GUSOM Medical Alumni Board Newsletter
Medical alumni and students engage
in the World of Choices event held in September.
Letter from the Board Chair
Dear Medical Alumni Board Members,
Welcome to the 2018-2019 Academic Year!
We have been busy since last year's GUSOM graduation with the CURA program, matching medical alumni with new graduates moving to our hometowns. So many thanks go to our alumni from across the country who signed up for this program. Every year the geographic distribution of the graduating class differs and the need grows for alumni mentors from a variety of locations.
On August 2, the Medical Alumni and our excellent staff consisting of Kelli Myers and Kathleen Ott hosted a well-attended welcome party for the incoming medical students which was the perfect kick-off to the White Coat ceremony the next day.
We continued our commitment to volunteer mentoring of medical students by re-instituting the "World of Choices" event on September 6, which drew a large number of students and medical alumni volunteers from a variety of specialties. Holding it early in the academic year resulted in excellent attendance by both students and alumni and we plan to make this an annual program.
We look forward to welcoming the members of this year's Medical Reunion Classes during Reunion Weekend, and we remain committed to assisting Dean Mitchell by supporting the financial and mentoring needs of our highly qualified medical students. We are grateful to Dr. Ellen Dugan for her hard work in the GUSOM admissions process in seating such a highly qualified class. Details of their demographics were kindly provided by Dr. Dugan below.
Thank you for your dedication and loyalty!
Regina Torsney-Durkin, M.D. C'73, M'77
Who Are Today's Freshmen?
There were 13,679 applications for the current GUSOM freshman class (M'22), which were winnowed down to the final class number of 200 students, a selectivity rating of 2.6%. The class is comprised of one hundred and one
women and nin
ne men, ranging in ages from 21-35 years old (averaging 24 years), and representing 33 states, the District of Columbia and 3 foreign countries. 30% of the class arrived with graduate degrees already in their pockets. Although selectivity comparison to other programs is not yet available for this year, we do know that in 2017, GUSOM was tied with GWU as the 5th most selective medical school in the country (trailing closely behind Mayo Clinic, Stanford University, Wake Forest and University of California-Davis).
Next year's students who have been accepted to enter GUSOM in 2019 will be invited back to Georgetown for "2nd Look Day" on April 19, 2019, and we want them to feel all the love from our alumni! Please consider joining us on this day to welcome them and convince them that Georgetown is the best place to be!
Thank you,
Ellen Dugan, M.D. M'82
Senior Associate Dean for Admissions, GUSOM
Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine
Nominations Committee Update
We welcome Dr. Zahide Erkman (M'93) as a guest member to the MAB
for the 2018-2019 academic year. Zahide is the current President of the Georgetown Clinical Society, which is the DC-area organization for medical school and postgraduate program alumni and GUSOM faculty.
After graduating from medical school, Zahide stayed at Georgetown to complete her s
urgical internship before moving to the University of Connecticut for Radiology residency. She ret
ed to DC for an Interventional Radiology fellowship at George Washington Hospital
in 1999, and has been employed at Shady Grove Radiology (now Adventist Health Care Imaging) since that time, currently serving as section chief of IR.
She is married to Dr. George Willis and has an eleven year-old son, Jonathan.
Despite a recent expansion in the number of Medical Alumni Board members, there are currently no vacancies available on the Board this year.
The Board strives to maintain a membership that reflects the demographics of our alumni constituency.
Daphne Keshishian, M.D. M'93
Chair, Nominations Committee
Alumni - Medical Student Events Recap
The White Coat
This year's White Coat campaign was a great success, raising $61,200 from 235 donors - an amount which increased more than 13% from last year! The gifts from this campaign fund the new student white coats as well as current-use student scholarship.
On Thursday August 2, the incoming freshman class of 2022 was feted at the Alumni House by MAB Chair Dr. Regina Torsney-Durkin, MAB members and other medical alumni. The following day, during an afternoon ceremony in Gaston Hall,
students received their white coats from members of the faculty or their alumni physician parent. Dr. Tamika Auguste (M'00, R'04) participated in the ceremony, stating "For alumni it is a great moment to welcome the next generation of students and fondly remember your first days at Georgetown. It reminds you of the hope we all had starting our medical careers."
Dr. Tamika Auguste and
Dr. Ray
assisting at the ceremony
World of Choices
Nearly 50 medical students and 20 medical alumni, from 10 types of medical specialties, gathered together in Copley Formal Lounge on Thursday September 6 for the World of Choices event. The atmosphere was festive and convivial as students and alumni shared experiences, stories, lessons and laughter. Small tables, each hosted by an alum of a different specialty, were set up around the room so that students could visit each station and learn about medical care, varieties of medicine practiced and lifestyle experience in various specialties. See more photos on Facebook.
The World of Choices program was created to facilitate career-related conversations between GUSOM students, especially M1 and M2's, and alumni regarding the many medical specialty options available. Alumni find a ready audience in the students who are interested in learning more about their thoughts leading to decisions about their specialty, residency, training, education, and research.
Watch for more details regarding the next event scheduled for the fall of 2019!
October 26-28, 2018
Medical Alumni Reunion
for graduation classes ending in "3" and "8".
Saturday October 27, 2018
2-3 PM
Medical Alumni Board Meeting
Warwick Evans Board Room
Friday November 9, 2018
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Theological and Ethical Responses Panel
Copley Formal Lounge
Next year's GUSOM Reunion
for graduation classes ending in "4" and "9".
For all those interested in serving as a Class Ambassador, please contact Kathleen Ott at
April 19, 2019
Second Look Day for accepted GUSOM applicants
Alumni are welcome!
Shannon Green (C'02, M'07) Shannon is a member of the Medical Alumni Board and the Georgetown University Board of Governors. She lives in McLean, VA and is a partner at Foxhall OB/GYN. Shannon was recently appointed to the Board of The 1789 Fund, a nonprofit founded by two Georgetown alumni (Rob Haas, B'02 and Caitlin Haas N'O7). The 1789 Fund is a global health initiative focusing on education and funding to improve maternal/neonatal morbidity and mortality as well as gender inequality in various vulnerable countries.
Shannon welcomes all members to the Fund's first fundraiser coming up Nov 10th in Philadelphia. Click here for more information.
Please send your personal and professional updates to
We are always interested in how our medical alumni are doing!
Frank Milone (M'57, R'58) died on August 18, 2018 in Easton, Maryland, after a long career in Orthopedics.
Click here
for more information.
- Albert Fleury, Jr. (M'74) died on July 13, 2018. Al served as Chief of Plastic Surgery at Sibley Hospital and Assistant Professor in Plastic Surgery at Georgetown University School of Medicine. His unwavering commitment to help the poor and medically underserved was highlighted by his efforts bringing his surgical team to Haiti for the past many years, providing lifesaving care to hundreds of patients. Click here for more information.
Georgetown Medicine in the News
Dr. Marc Lippman returns to Lombardi Center
Dr. Lippman, prior director of the Lombardi Center from 1988-2001 and Chair of the Department of Oncology, has arrived back on the Hilltop to rejoin the center as a Professor in the departments of oncology and medicine.
1st Proton Center at Lombardi
The Proton Therapy System at MedStar Georgetown is the first and only one in the D.C. metropolitan area and is the first in the world to offer proton therapy with HYPERSCAN™ technology.
Georgetown "Outbreak" Exhibit at the Smithsonian
Dr. Daniel Lucey, infectious disease expert and adjunct professor of medicine at GUSOM, has teamed up with the Smithsonian to create an exhibit focused on viral pandemics and epidemics involving AIDS, SARS, Ebola, Zika and other diseases.