Media Resource Center Newsletter
November 2020
Media Resource Center now partially open
The Media Resource Center began lending and accepting back overdue resources on Aug. 1. Please send back any items that you currently have as soon as possible. If you need to readjust return dates, please contact Karen Campolieto, Media Resource Coordinator and Archives Assistant. The Media Center will not be available for personal pick-up, but you can mail materials until further notice as our offices are closed to the public.
End of year Give Love initiative begins November 1
A new campaign initiative – Give Love, Joy, Hope, Peace—invites United Methodists to join in giving love, joy, hope, and peace through an end of year campaign to support mission and disaster response.

Between November 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020, the campaign will showcase stories of transformational work and how financial gifts through The Advance (the United Methodist program for voluntary, second-mile giving) have had a positive impact on people’s lives.

Church leaders and laity can visit to access resources to share with their congregations how they can support God’s mission through the work of Global Ministries. Click here to read more.
Ways to share gratitude at Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day elicits a bounty of wonderful memories for many people in the U.S. The crisp air. The smell of a turkey roasting and a pumpkin pie baking. The sound of a cheering crowd at a football game. All these can create warm feelings during this special time of year.

While the Thanksgiving holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the U.S., thanking God for our blessings is a spiritual discipline that should not be limited to a single day. Along with expanding our waistlines, our preparation for and celebration of the holiday can be the impetus toward growing an attitude of gratitude that will carry over into the rest of the year. In his commentary on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, John Wesley writes, “Thanksgiving is inseparable from true prayer; it is almost essentially connected with it.” Giving thanks is as essential to our spiritual growth as prayer, which 1 Thessalonians calls us to do continually.

Click here for creative ideas will help us get started this Thanksgiving. 

10 Ideas for Your 2020 Annual Campaign

In a more “normal" time, congregational planning would be underway for the annual campaign. Though it may look different this year, a strong campaign can still be planned. Here are some ideas to spark your imagination. Click here for ideas.
New Resources
Saving Grace: A Guide to Financial Well-Being with Tom Berlin - Money Management from a Wesleyan Perspective. Money…is it good or is it bad? How do we, as people of faith, create healthy relationships with money and possessions? Saving Grace: A Guide to Financial Well-Being, adapted from the best-selling Freed-up Financial Living curriculum from Good Sense, provides the text and tools you need to address the topics of saving, earning, giving, spending, and debt, along with helpful strategies for achieving a sustainable financial life. This six-part study is based on Wesleyan values and helps you reach personal financial goals as well as address life concerns.

Additional components include a Leader Guide containing session plans, outlines, discussion questions; a Clergy Workbook addressing financial issues unique to pastors; a DVD containing six sessions for the participant study, three sessions to complement the Clergy Workbook, plus interviews with financial experts; and a 40-day devotional.

Click here to preview. Go to our  Online Catalog  to order Saving Grace: A Guide to Financial Well-Being K376=,  then choose the component(s) you wish to borrow to add to your shopping cart.
If you have any suggestions for our format of the Media Resource Center newsletter or have ideas that we may include in the future, I'd love to hear from you. Just drop me a line at [email protected].
Upper New York Conference | 315-898-2027 | [email protected] |