To Adult Care Home and Family Care Home Providers,
Below are Medicaid Updates and the most recent information regarding COVID-19.
Proposed Changes to Medicaid PCS Policies
After much time spent by NCSLA and other stakeholders working with NC Medicaid on the Clinical Coverage Policy for Personal Care Services (PCS), this week the agency released for public comment the revised Policy 3L and a new Policy 3L-1. Whereas previously Medicaid policy 3L addressed both in-home PCS and adult care home PCS in one policy, a new policy, Policy 3L-1, has been added to address PCS in the residential care setting, which includes adult care and family care homes.
The 3L and 3L-1 Policies have now been posted on the DHHS website for the 45-day public comment period at the link below.
When you get to the above web page, scroll down until you see 3L-1, State Plan Personal Care Services (PCS) Provided in Residential Settings
(New Policy). Please note comments are due by 1/20/24 and can be emailed to:
If you would like to send any comments or questions you have regarding the proposed policy to NCSLA so we can combine and submit the comments to Medicaid, please send them to
In addition to providing a Medicaid PCS policy just for residential settings, the new policy will also put in place a per diem or per day reimbursement model. NCSLA is still learning about how the per diem reimbursement model will work and as soon as we have additional information, we will share it with members accordingly.
COVID-19 Information
Unfortunately, COVID-19 is still with us and NCSLA has recently learned that some providers are experiencing outbreaks again. The following resources are currently available for providers.
The Department has personal protective equipment (PPE) available at the North Carolina Healthcare Supply Warehouse to support Healthcare and Critical Infrastructure partners. Please note that on March 31st, 2024, operations will come to an end and no more supplies will be available for distribution from the warehouse after this date. Information regarding how to order and obtain PPE from the warehouse can be found Here.
Thank you very much for your attention and support. If there are questions regarding any of the above information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Jeff Horton, NCSLA Executive Director
Phone: 919-787-2526