July 2017
Cody's Story
Meet Cody!

Cody is excelling as a student at Burlington High School and employee at McDonalds. He plays video games, rides bike, and is learning to drive and weld. His goal is to be a welder after college. Cody was born with a brain tumor, but that's not stopping him. 

He's a youth with Wisconsin Promise, on a journey to achieve his personal, educational, and career goals. Watch Cody's story

We invite you to help us share some of the experiences of Wisconsin Promise teens and families. Use this toolkit to help us get the word out through your website, social media, newsletters, email listservs, or just share with a friend! 

Action Creates Change

"I like not knowing how things will turn out!" - Said No One, Ever.
I don't know about you, but I don't like change. And, sometimes I would rather be a little bit unhappy with my life, and at least know what to expect, than to change things and not know what's going to happen next. However, things change whether we want them to or not. The trick is to take action to have things change and move into a direction that is positive for you. 
Your actions can shape change. If you truly want your life to change for the better, READ MORE.

Trust Is the Foundation for Promise Success - Focus Group Report Finds

At the foundation, transition is about relationships! When we talked to Promise Counselors about how they were doing connecting to youth and their families, nearly everyone stressed the importance of building relationships. Relationships bridged people to people, people to services and resources, and people to opportunities. READ MORE
Working Alliance Survey
Closing soon!

Promise families may be wondering about the text messages, letters, postcards, and other reminders from Wisconsin Promise about completing this survey. 
As part of the study, we're asking help from Promise families in gathering information about relationships with their counselor and the services they are receiving with Promise. This information will help us improve our Promise services. 
Both the Youth and Family surveys can be accessed HERE

Ellie's Updates

This summer Wisconsin Promise Youth and Families are busy working and receiving lots of Promise services! 
We reached another milestone! There are now over 400 Promise youth who have worked at least one job in the community and were paid at least minimum wage since enrolling in Wisconsin Promise! 
HERE are some of the stories we've been collecting from Promise youth this summer. 
Promise Events
Wisconsin Promise Boot Camps
These Boot Camps are offering a series of training opportunies. Youth can complete all of their required Promise training this summer.
Green Bay Details  July 11 & June 24 FLYER
Kenosha Details   July 13 & 25 FLYER
Milwaukee Details   July 14 & 28 FLYER
3 Day Youth Program and Family Conference Menomonie July 19-21

Community Conversations 
Businesses have workforce needs and young adults with disabilities and other barriers have the skills and the desire to work. Join the discussion to help identify how to make these connections. 
Siren, WI September 26, 2017 FLYER
Eau Claire, WI October 19, 2017 FLYER
Superior, WI October 24, 2017 FLYER

Promise Family Advocates
Tricia Thompson
Western, WI; WDA 8 & 9
Tricia and her husband adopted her brother who is currently 21 and diagnosed with a developmental and intellectual disability. Prior to working for the Promise Grant, Tricia was an IRIS Consultant as well as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and a Special Education teacher in Milwaukee. Her hope is that she can serve as a resource for families and provide them information from a perspective of someone who understands the challenges families face when attempting to access needed supports and services. 
Steering Committee Profile Members and Emails
Project Director
Meredith Dressel

Project Manager
Ellie Hartman

Cayte Anderson
[email protected]
Nancy Molfenter
Sam Ninnemann
Wendy Henderson
Jenny Neugart 
Suzanne Lee
[email protected]