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Medicaid Expansion Work Recognized with Lawyer of the Year Award

Missouri Lawyers Media has honored Joel Ferber, Legal Services’ Director of Advocacy, Chuck Hatfield, a Partner at Stinson LLP and Lowell Pearson, Jefferson City Office Managing Partner at Husch Blackwell LLP, with the 2022 “Lawyer of the Year” award for their joint work on 

Doyle v. Tidball which resulted in a unanimous Missouri Supreme Court ruling to expand Medicaid coverage statewide. 


"This case recognizes a partnership between two Missouri firms and Legal Aid to uphold the constitutional right to health care through Medicaid," stated Ferber.

Chuck Hatfield noted that, "This was an important victory because it enforced the will of the voters, and that's how government is supposed to work." 


"The ruling ensures that approximately 275,000 Missourians now have access to medically necessary and life-saving services and medication through the Medicaid program,” Ferber commented. He noted that, “It also will bring substantial federal funds to Missouri that will benefit our health care system and the economy.”


“We are proud to have partnered with two of the state's largest law firms to achieve this important victory ensuring access to healthcare for so many in need," stated Dan Glazier, Executive Director & General Counsel of Legal Services of Eastern Missouri. 

"This demonstrates the importance of meaningful advocacy to make a difference in people's lives. Joel, Chuck and Lowell's work on this case exemplifies high impact advocacy," Glazier added.

The 2022 Missouri Lawyers Awards will be presented at a luncheon on Thursday, January 27th.

Click here for awardee details, and how to join this event.

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