Center For Conscious Living


I released the past and live in the now. 

God is in the now. 

It is my Eternal Reality. 

I live and move and have my being in God

in this present moment.

 I create a glorious future from this now, Divine moment. 

God is good.

READING: The Spirit of God Within Me - Ernest Holmes

This Sunday January 5th at 10am

Sunday Meditation Service 

with Supriya Jost

and musical inspiration by Deb Chambelin

In Person and Zoom

(And stay afterwards for the Celebration of Life Service for Mia Kelly - see below)

Join Via Zoom Here

Meeting ID: 842 3319 9242

Password: 123456

Upcoming CCL Events

A Celebration of Life of Mia Kelly

Sunday, January 5th, 11:15am

Immediately following CCL Sunday Service

Catered luncheon and Celebration of Life

Moorestown Community House

Mia's beautiful Soul has touched us all with her unconditional loving and wisdom and grace and love of dancing.

Our Prayer for Mia Kelly

In this moment of loving blessing we speak such gratitude for the life that we know as Mia Kelly. A life that has deepened the experience of love and wisdom, of kindness and sparkle, for all whose lives she has touched.

We know that Mia, in accordance with her wishes and final prayers, is in all her power and glory. She is released and lifted into the heart of love, even more fully blessed by her joyful flying in grace and peace.

Blessing all who know and love Mia with peace of mind and love in their hearts, as all are knowing her easy release as she finds her way in this newest dimension and is returned home to the heart of love. 

From Khalil Gibran: on Death:

For what is it to die but to stand naked the wind and to melt into the sun?

And what is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?

Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.

And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.

And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.

Your Ministerial Team: Reverends Christina, Katherine and Paul

CCL Community Updates

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And if you are already with us there, be sure to visit often and like and/or comment on our posts when you see them.

This sort of engagement encourages the social systems to show our content more often so we have yet another chance to stay connected.

New All CCL Master Link

Below is a new ALL CCL link that includes everything CCL, including the Facebook and Instagram pages, our YouTube Channel, the Zoom link for Sunday Services and a web version of our most recent newsletter. Save this link in your bookmarks to never miss a thing!

Above is an example of a recent post with a lovely meme graphic including an inspiring quote from a recent talk by Rev Christina Marie Layer.

On our social media channels, you will also see video reels, community event invitations from our members, links to the most recent services and more!

Master CCL Page with All the Links

CCL Calendar

1/05 10 am In-Person and Zoom Meditation Service with Supriya Jost; Rev. Christina Marie Layer and Rev. Paul Hoyt; Revs. Katherine and Ken (on Zoom). Music with Deb Chamberlin

1/05 11:15 Catered luncheon and Celebration of Life Service for Mia Kelly and sharing of memories. All are welcome.

1/12 10 am In-Person and Zoom Celebration Service with Rev. Christina Marie Layer; Revs. Katherine and Ken (on Zoom). Music with Stephen Wise

1/19 10 am In-Person and Zoom Celebration Service with Corrinne Zupko, A Course In Miracles master teacher; Rev. Christina Marie Layer and Rev. Paul Hoyt; Revs. Katherine and Ken (on Zoom). Music with Ginger Coyle

Daily Prayer with Reverend Christina Marie Layer (via Zoom)

Reverend Christina is on holiday break and will return to Noon prayer on Tuesday January 7

Click Here for Noon Prayer Via Zoom


Miss last Sunday's wonderful Service with Reverend Dave Schpok and Daille Kettrell? Watch it below.

Watch The Service on YouTube

Notes From The CCL Stewardship Council

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PO Box 44 Moorestown, NJ 08057

Phone: (856) 722-5683

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