As we approach the latter part of the year, it is important that you review your quality score for the measures you are reporting. The Registry Clearinghouse dashboard gives you a list of the patients you may have missed on some of the quality measures. As many measures are once per year, there is still time to convert encounters that will count against you when scoring MIPS to measures that will count for you. This will enable you to earn the highest possible quality score for MIPS.

Measure 487: Screening for Social Drivers of Health

Welcome back to the Weekly MIPS Webinar Series. 2024 MIPS Series are on Mondays at 8 PM Eastern.

Tonight's webinar is on Measure 487: Screening for Social Drivers of Health. Social Drivers of Health is a hot topic these days and these factors can have a significant impact on your outcomes. Understanding each patient and their situation is vital for quality care. Join Registry Clearinghouse to learn about this measure and the documentation requirements.

Please invite your friends and collogues to this webinar by sharing this email. They will thank you for the information.

Click to Register

September 9 - Measure 238: Use of High-Risk Medications in Older Adults

2024 MIPS Webinar Series will conclude on September 9

Check Your Data Regularly

Every month upload your data to your Registry Clearinghouse account and login to check your score.

Start uploading your data NOW. It is very difficult to fix a reporting issue at the end of the year. Many measures are once per reporting period and working with Registry Clearinghouse early is in your BEST INTEREST to optimize your quality score.

Visit today

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*Early pricing ends September 1, 2024

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