Tuesday, March 7
Mediumship 101
with Andrea Bagby

Everyone who has the will to communicate with the other side is able to do so. There is no "trick" or "secret". The real ability lies within the individual who believes in the after life and wishes to make contact. You will learn self protection and discernment along with how to open up to spirit and receive accurate and profound communication from the other side. "Death Is Nothing At All - I Have Only Slipped Away Into The Next Room." Emma Pegler Please Preregister so that we may have your birth date information. $200 6 WEEKS 7:30 - 9:30 PM Pre-registration required.
Please note that our payment processor has changed to Square.
We accept most debit & credit cards or Google pay.
Welcome Empress to The Inner Space!

Clairvoyant, Coach, InDivine Playing Cards - Certified Reiki Master - Empress uses InDivine playing cards along with her amazing psychic gifts to elevate and evolve your current situation to higher vibrational level. She gives you the best information so that you may merge both physical and spiritual elements of your life. Her mission is to help you make conscious choices whether it is in areas of love, money, work family and any situations in which you need to gain clarity. Have a reading with Empress today so that you may achieve your goals and travel your life’s path with more ease and understanding. Available 6 - 10 PM Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!
February 22

6th Sense
with Tre

Tarot Makes Prosperity Affirmations Easy!
Join us for an evening of creating prosperity using the Tarot! Learn layouts and secrets for facilitating your magical money attraction!

7:30 PM
$20 Bring a Friend who is new to our group at no charge.
SATURDAY, March 11

With John Henderson
The first 2 days are a stand-alone course with a certification from Atlantian Mystery Schools in which you will learn to hypnotize. The balance of 6 additional weeks comprises the National Guild of Hypnotists Certification Course. including training for use with clients for: Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss, Pain Relief, Sports Enhancement, and more. First 2 weeks $700 or $350 per session, which may be applied to the full course price of $2400 at any time. Early payment discounts. Payment Plans available. Pre-registration Required.10 Mystery School Credits
Begins March 25

Life Coaching &
Spiritual Counseling
Doctoral Track

with Andrea Bagby

Do you regularly counsel your clients? Whether your profession is in massage or other healing modalities, divinatory arts, hair styling bar tending or other helping professions, you may be ready to go full on life coach or spiritual counselor. You are already doing the work. Get formal training and hang out your shingle. Atlantian Mystery Schools are expanding the Coaching program to a full Ordination and Doctoral certification. under the accreditation of the Atlantian Temple. This is a fully recognized Spiritual Coaching training program with a Doctorate of Divinity designation. 6 Month Program.

Valerie Que

Join Valerie Que, our in-house Tarot instructor, for a fun-filled morning of Tarot and Readings. She will guide us through an hour of intensive study of Tarot. We will then share readings with the group and each other for an hour. If you are interested in joining like-minded people this could be a fun time for you to heighten your skills and get some practice.Bring your cards and we'll bring the bagles and coffee, so get ready for fun. The subject for exploration will be using the Tarot for timing. 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. $35. pre-registration required.

Sherry Henderson
Your astrological chart may give the information about the tools, possibilities and personality you were born with, but astrology is much more than that. The planets are constantly moving and affecting the birth chart, With the understanding of the way that these "travelers" shift over time, we are able to look at the past, prestent and future effects and changes in our lives. Predictive astrlogy, including transits, progressions and solar returns will be introduced. We will look in depth at rulerships. Students will also be given information to see how one person's chart interacts with another persons chart. this is called synastry. $200 including Printed Materials and resources. Pre-registration Required. 2 AMS Credits 7:30 - 9:30 PM 6 weeks 1 AMS Credit
Valerie Que
Take the knowledge that you have gained in Tarot 101 or as an amateur reader to the next level. If you have a working knowledge of Tarot cards, you may join this class. We will use the Celtic cross spread, the astrological wheel with the houses to pinpoint where the action is taking place in the reading and we will learn techniques for timing using the Celtic cross layout. Fine tune your readings. Valerie will also introduce additional layouts and card combinations along with card reversals. 11 AM - 2 PM $210 Including Workbook Pre-registration required 1 AMS Credit.
Astro Forecast February 27 - March 5
One would think that Monday would be easier than the energies of the weekend. With a lunar square to Gemini around 3 AM there could be restless sleep. After this the day improves with the Moon sextile Venus in the pre-dawn hours, then sextile Jupiter just in time for the 9:00 whistle. Venus and Jupiter are the lesser and greater benefic. The morning should be pleasant and people are apt to be generous and kind. This mood shifts with the Moon conjunct Mars tonight. Agitation and restlessness coupled with aggravation may bring irritability and harsh words. Try to think before you speak. Also be cautious driving. Impatience is dangerous.
Tuesday the Moon is square Neptune, you may find yourself making up for lost sleep by going deep into the arms of Morpheus. There is a lunar trine to Mercury, then Saturn today. Communication is the focus, but responsibility and perhaps interactions with a boss or elder are favored. Tonight the Moon is quincunx Pluto. This uncomfortable aspect may dredge up old guilt or someone may be trying to put a new guilt trip on you. The Moon ingresses into Cancer tonight.
As we enter March today, be careful of overspending or over promising on Wednesday. You may need to retract those promises. Also if you give compliments, make sure they are genuine, anything less may be seen as patronizing.
Thursday Venus conjoins Jupiter and Mercury conjoins Saturn. You may rest assured that today’s promises and generosity are tempered with discipline and possibly a little thrift. The Moon is sextile Uranus in the pre-dawn hours. Don’t expect to be able to sleep in. By late tonight as the Moon is trine Neptune you’ll be happy to crawl in the bed.
Friday the Moon is quincunx Saturn at the start of the business day. Adjustments must be made to keep others happy, especially if those others are comprised of superiors at work or older people at home. That traffic cop that pulls you over this morning may just give you a warning rather than a ticket, so be very nice and polite. On the other hand with the Moon opposite Pluto, people may be on a power trip. This afternoon the Moon, with the Moon quincunx Mercury, be careful not to say the wrong thing.
Saturday is lovely. The Moon trine Jupiter gives a royally expansive flavor to the day. Have a party, take some friends out to brunch. Early this evening the Moon is trine Venus and square Uranus. Relationships that are clingy will have to go, but those that offer excitement challenge your need for freedom vs. adventure.
Sunday the Moon is sextile Mars before daylight. If you are out around 5 PM, just know that energy levels are running high and people tend to be impetuous and restless. This afternoon a lunar quincunx to Neptune insists on a nap and tonight the Moon quincunx Pluto then opposite Saturn warns not to poke a bear in they eye with a short stick. If authority figures are challenged, they may pull rank.
Dr. Sherry Henderson founded the Atlanian Mystery Schools, a holistic and metaphysical professional training program for astrologers, spiritual healers, ministers and counselors in 1995. Dr. Henderson teaches astrology, Kabbalah, psychic development, Tarot, world religion and spiritual business classes. She is a practicing Tarot reader & astrologer. Dr. Henderson is the director of The Inner Space metaphysical center in Atlanta, Georgia.
For information on classes or to schedule an appointment,
call 404-252-4540.