The Medical Society of Tulare and Kings Counties Annual Holiday Party

December 2, 2021

Christmas Sale!

The 2021 George Tiss Award Recipient


Physician of the year

Omar Guzman, MD

We welcomed many new faces into our membership this year.

It was so nice to see everyone once again.

We could not do this with out you

Every Physician has a voice. The Medical Society represents those voices.

We work hard to protect patient care and help you better our community.

We recognize the amount of work each one of you do.

Besides your regular clinic hours, you volunteer at High School Physicals, Vaccine Clinics, Street Medicine, Samaritan Center, & House of Delegates

These are just some of the areas where you volunteer your time at here in our community.

We Thank You for all you do!

The Medical Society of Tulare and Kings Counties |