Medicaid Income / Asset limits have changed for 2017. 
How does this change impact people who need Medicaid or people already on Medicaid?
New Medicaid Income & Asset Limits for 2017
Happy 2017! We hope that you have had a great start to the new year. 

With a new year brings a new SSI-Related Financial Eligibility Standards, the chart that defines the income and asset limits for various Medicaid programs.
This year, there was an adjustment to the Medicaid income and asset limits.

While the adjustment was slight, this could potentially impact individuals who already have a Pooled Special Needs Trust, as well as individuals who need to apply for Medicaid, or those who need to retain existing Medicaid benefits.

Should you have any questions, please  contact us.

Make it a good year!

What is QMB?

What is the Medicaid Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program? 

How can QMB reduce medication costs to $0 - $10 per medication? How does it help with other healthcare costs? How can you qualify when you are over the income and / or asset limit?
Upcoming Events

Critical Incident Management

What you need to know to better prepare for critical incidents. Presenters include: Barbara Coensen, Zach Hudson, and Tazeen Zaidi, MD.

Free Event! 
Thursday January 26, 2017
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
One Senior Place, Altamonte Springs
Upcoming Events - Save the Date

Navigating the Medicaid Maze: An Introduction to Benefits

AGED will be putting on a free training to help you learn the basics of Medicaid, when to apply for benefits, and how to obtain benefits when someone is over the financial limits. 

This training is great for Guardians, Case Managers, Social Workers, or any other professionals working with seniors and the disabled.  

We are working out the details now, and will send out information in a separate email. 

Save the Date
Wednesday March 1, 2017 from 2 pm - 4pm
One Senior Place, Altamonte Springs

Stay tuned for details!
Florida Adaptive Sports

Have you heard about AGED's project, Florida Adaptive Sports? It's an initiative aimed at connecting disabled Floridians to adaptive sports opportunities, as well as providing support and resources to disabled athletes and adaptive sports organizations.

For more information visit

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AGED, Inc. | 888-277-1826 | |