This Sunday, meet the Vestry nominees
and chat with the Clergy. 

This Sunday during formation hour (10:15 to 11 am) you’re invited to Valentine Hall for a Vestry Nominee Meet-and-Greet and a preview of the January 29th Annual Meeting. 

There will be time for fellowship, introduction of the six nominees for vestry, a preview of what to expect at next Sunday’s Annual Parish Meeting, and time for Q&A with the clergy. This will also be an ideal time to ask the Reverend John McCard about his upcoming sabbatical. 

The Vestry nominees are:
Andy Sherrod
Billy Baxter
Brooke Taylor
Emily Stock
Richard "Dick" Fowlkes, II
Wilson Trice 
Bios for the nominees will be available this Sunday
and included in the parish emails next week. 

Friday, January 20 - Thursday, January 26
CARITAS Bridge Week

Tuesday, January 24
Tuesday Men's Bible Study - 7:30 am, Valentine Hall
A weekly hour of fellowship, discussion of the bible and good food.
Contact: Patrick Strickler, [email protected]
     Stephen Spraker, [email protected]

Young Adults - 5:45 pm, location varies
We'll gather for a combination of fellowship, prayer, and Bible or book study.
For more information and/or to get on the GroupMe, contact the Rev. Blake Singer.
Contact: the Reverend Blake Singer, [email protected]

Women's Bible Wisdom - 5pm, Michaux House Library
There's also an option of participating via Zoom
This Bible study meets twice a month, on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, to read together
through a biblical book or theme at a time. We explore when and under
what conditions the passages were written.
Contact: the Reverend Amelia Arthur, [email protected]

Wednesday, January 25
Living Faith Bible Study - 10 am via Zoom
This opportunity for fellowship, study and discussions that help to make
our Christian faith a “living faith” and apply the witness of the Scripture
to our everyday lives. Please contact Betsy for the Zoom link.
 Contact: Betsy Trow, [email protected]

Wednesday Noon Eucharist
in the Chapel

Singing Class with Mark Whitmire - 6:15 pm, Children's Choir Room
If you think you can’t sing, think again.
When it’s done, who knows, maybe you’ll sing with gusto or join a choir.
Contact: Mark Whitmire, [email protected]

Thursday, January 26
Thursday Men's Breakfast Bible Study - 7:30 am
This group meets every other Thursday to read and discuss the Lectionary Readings
for the upcoming Sunday. It’s a great way to learn the scriptures and
build deeper relationships with other St. Jamesers.
Contact: the Reverend Dr. Mark Cooper, [email protected]

Women in Fellowship - 7 pm, location varies
The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at a parishioner's home.
This Bible study group has been created for women in their 30s, 40s and 50s.
We’ll be following the lectionary, and reading and discussing the upcoming week’s Gospel. 
For information about where we'll meet this week, contact Kendal Sibley.
Contact: Kendal Sibley, [email protected]

This week's eChimes features
  • Summer Mission Preview
  • We need you at our Annual Meeting
  • Share your thoughts on the future of Mission Work
  • Everything you need to know about Wed. dinner and class
  • Mardi Gras is February 21 - get your tickets, come join the fun
  • Summer Youth Mission Preview
  • St. James's Youth: Don't forget to register for Snowfest
  • Those who have died recently
  • Prayers of the People
  • Virginia Diocese information

Summer 2023 Youth Mission Preview

Want to do some good over Summer break? Come hear about the summer volunteer and mission opportunities for St. James's youth, grades 5-12.

This Sunday from 10:15 -11 am, come to the third floor of Michaux House, room 302.

Parents are encouraged to come.
Our Annual Meeting is Jan. 29.
We need you there. 

A week from this Sunday is the 2023 Annual Meeting of St. James’s. It will be held between the services in the sanctuary. We’ll be conducting essential church business, including the election of our new class of Vestry members (see above), plus we'll be handing out our 2022 Impact Report. 

We must have a quorum of 165 parishioners, so please make every effort to be at this vitally important event. 
Please share your thoughts on the future of Mission Work at St. James’s.

St. James's has a long history of engaging in Mission Trips both here and abroad. While we have continued to financially support several of our historic Mission partners, following the pandemic several factors have impacted our Mission efforts. Some of these factors include: 
  1. Many of our former partners are no longer safe to visit or they have changed how they receive visitors.
  2. Many of our former mission leaders or members of the Mission Committee have transitioned into engaging with other areas of our church life. 

Given these realities, the leadership of St. James's has decided that now is a great time to enter into a period of intentional discernment around how God may be calling St. James's to engage in Mission Work going forward -- beginning with this survey.
Please take a few minutes to fill out the following survey to aid us in this discernment.

You can take the survey when you click here or scan the QR code with your smart phone's camera.
Everything you need to know about our new Wednesday Night Class & Dinner.

Welcome to St. James’s Fun-“Do”-Mentals Class. Whether you’re new to the church or were baptized here, join other St. James’s “Doers” for a Wednesday evening class exploring the fundamentals of Christianity, the Episcopal Church, and life at St. James’s.

When: Wednesdays, February 1 thru March 29 in Valentine Hall
5:30-6:30 Community Dinner and Fellowship
6:30-7:30 Fun-“Do”-Mentals Class

The Community Dinner is just that, a dinner for the St. James’s community. And you’re welcome to join us for dinner whether or not you are participating in the class.

The Fun-“Do”-Mentals class will be taught by the Rev. Amelia Arthur and the Rev. Blake Singer, and will feature presentations each week followed by a small group discussion and fellowship. We encourage you to register for the class and plan to attend each week to make the most of the experience. This class will also fulfill Confirmation/Reception requirements.

Please register for the class here.
Tuesday, February 21 at 6 pm in Valentine Hall

Fabulous foods, drinks, and an exciting live auction and raffles (even childcare). Join us in person for one of St. James’s legendary parties and help us fund Outreach and Missions. 

Go here to purchase tickets or make a donation.
Then come back to the site to see our fabulous auction items and/or buy raffle tickets. 

Join the St. James’s Krewe of Doers by going to
and help serve our local community and beyond.

St. James’s Youth:
Don’t miss out on Snowfest! 

Snowfest is February 3-5 at Shrine Mont. At Snowfest, we ski, snowboard, or tube, while also engaging in fellowship, fun, and some formation! 

For more information and to register, click here.
Parishioner who passed away recently:
Antoinette Donovan (d. 1/15/2023)
We commend Tonie to God’s love.

If you would like information on how to reach out to the loved ones of the deceased, please do not hesitate to contact the church offices. 

Here are the names of those we're remembering in our prayers this week.

We do our best to keep this list current, but if you want your name added or removed, please email Mary Brown or call her at 804-355-1779, ext. 313.
For Diocese of Virginia news and information, visit:
You can always find the eChimes at