Event will help builds skills for students, provide health researchers with ideas

WINDSOR, ON, June 26, 2020 - WE-SPARK Health Institute is hosting a virtual brainstorming event, Creating Meaningful Research Experiences for Students to connect health researchers with students to share ideas on how to provide students with meaningful research experiences during a pandemic.

“Although it seems the doors at St. Clair College and the University of Windsor are closed, there are many research activities and opportunities for students to use their expertise, build skills and make connections with physicians and scientists” said Lisa Porter, executive director. “This event is also a great opportunity to help teachers generate ideas on how they could help their students learn in a virtual way.”

Organizers from WE-SPARK will open the discussion by providing some ideas, and four students will begin the brainstorming by sharing how they have been staying involved in research during the pandemic:

  • Isabelle Hinch of the University of Windsor Faculty of Science will demonstrate how students can work together virtually to develop lab skills training modules.
  • Ryan Palazzolo of the UWindsor Faculty of Science will showcase how to take an in-person community outreach activity and adapt it into an interactive virtual tool.
  • Justin Senecal of the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry - Windsor Campus will share his experience leading a project looking at Barriers to Translational Research in Windsor.
  • Tejas Deepak Shinde of St. Clair College Data Analytics will demonstrate the methods and techniques he used to develop an analytical dashboard.

The WE-SPARK Connections Brainstorming Event will run 1 to 2 pm Tuesday, June 30 and is open to anyone interested in providing meaningful research for students including teachers, professors, youth, clinicians, scientists and the community. Media welcome.  Click here to register.

Media Contact:

Cathy Mombourquette
WE-SPARK Health Institute
About WE-SPARK Health Institute
WE-SPARK Health Institute is a new strategic partnership that unites health research excellence across Windsor-Essex. A collaboration between the University of Windsor, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, St. Clair College and Windsor Regional Hospital, its mission is to enhance the health, well-being and care of people through transformative research and knowledge translation.