Issue #855
August 22, 2022
Highlights of this issue:

  • Meet Soul Friend: Anna Bozena Bowen - South Hadley, Massachusetts
  • Kindred Spirits' Glorious Give-Away Extravaganza
  • NEXT FR*EE CLASS: Tips & Tricks for Card Making - September 1
  • Online Series: Claim Your Cosmic Creatrix
  • Goddesses of Self-Care Online Series
  • Community Card Share - August 23
  • SoulCollage® In-Person Facilitator Training - Massachusetts
  • Upcoming SoulCollage® In-Person Retreats - New Mexico
  • Upcoming SoulCollage® Zoom Class Schedule
  • Soul Nourishment (Resources for SoulCollagers)
  • Contact Information
Quotation of the Week
We must understand what we can, 
and learn to dwell richly in the mystery of what we cannot.  

~ Philip Simmons, Learning to Fall
Soul Friends
The Voice of a Different Kindred Spirit Each Week
Anna Bozena Bowen  
South Hadley, Massachusetts

Soul Life Revealed

SoulCollage® takes me into mysteries of life, into the in-between and beyond, into the spiritual realm, and, as I have discovered, into past lives. This story is about that, although I have learned that some stories take a long time to reveal themselves. In the late 1980s, I began using a creative and soulful form of collage in my personal healing journey. In 1990 I brought it to groups I was facilitating for survivors of childhood abuse. This was around the time Seena was developing the SoulCollage® process. The intention of my expressive, creative, intuitive collage work was to help women gain deeper awareness in their process of healing, while connecting to parts of self and spirit. My collages of various shapes and sizes utilized both images and words.

In 2010 at an International Women’s Writing Guild conference, I was introduced to SoulCollage®. I was immediately drawn to the simplicity and complexity that one small card could hold. And without words! After having collaged for years, this guided practice introduced another way of being, another way of deeper self-exploration and expression.

Within several months, I became a Facilitator, and SoulCollage® became an integral part of my life. It strengthened and enhanced my connection with Self, with Spirit, and the Universe. In the same way that I date journal entries, I instinctively dated and numbered my cards. Knowing when each card was birthed (and in what order) can bring greater awareness about one’s passage through life and experiences lived.

I love revisiting my cards and discovering further meanings, I love recognizing “sister” cards and recurrent themes. At sixty-nine years old, as a creative woman, a retired nurse, an intuitive, a healer, a poet, writer, author of HATTIE an award-winning novel, a wife of forty-seven years, mom, and grandmother, I continue to learn through my writing, through SoulCollage®, and other creative endeavors.
This particular journey, in which SoulCollage® would play a future significant role, began with two poems I wrote in 1986 (clicking on this image will make it easier for you to read the poems). The words flowed unexpectedly yet easily, delivering unfamiliar content. “Tomahawk” and “The Wife of Tomahawk” were about an Indian brave, his death, and his wife. I did not know where the deeply moving words came from or why, but I trusted the process.

Months after writing these poems, while stopped at an intersection on my drive home, I became acutely aware of a presence in the car. Though not my first encounter with spirit, this was different. I sensed a very large Native American sitting in the front seat next to me. As amazed as I was, intuitively I knew he was my Spirit Guide. My protector. His name was Tomahawk. This encounter was especially timely as I had recently begun my healing journey from childhood sexual abuse. I didn’t know then how much I would need Tomahawk’s protective and grounding presence.
During my SoulCollage® Facilitator Training, one intention for card making was to honor Tomahawk. The result was a commanding card to which I felt an intense emotional attachment. When sharing it with my husband Doug he remarked, “He does not look like a spirit guide.” I didn’t want to admit it, but Doug was right. The card energy was that of a handsome, strong, Indian brave. A provider. A hunter. A lover. Not a spirit guide. A month later, I again focused on making a card for Tomahawk. This time the process revealed the wise protective energy of my guide.
One afternoon a few years ago, while going through my SoulCollage deck®, I found myself focused on these two cards. Holding one in each hand, I gazed at the Indian brave and at the Spirit Guide. Unexpectedly, emotion surged through my being. Chills danced up my spine. My eyes filled with tears. And my heart swelled with a love brought to my consciousness. In one moment of forever, the pieces of this life and another life came together. The poems I wrote, Tomahawk who has been with me for decades, these two cards I created years ago, and a recently found piece of Native American needlepoint that I made in my twenties . . . all revealed my soul’s journey. I had been Tomahawk’s wife. The handsome brave card represented Tomahawk, my past life husband. As the poems expressed, we had shared a meaningful life together. After his death, in spirit he became Tomahawk my guide and protector.

In writing this article and again going through my deck, I discovered more cards with connections to this unique journey. That’s the richness in our SoulCollage® practice. There is always more for us to comprehend. There is always more to our stories. Our lives are always unfolding.
New SoulCollage® Onlne Offering
September 8 – December 15, 2022

Align with your own Cosmic Creatrix
and archetypal energies 
(possibility, potential, purpose, power, and passion) 
to make a change or start something new in your life 
wherever you’ve been feeling blocked or stuck.

In this 3-month journey, Kata brings together SoulCollage®, art making, journaling, prompted inquiry, guided visualization, mindfulness exercises, and group coaching to support you wherever you are on your life's journey.

Kindred Spirits, you get a $50 discount! Be sure to tell Kata you are a member.

Upcoming SoulCollage® In-Person Facilitator Training
SoulCollage® Facilitator Training 
Westfield, Massachusetts
October 26-30, 2022
Trainer: Isabel Phillips

If you feel a desire to share the transformational power of your personal practice of SoulCollage® with others, this troubled world needs you! As a trained SoulCollage® Facilitator, you can support the self-discovery and personal growth of others into their fullest expression of being.

Isabel trained as a SoulCollage® Facilitator in 2011 with Mariabruna Sirabella, and became a Trainer in 2019. She is also a Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness Meditation teacher, doing what she can to promote emotional resilience, connection, and spiritual community in our complicated, ramped-up world.

Email Isabel for details, and how to prepare for the Training
Upcoming SoulCollage® In-Person Retreat
Beyond the Surface Art Retreat 
Taos, New Mexico
September 14-18, 2022
Trainer: Kat Kirby, Deborah Milosevich

Join us in the magical landscape of Taos, where you’ll spend time with your creative Inner Child! We’ll create a hand-made journal, SoulCollage® cards, Spirit Wands, Santos, and other soul-nourishing projects. What is your unique creative voice? What is the story you are telling? This retreat is designed to invigorate your artistic senses and help you find new ways to relax and renew. You will feel welcomed and encouraged to explore your creative side. Your imagination and sleeping “inner artist” will awake and delight you.

Do you have an online SoulCollage-focused event that you'd like to advertise here? Excellent idea! Soul Songs goes out to over 2200 avid SoulCollagers every month and Soul Treasures reaches 900+ paid subscribers who love SoulCollage®. Please send a reply to this email or use the Contact form on and we'll send you more info.
Soul Nourishment - (Resources for SoulCollagers)
Well Nourished Woman- A lovely SoulCollage-focused site from Sue Ann Gleason. There are some good examples of SoulCollage® cards here and a video of Seena too!

African Goddess Rising Oracle – This is a beautiful oracle deck of 44 African goddesses, spirits, queens, and ancestors from many powerful peoples and pantheons—reaching from the continent of Africa and throughout the diaspora by intuitive spiritual teacher Abiola Abrams.

Tree Sisters- Tree Sisters is a UK registered social change and reforestation charity that places tropical forest restoration into everyone’s hands. Through individuals and businesses that give back to Nature every month, TreeSisters has so far planted over 26 million trees across 12 locations in Brazil, Borneo, Cameroon, India, Kenya, Mozambique, Madagascar, Nepal and West Papua. They actively encourage the cultural shift required to grow from a consumer to a restorative culture. They encourage feminine leadership by providing resources, experiences and communities that inspire personal and collective action on behalf of the trees.
Soul Treasures is brought to you by,
Spinning the fragments of your world
into wholeness and beauty through SoulCollage®.

SoulCollage® cards are made either from one's own art or from images found in materials which have been bought by or given to the SoulCollage® card maker. These collaged cards are used only for the cardmaker's own inner exploration.

SoulCollage® cards are not sold, traded, bartered, or copied (except as a back-up for the card maker's own use) as is stated in the Principles of SoulCollage®.

Where SoulCollage® cards are available to be seen by others, it is for the purposes either of demonstrating the SoulCollage® process of sharing the card maker's inner process in the context of community.

SoulCollage® is grateful to the artists and photographers who make this deep awakening process possible and in all ways SoulCollage® seeks to be respectful of their rights.
Soul Treasures is published by and Anne Marie Bennett.
Please do not reproduce or forward this newsletter in any way.

Inner Journeys, copyright 2022,
by Anne Marie Bennett.
All rights reserved.

To give us feedback, we invite you to send a reply email to this message.

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