 years at McNicholas
"My time at McNick has been relatively short in comparison to many other staff members.  I moved here five years ago to teach two AP classes, Euro and US History.  After having taught in two public schools and two Catholic schools in two different states, spanning more than 25 years in education, I came to McNicholas High school. As I settled into living here, I quickly developed a sense of pride when answering the inevitable question, "where do you teach?"
In a short period of time, I was impressed with the climate of kindness and cohesiveness among the students here that spanned grade levels and "clicks"; there was a comradery of spirit, and a joy in community.  Each year I came to feel, there was an opportunity to make new young friends among my students.  Intelligent, talented and committed to living a Christian life are the characteristics I find in McNick's student body that has been most inspiring.  I'm honored to have been a part of their journey.  I'll miss them immensely."
Rob Heise
30 years at McNicholas
"It's been a great run for me and my family.  I met (wife) Cheryl here, and my daughters Rebecca and Emma both had great careers at McNick.  I began here as a coach in 1988. Winning the 2001 state title in basketball and numerous league and district titles in three different sports provided many great memories.  Watching Emma score two goals to win the state soccer title in 2014 was awesome.  Seeing the stadium become a reality so our students could play on campus and the opportunity to work with a lot of amazing people have made the years here very rewarding.  

I've been very fortunate.  I'd like to thank all of the athletes that I had the opportunity to work with, the many volunteers that make all of this possible, and my fellow staff members that work hard each day to make McNick a special place.  Cheryl and I look forward to what is next for us."
Frank Lowden
19 years at McNicholas
"My greatest McNick moments start with a call from then-principal Tom Bill to teach at McNick. But the greatest moments were everyday as students begin to arrive in the morning. That's the thing I'll miss the most ... The reason I taught. I wanted to make learning, learning and to do that I had to make it fun, for what we learn in fun we never forget. McNick allowed me the space to be silly in one moment and serious the next, keeping students off balance and interested. Click here for a message to the students from Mr. Lowden
I plan to take time for my hobbies and interests-trap and target shooting, playing music (pipe and guitar), moto and bicycling across the country, SCUBA diving Micronesia (Jakarta), writing memoirs, building a log cabin on family land in Nova Scotia and on and on." 
Kathy Tyler
23 years at McNicholas
"Twenty-three years of teaching Math at McNick has flown by! That's entirely due to the wonderful students and coworkers I had the privilege to work with each day. I also got to coach tennis and bowling for many years. I sent both of my daughters through McNick and I'm proud to have started McNick's chapter of the National Mathematics Honors Society in 2004.
I'm going to continue teaching summer school for Turpin and Anderson, running my tutoring business, and playing tennis, but I want to start my fourth career. I just don't know what that is yet!   I wish the best for McNick and all it's fabulous kids. Once a Rocket, always a Rocket. Thanks for the memories."
Mike Woodruff
28 years at McNicholas
"I hope I left McNick a better place than I found it. I think I did. There has been many memorable things, but I will always cherish the way we looked out for each other."  

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Archbishop McNicholas High School | s[email protected] | 513.231.3500 |