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December 2022

Principal's Note

Dear Families, 


We are thankful for the continued opportunity to serve you and your students. It is a privilege to see students making gains and progressing throughout their educational journey. We hope that the time away from school during the Thanksgiving break afforded you and your family the opportunity to make memories, relax and enjoy a change of pace. 


As we head into the holiday break, please keep in mind that long periods of time away from school and changes to routine can cause some confusion. Here are some ways we can partner together to help students understand the breaks from school.

  • Talk to students about the changes and be proactive in providing visual support (using pictures or the calendar) so students can see, and understand, how long the break from school will be. 
  • If you are going to be traveling or visiting new places, be sure to discuss plans ahead of time to reduce anxiety around routine and schedule changes. 
  • Give students extra time to process changes. For example, give students time to prepare for a family gathering or event as you would give them time to prepare for school each day.
  • Use positive feedback and show understanding for how challenging it can be for your student to adapt to the changes. For example, if you typically go grocery shopping while they are at school, but now you have to take them grocery shopping since there is no school, praise this adjustment and their willingness to be flexible. 
  • As much as possible, talk with other family members and individuals that might not always see your student, share ways to engage with your child and possible ways they can help remain calm as changes are occurring. 
  • Continue your own routines and self care as much as possible so you can remain calm and work along with your child. 
  • Best tip… stay positive and flexible! Remember, life happens and at the end of the day, it is always good to be able to laugh at situations and make memories with those that mean the most to you. 

Happy Holidays! 

Sarah Parker, PhD


Meadowview School 

Classroom Spotlight: Mrs. Lyon’s MOCI Transition Classroom 

This year our transition students have been working hard on life skills to help them be more independent for the future. Some of the skills that we discuss and work on are how to count money, cook, use certain tools in the kitchen, travel out in the community, and work together at Creative Pulp. 


Creative Pulp is an onsite job site where the students work together to make paper! The students start out with pulp at one end of the line and end up with multiple sheets of paper. The students work together to complete this job. Some of the jobs consist of dipping the paper, rolling out the water from the paper, vacuuming the water out, and hanging the paper. It is such an amazing process to watch and the students are so proud of what they accomplished.


“I like it when we work together,” said one of Lyon’s students.


 On Tuesdays, Lyon’s students cook!


“Cooking is fun and it's a good thing to learn about,” said one of Lyon’s students.


Students learn how to cook meals including PB&J, microwave a hot dog, use the toaster, and more. Some of the meals that the students have cooked so far include breakfast burritos, a Thanksgiving meal, bagel pizzas, grilled cheese, and scrambled eggs. The students are always so proud of the meals they cooked once they are finished. 


A couple of times a week, Mrs. Lyon’s students go out in the community and have Visited Meijer, the library, Alive Center, Applebee’s, Eaton Place, and many parks around town.


“I like going to Meijer and the library because I like to buy stuff and check out books.” says one of Lyon’s students.


The students get hands-on experience when out in the community on how to check out items at the checkout, order their own food at restaurants, and interact with workers at the stores. We are so excited to go Christmas shopping later this month! 

Spread Joy- Not Germs!

As we enter the holiday season, be sure to review the Safe Holiday Gathering Guidance from the Berry Eaton District Health Department. Stay safe and healthy!

Onsite Classroom Spotlight: Mrs. Jansen’s Secondary SCI Classroom

In December, the class is learning about traditions through the Unique Learning System Curriculum. The class will be reading about how some families celebrate different holidays like Chinese New Year, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year's Eve as well as traditions for each holiday. In addition, the class will read about families who may not celebrate winter holidays, but might have other traditions.

During music math activities the class will be listening to music that coordinates with the Core Vocabulary Words which include “favorite”, “hear”, and “tradition”. 

One of Mrs. Jansen’s favorite new songs is about a fun tradition- wearing "Stretchy Pants"

We are also looking forward to starting gym class with our new APE teacher next week. 

Eaton RESA Parent Advisory Committee

The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is a group of parents, representing each local district, that works to positively impact the education of children with special needs. Their mission is to provide a regular forum for the exchange of ideas and information to support parents and school administrators. Check out the PAC website for more information and meeting dates and times. 

The next PAC meeting is Tuesday, Dec. 20 at 6 p.m. via Google Meet. Or join by phone: +1 803-638-8098 PIN: ‪255 367 783#

Universal Core Vocabulary

November Core Vocabulary

body, dress, full, guess, hi, live, maybe, one, ride, tired, very, walk

December Core Vocabulary

ask, favorite, goodbye, hear, of, please, silly, surprise, these, use, way, work

To learn more about how your child is using Eaton RESA Universal Core Vocabulary contact your child's teacher.

Pest Management Information

Eaton RESA has adopted an Integrated Pest Management program which may, at times, include use of pesticide. Please review the Annual Notification of Pesticide Maintenance.

Keep Moving- Even in the Winter!

Keep active this holiday season with some of these winter activity suggestions from Mrs. Hill’s PE class. You can check the PE Google Classroom for more activities throughout the year.

District Newsletters

Upcoming Important Dates

December 14:

  • SCI, EI, Eaton Rapids HS, Union Street, and Storefront programs- half day for students, afternoon professional development for staff

December 19-30:

  • All Meadowview Main Campus and Off Site programs- no school

January 2:

  • Eaton Rapids HS, Union Street, and Storefront programs- no school 

January 4:

  • Meadowview Main Campus (EI and SCI programs)- half day for students, afternoon collaboration for staff

January 13:

  • Meadowview Main Campus (EI and SCI programs)- no school 

January 16:

  • All Meadowview Main Campus and Off Site Programs- no school for students, professional development for staff

January 19:

  • Eaton Rapids HS and Union Street programs- half day for students, afternoon collaboration for staff
  • Potterville programs- half day for students, afternoon professional development for staff 

January 20:

  • EI, Eaton Rapids HS and Union Street programs- half day for students, afternoon collaboration for staff
  • Potterville programs- half day for students, afternoon professional development for staff

2022-2023 School Year Calendars

Meadowview Packard Campus EI Program

Meadowview Packard Campus SCI Program

Meadowview Off Site Potterville Elementary/Middle Program

Meadowview Off Site Eaton Rapids High School and Union Street

Meadowview Off Site Post Secondary Transition Program-Charlotte Store