Update from the Mayor 2

February 2018

I am pleased to announce that the School Committee has reached agreement with Margaret Marotta to be Haverhill's new school superintendent.

In researching Ms. Marotta's candidacy, I was very impressed with her references and past record as assistant superintendent for eight (8) years in Salem, Mass. 

I spent some time with her in my office recently. After that I took her on a tour of our growing downtown and then to some of our schools and parks. 

A School Committee negotiating panel of myself, Paul Magliocchetti and Gail Sullivan reached agreement on a three-year contract with Ms. Marotta earlier this week.  She will begin work the first week in July.  Ms. Marotta will replace our longtime superintendent James Scully, who is retiring after eight years leading our school district. 

One of Ms. Marotta's first priorities when she gets here will be to address our School Department budget. The schools will be my top priority in the 2019 city budget. 

Speaking of the budget, don't forget to take my survey at the end of this newsletter and give me your thoughts and opinions about our new spending plan...

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Jim Fiorentini
Margaret Marotta Education Achievements, Credentials

  • 25 years of experience in education, working with children.
  • Experience in successfully turning around schools in crisis. Part of team that raised district out of  Level-4 status.
  • Helped develop and secure multiple large-scale    grants, including Innovation School and Public Day School applications.
  • Restructured district-wide special education          supports that lead to resolving 27 concerns cited  by state education officials.
  • Author of A Parent's Guide to Special Education,  published in 3 languages by Mass. DESE.
  • Holds Masters of Science, Masters of Public          Administration & Certificate of Advanced            Graduate Study from Suffolk University
  • Doctoral Candidate 2018, Boston University
Margaret Marotta Resume

Passionate and productive education leader with extensive experience implementing and developing educational programs and curriculum, overseeing operations and managing budgets in a variety of school environments. Liaison skilled at bringing together families, teachers, community supports and civic leaders. Strong communicator able to motivate and bring people together for the benefit of all learners. 

News Stories About Our New Superintendent
Budget Starts to Take Shape, Let us Know your priorities

Our city and school budgets have started to take shape.  Please let us know your priorities!  If we have to cut, what would you cut?  If we have additional funding, what would you add?

Your opinion matters-- the Mayor reads every single survey response!

Take our survey! Click here.  
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In This Issue
Ms. Marotta Credentials
New Superintendent Press