Dear Families,
It is hard to believe that October has come to an end; we had a very busy month in our classrooms! Students enjoyed observing the weather changes, learning about various ways to be safe in the community and many participated in Special Olympics bowling. Several of our transition classrooms have been enjoying riding E-Tran and getting out in the community. Overall, students seem to be settling into their classroom routines and schedules.
To end out the month, and in honor of the University of Michigan (UM) vs. Michigan State University (MSU) football game, we had spirit week. The students participated in crazy hair day, crazy sock day, hat day, and UM or MSU day. I do believe, from walking around to the classrooms, MSU was the favorite. It was fun to see so many students and staff across the classrooms participating in the festivities and enjoying being a little silly at times.
Keep an eye out for progress reports which will come home as we have ended the first quarter of the school year. School pictures were taken on October 25, and retake day will be November 16. Please contact the office if your child missed picture day. If you have any questions at any time please do not hesitate to reach out. We are happy to partner with you and your family in your student’s education.
Thank you!
Sarah Parker, PhD
Meadowview School