Georgetown University School of Medicine Medical Alumni Board Newsletter
GUSOM Graduation May 20, 2018
GU President John J. DeGioia,
Dr. Edward B. Healton,
Dr. Stephen Ray Mitchell
Letter from the Board Chair
Dear Medical Alumni Board Members,
We are very proud of the 2018 GUSOM graduating class, who distinguished themselves in many ways, including outstanding MATCH results (
click here).
Our newly-christened CURA program is also setting a high performance bar - a record number of over 220 GUSOM alumni signed up to mentor new graduates in cities from coast to coast. Although the initial response from graduating seniors was slow, the program quickly caught fire and we ended up with two-thirds of the class registering for the CURA program before graduation. The staff sent personal notes to the remaining graduates last week letting them know they could still sign up.
This program has an additional benefit: for current M3 and M4 students, we are now able to provide a list of young alumni mentors living in the cities where the students are applying for out of town rotations or residency interviews. Students and alumni have wanted this for years! Our hope is to work with medical student leaders as well as graduates of each of the Learning Societies to increase the student-alumni connections. Young alumni are more likely to be available in the Teaching Hospitals where many students are applying.
Several alumni have already scheduled student group get-togethers in specific cities: Milwaukee and Madison in Wisconsin (a popular destination this year) and Pittsburgh and Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. All who volunteered to be Alumni Mentors will receive a Thank You and will be kept on file for future years. We are very grateful to everyone for their hard work on this project.
Many thanks,
Regina Torsney-Durkin, M.D. C'73, M'77
GUSOM Celebrates 166th Commencement |
One hundred and eighty-one students were transformed into physicians as they walked across the stage to receive their diplomas at graduation on May 20 at DAR Constitution Hall. The commencement speaker, Thomas Nasca, MD, MACP, president and chief executive officer of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), was hailed as a "transformational leader in contemporary medical education" by Executive Dean Dr. Edward Healton.
The opportunity to support medical student education through White Coat sponsorship will be available in July for a limited time! Donation information through email and printed material will be sent out in early July.
8-9:30 AM
Monday June 4, 2018
12-2 PM
Saturday June 9, 2018
12:30-3:30 PM
Medical Alumni Board Meeting
Warwick Evans Board Room
Doctors Speak Out: Stress, Mindfulness, and Your Health
Georgetown University Hotel & Conference Center
RSVP to or (202) 687-1410
Toss for the Cure Cornhole Tournament
(benefitting Lombardi Cancer Center)
The Bullpen at Half Street Fairgrounds (next to Nationals Stadium)
September 27-28, 2018
October 26-28, 2018
Saturday Oct. 27, 2018 2-3:30 PM |
GUAA Board of Governors Fall Leadership Weekend
Medical Reunion Weekend for years ending in "8" and "3"
Medical Alumni Board Meeting
Allison Linden, M.D.
MAB member Allison Linden (C'02, M'08, R'15) returned from Kigali, Rwanda,
after spending the last 7 months as academic surgical faculty with the University of Rwanda. She carried out clinical, educational and research responsibilities with Rwandan surgical postgraduates at the University Teaching Hospital of Kigali, Rwanda. An opportunity to augment cross-cultural teaching skills, the experience also reinforced the capability "to do more with less" and the ethical challenges encountered with very limited clinical resources. Some of her academic highlights included organizing and teaching a Nontechnical Skills for Surgeons class and a Research Methodology module. Alli will start a pediatric surgery fellowship at A.I duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, DE, in August.
Christina Hanna, M.D.
MAB member Christina Hanna (F'08, M'14) is graduating from the combined U.Penn/CHOP Med Peds Residency Program this month and will be applying for a pediatric oncology fellowship. During her residency, she worked in Botswana, Rwanda and Egypt, where she was a Fulbright Fellow. She also holds a Masters in Public Health from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, where she was awarded The Excellence in Public Health Award from the U.S Public Health Service. Christina was recently selected to give a Grand Rounds presentation on her global work to the Department of Pediatrics at CHOP.
John R. Mascola, M.D.
Dr. Mascola (M'85) is the current
Director of the Vaccine Research Center (VRC) at th
of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NI
AID), National Institutes of Health. His expertise is in infectious diseases, viral immunology, and va
ne research; he is Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences and the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
Sylvia Morris, M.D.
Dr. Morris (M'98), an internist working at Kaiser Permanente in Atlanta and
an assistant professor of medicine at Emory University Hospital, is a familiar figure on television - she has been and continues to be a special features broadcaster for health reports on CNN, the Weather Channel, and other networks, and a writer for the
US News & World Reports Medical School Admissions' blog.
Louis Weiner, M.D.
Dr. Louis Weiner
Director of the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, presented
to a packed audience of Hoyas during John Carroll Weekend in Seattle. His topic focused on ground-breaking cancer research discoveries utilizing immunotherapy, proton therapy and cancer control.
Please send your personal and professional updates to
We are always interested in how our medical alumni are doing!