We are three weeks into our Summer Match campaign and are grateful for your support!

Each week, we've aimed to shed some light on the impact your generous giving has on our community and the families you help.

This week we would like to introduce you to a growing segment of Central Florida's population. Meet the ALICE family.

ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.

ALICE families are hard-working families. Sometimes both parents are working, and often more than one job. They are caught in the economic "middle." They earn too much to qualify for public assistance but not enough to meet the cost of living in their area. This means unmet basic needs such as affordable housing, child care, medical bills, or food. They live one missed paycheck or financial setback from homelessness.

Here are a couple of facts from Heart of Florida United Way about the ALICE population in Central Florida.

47% of all families in Central Florida are in the ALICE population.

Over 147,000 Central Florida children live in ALICE families and cannot access hunger-preventing food programs.

These families desperately want to succeed but need help.

Your help.

Take a look at what your support did last month.
You're feeding families and getting parents back to work in new jobs. These jobs equip them to support their families and get them out of that economic middle ground.

Your support gets them to those new jobs through our Central Florida Employment Council job fairs. We just had one Wednesday.

Look at how your gifts get families back on the road to success!
They are grateful for the opportunities the jobs fairs present.

There's nothing like face-to-face meetings with companies actively hiring on the spot!

Jobs, food, resources, hope.

This is what you are providing for the ALICE families in our community.

From now until July 31st, you can get your gift matched up to $60,000! We are just over halfway to our goal and still need you.
Every dollar matters. Double your impact this month.