Changes to the Service Portal
The Goals and Objectives box is getting an upgrade!


During the summer the logging wizard in the Service Portal was upgraded with new Goals and Objectives options.  SWMSS got a lot of feedback about this change, and asked CompuClaim to fix the box to make it more user-friendly.  This upgrade to the upgrade is ready to implement, and providers will soon see the change when they use the service log wizard.  Please notify the SWMSS office if you have feedback about this change.

If you would like to look at the description of this change and see instructions on how to use it effectively, please click on this link.
Why all the paper?
Compliance matters

We keep track of a lot of paper around here to ensure that we remain in compliance with rules and regulations.  One important document we use is the parent Consent To Bill Form.  Parents have to authorize us to bill Medicaid for services that are put in the service portal.  SWMSS keeps copies of these forms.  They only need to be signed once per student as long as they are in a district.  We suggest getting these formed signed at an IEP meeting.  Make sure the parent selects the box " I give permission"

Did you know there is an annual notice that goes with this form?  Districts are required to provide a copy of this notice annually to parents that have signed the consent form.  SWMSS likes to get copies of the annual notice too.  It is all about compliance.

You are awesome at what you do
Make sure to log your services. 

To add Personal Care Services in the Service Portal, use the Nursing Wizard to make logging easy. 
  1. In the wizard you will first enter the hours and minutes recorded on the Personal Care Logging Sheet. 
  2. Next you will check the services covered as directed by the IEP and Child Profile Form. 
  3. Third you will check the days that match the duration amount as listed in the first step. 
  4. The fourth step is to log the checked days to save your logs.

Medicaid Billing   


Completed logs will show below the calendar along with the ability to delete any errors.  Providers can then change the duration and enter additional logs. How easy is that?    

Make sure to keep the signed Personal Care Logging Sheet.  If there is an audit, these sheets are required to verify the services.

Thank you for Logging Your Services
Our manuals make the process easier

If you are new to logging services or want to see the manual, please choose from the following:

If you need to log services for a student that isn't in the system, please fill out the Student Information Sheet and fax it to the SWMSS office.  Students must have an active IEP before they can be added to the Service Portal.

Make sure to bookmark  The Client ID is SWMSS.