News Release
For Immediate Release

Media Advisory:

Community Youth Kickoff "Keep Idaho Youth Alcohol-Free" Sticker Shock Campaign

What: Frank Church High School Youth Kick Off Alcohol Awareness Campaign 

When: Wednesday, November 15, 2023, between 10:25 a.m. and 1:45 p.m.

Where: Frank Church High School Library, 3608 S Milwaukee Ln, Boise, ID 83709

Description: Youth from Frank Church High School will join friends, family, and community leaders to kick-off a youth-led alcohol awareness initiative. They will stick 20,000 stickers on bags that customers use to carry their purchases from local liquor stores. The stickers will stand out on the store bags and provide a strong reminder: “Ensure Brighter Futures: Never Provide Alcohol to Minors.” 

This public awareness campaign will take place in liquor stores statewide beginning on November 26th. The campaign is sponsored by The Office of Drug Policy, the Idaho Liquor Division, and students at Frank Church High School. 

Students hope that this campaign sends a strong message about the negative effects our youth experience regarding alcohol and underage drinking. Frank Church students spoke up during a recent student-driven conversation:

Kenyin Anderson said, “Alcohol destroys you. It ruins friendships and it can ruin your family and significant other relationships. I have family members who have destroyed their marriage and sibling relationships, too.”

Basil Davis said, “It ruins relationships between parents and if children are older, they can hate you, and if they are younger, they can fear you. Mental problems, therapy, and trauma may cause your children to become alcoholics as well.” 

Jason Herrin said, “It can stunt your growth. It can negatively impact the relationship between a parent and a child because you don’t get the true, sober interactions. It isn’t the same when it’s a slurred, half conversation.” 

Austin Griffith said, “Alcohol makes you make terrible decisions, can affect your brain and kill brain cells and damage your liver.” 

"I have had students, who are now proudly sober, tell me that they were first given alcohol as a young child by an adult they trusted. I believe some adults do not realize the impact drinking young has on a child’s brain, behaviors, and possible future addictions," said Tara Haley, AVID teacher, Frank Church High School. "Adults also can face legal ramifications. I’m proud of my students for helping spread this important message."

For additional information, please contact: Tara Haley at

News Media Contact: 
Dan Hollar 
Public Affairs Administrator 
Boise School District 
Boise School District | 8169 W. Victory Rd., Boise, Idaho | 208-854-4000 | Fax 208-854-4003| |
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