This 18,000 - year- old ancient Yungdrung Bon healing practice of the Medicine Buddha restores and strengthens our energy.

Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche’s teaching of …
Sangye sMenla ~
"Medicine Buddha"

Yeru Bön Center
April 22nd - 24th, 2022
via Zoom

Rinpoche will be teaching Sangye sMenla. A compassionate manifestation form of Tonpa Shenrab, the founder of Bon and the Enlightened One (Tibetan “Sangye”).
This 18,000-year-old ancient Yungdrung Bön healing practice of the Snagye sMenla restores and strengthens our energy, depleted from us by the obstacles in our lives, provides healing and protects us from illness by cleansing karmic impure energies, through reciting Nyenpa (Mantras) and prayers.

The Enlightened Teacher, Tönpa Shenrab first taught the Medicine Buddha Teaching. This teaching belongs within the first way among the 9 Ways of Bön; therefore, Tibetan medicine has a very long history and grasp of tradition. 

The Sangye sMenla ~ Medicine Budddha practice purifies mental stress and depression as well as physical sickness through meditation.

Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche will teach us the Sangye sMenla ~ Medicine Buddha practice to show us how to revive the blessing and achieve the power of healing through ceremony, prayer and secret recitations.

The Sangye sMenla ~ Medicine Buddha practice will benefit ourselves and others to remove obstacles, purify your negative karma and free you from the suffering of sickness by the power of its healing.

This teaching will be interactive with the students. Students will be participating in the practices Rinpoche will teach us. All registered students will receive a list of items needed for the Sangye sMenla ~ Medicine Buddha practice.

This retreat is perfect for anyone who works in all aspects of the medical field, for all who are ill or in need of healing, mentally and physically, for those who work with others who are ill, and for all who would like to benefit from the blessings of this healing practice and use it to help others.

This teaching will be done via Zoom April 22nd - 24th, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Daily.

There will be a free digital recording of this teaching for students who register.


Healing Through Tse Wang Rigzin,
According to Tse Wang Jari Ma

Certification Course
Part 1 of Year Two

Via Zoom.
April 29th - May 1, 2022

Date Was Changed

From April 29th - May 1st 2022, Rinpoche will begin the second year of the the Tse Dup Certification course:

Healing Through Tse Wang Rigzin,
According to Tse Wang Jari Ma

We completed year one and it was wonderful. Students engaged, practiced as a group on Tuesday mornings or broke out into smaller groups and worked well in learning this Healing Practice.

Very powerful, very amazing, and very healing!

Yungdrung Bon has proven to be a rich and powerful history dating back approximately 18,000 years of healing and balancing the mind, body and spirit. Through the Yungdrung Bon Lineage master of past and present, we are given the gift of knowledge and ability to innately heal not only ourselves, but others.

According to the teachings of the Yungdrung Bön, a human life is rare and precious. Because of this, there are spiritual practices with the purpose of healing any damage to the lifespan and for removing any obstacles that could interfere with the complete fulfilment of the lifespan of an individual. One of the most common practices to attain these results is The Tse Drup Practice of Tse Wang Rigzin’s Healing according to the true text of Tse Wang Jarima.

As this course will be according to the true text of Bon, specifically from the text of Tse Wang Jarima and being taught by Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche, there will be no adaptations to this teaching. What this means, students will be learning about this practice undiluted or adapted.

Students will receive the full benefits of this teaching and practice. Very powerful, very beautiful and very effective healing, energy healing, deep revitalization of the La, Tse and Sok.

This is a three year course. You can participate in this certification course, but you will need study and learn the first year's course. You can contact [email protected] for more information on the first year.

On the third year, we end our certification course at sMenri Monastery with Rinpoche and His Holiness, the 34 sMenri Trizin. A beautiful ending to this powerful healing practice. If you are not able to go to sMenri for the final teaching, this is alright, you can participate via zoom.

The first teaching of the second year will be on April 29th - May 1st, 2022, with Rinpoche via Zoom. Or you are welcome to come to the Yeru Retreat Center to be with other Bon students to learn and to cultivate the Tse Dup energy together. No fee to join in person at the Yeru Retreat Center.


Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche’s
A Yogic Teaching ~ Dzogchen Part 2

Sacred teachings of
Nyam Trid Nying Gya Chen
Shardza Rinpoche’s Experiential Instruction of Dzogchen 
Sealed In The Heart!

Costa Rica
January 3 – 10th, 2023

You must come with true trust, genuine motivation, and an open heart of infinite space to receive the Yogic Style teaching – taking as it is and building inner self connections to gain true authentic experience.
– Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche

If you are considering joining Rinpoche for this teaching, we strongly recommend booking early to secure a room at the hotel.

This past Yogic Teaching experience with Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche was very different. Rinpoche was not able to travel because of restrictions in India with Covid.

Students participate via zoom and some students chose to travel to Costa Rica to be together as a Bon group and to learn what Rinpoche was about to teach them.

The experience was amazing. Rinpoche’s subject was perfect. When he mentioned what the teaching was about, students were amazed, surprised and so open to receive the teaching.

Through Rinpoche’s teaching he took his students to a meditative level they had not expected.

As a result, many students, learned what it was like to enter the natural state of mind.

Tears, joy and community was amazing. Students from around the world could not get enough of the powerful experience Rinpoche gave to them both with the students who were together in the room and students via zoom.

We always return to Costa Rica for a special teaching from Rinpoche and next year January 3rd – 10th we will join with open trust, genuine motivation, and an open heart of infinite space to receive another Yogic teaching from Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche. Yes, Rinpoche plans to be in Costa Rica physically. Hopefully the pandemic will not change this.



Helping our Sister Tsokme and our Ukrainian Bönpo Brothers and Sisters
March 4, 2022

As we all know and feel deeply with sadness, the war in Ukraine has taken center stage in world events and the human dimension is tragic.

The Ukrainian people in Ukraine, including our Bonpo practitioner brothers and sisters, are in something like the hell realm. Major cities are being bombed. Civilians are targeted. Funds, food and supplies are hard to get. They need help on the ground in Ukraine. Many of our Ukrainian tsokme members are still in Ukraine, helping each other as best they can.

Our concern and focus is for our Ukranian Bonpo practitioners still inside Ukraine. Today, we were able to send funds directly to Bon practitioner who has been helping other practitioners. There was joy when he said, "I Got It" He went on to say "This will be used for food, water and immediate needs and Deborah, Thank You!!!"

The refugees need help in Poland and other countries. Some of our Ukrainian tsokme members have managed to take refuge in Poland, where they are selflessly working to help other refugees. Some of the Bon practitioners who are in Poland realize their home is gone, but they are now helping other refugees.

They continue letting us know, they are reciting their mantras and prayers, holding their belief and focusing not on their issues but focusing on prayers to all sentient beings.

We are so happy to be working with our sister Sanga Instytut Sardza Ling in Poland who have been keeping in contact with our Bon practitioners inside and out of Ukraine.

Please read more and if you can help, please click on COMPASSION


Yeru Bon Center will continue to hold prayer sessions on Tuesday evenings, at 7:00 Central time, to pray for peace in Ukraine. Please join us.

The link is:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 942 1631 5275
Passcode: 053190


Annual Sidgyal Bum Tsog at
sMenri Monastery
May 11 – May 18th, 2022
Hello to my Students, Bon Practitioners, and friends.

I have received the following information from the treasury of sMenri Monastery, and I’d like to let all of my students and all Bon devotees know, per H.H. the 34th sMenri Trizin Rinpoche’s advice, that sMenri is making a 100,000 Sidpa Gyalmo Tsog offering as one of the annual offerings for world peace in general, and particularly for speedily overcoming Covid-19, and to Pacify destructive war crisis in Ukraine and its effects felt around the world , so that life may be lived smoothly for everyone on earth.

For that, we here request that everyone support the monastery and to personally be a part of this offering by sponsoring specific days, meals, etc.
Choose to sponsor a specific potion, such as a meal or offering materials, or offer any amount you feel comfortable. Whatever the amount, donate with big heart and pure motivation. Even just single dollar is welcome.


Yeru Bon Center's
Door To Bön 

Door to Bön is Yeru Bön Center’s media site for hosting:

BönCast, our podcast exploring Bön topics.  Interviews with His Holiness, our Bön treasures: Lamas, Geshes and Rinpoches. 

Digital Teaching Videos:  All teachings are recorded and some are added to our Door To Bön site for students to learn and deepen their practice.  

Online Courses:  At your own pace you can learn through our online courses.  All directed and produced under the guidance of Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche.

Yeru Bon Store: Ritual and practice items, books and text, digital downloads, thangkas, banners and flags.

Prayers and prayer audios: Free of charge for all students.

We have added more digital videos and store items. 


Help us to keep the children warm!

We received a request from Phuntsok, BCH Administrator, asking for help with shoes, winter clothing and coats for the children for this upcoming winter.

There is no heating inside the dormitories, we would like to see if getting the children warm blankets would be possible as well.

Staff: Taking care of the staff's salaries has been a challenge, they are so good with the children.

We are asking for a practice in compassion and open heart . Your contribution is a blessing not only to the children, but for yourself as well.  The children are always giving prayers to all of the sponsors.  Many of our regular sponsors have admitted, without expectations, they have received so many blessings from their donations, their teachings from Rinpoche and from being a Bonpo.


Investing In Our Spiritual Path

Yeru Bön Center offers work study, payment options and grants to all students who are committed to their studies of Bon and who are focused on a Yungdrung Bön Spiritual path. Feel free to contact Yeru for more information: [email protected].