Shalom from TBD Religious School

Shabbat newsletter compiled by Gal Kessler Rohs, Education Director
TBD religious school takes pride in offering a preschool program, specifically designed to meet the needs of toddlers as young as 2 years old. Studies also show that students starting religious school at an early age, are more prone to continue their religious school and Jewish communual dedication towards later years. Children grow up together, learn together, become a community together, and make a Jewishly Warm and Relevant difference together. 

Our pilot toddler class this year, and hopefully for many years moving forward, will be taught by Miriam Beltran, a full time preschool teacher and outdoor specialist at B’nai Simcha preschool. Miriam, in fact, is B’nai’s best teacher, according to the preschool’s director Jen Leonard.

I asked Miriam what was the first thing that comes to her mind that would grasp our community’s attention. She proudly mentioned that she has 7 children ranging from 20-34 years of age, and 12 grandchildren ranging from 3 months to 16 years! Wow! Her personal experience however, is not her only credential that proves her excellence in taking care of children. Miriam comes to TBD with an impressive resume:

Miriam is certified through the Outdoor Classroom Project, an acclaimed Early Childhood Program at the Child Educational Center. This is an educational philosophy which Miriam will bring to our youngest of Religious School learners, and share also with the pre Kindergarteners and Kindergarteners in Morah Shoshana's, or Susan Grodsky's class. The philosophy focuses on bringing the outdoors, to enrich every child’s playtime experiences, providing the same opportunities outside, as inside. This will be possible also with our upcoming playground, as the playground too, has elements from this philosophy.

With her teacher credential from California State, and senior year studying for administration in early childhood education, Miriam has a passion also for Reggio Emilia’s 100 languages of children, that same discipline of our toddler class. Miriam embraces multiple talents of students, to create projects with little hands. At B’nai Simcha, and previously at Adat Ariel’s preschool, Miriam has made tamborines for Purim parades, Stone soup for Passover meals, paper mache apples for Rosh HaShana, and painted rocks for building the Kotel.  

Other credentials Miriam holds include CPR certification, AED certified for infants, children and adults, she is a certified translator in Spanish-English, and is also taking a minor in child psychology. She in addition is a behavior therapist for children with learning disabilities, has worked for the department of social services in Kern county as an eligibility worker, and is a caretaker for some of Adat Ariel’s Jewish children on weekends. Miriam has worked for the DPSS- Department of Child Social Services where she was a parent partner working with families with trauma.

Miriam says she will be bringing new ideas, and assimilating those into our Jewish, and religious environment, while integrating the Reggio Emilia philosophy of learning. One of the most rewarding moments for her when working with children, is that moment of “aha!” or “ooohhhhh!” when something clicks in a child's path of learning!

Enrollment to TBD's toddler class is underway, and is a proven example of where " Early childhood development programs are a community resource that promotes the well-being of young children. "We’ll all be looking forward to many of those "aha" and "oooohhhhh" moments, as our school begins on September 8 th, 2019! 

Wishing you Shabbat Shalom in the meantime, with many of those and more "aha" moments!

Gal Kessler Rohs, Education Director
Torah Portion this week
Parashat Pincha s Numbers 25:10−30:1
Parashat Pinchas is the 41st weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. 

In the portion, G‑d tells Moses to count all men between the ages of 20 and 60. These are the men who will receive a part of the  Holy Land . The total count is 601,730. G‑d then tells Moses how the land will be divided between the twelve  tribes .  

Next time you enter TBD's sanctuary, take a good look at our stained glass windows, portraying those 12 tribes of Israel. Here is a picture in the meantime, of Jason , our Haskala teacher, with the stained glass behind him.
Flyers, flyers, flyers
oh, and a few more flyers
A quick Shabbat tip for you
from Jan's Challa club
Janice Natalie Robertson ’s trick for Successful egg wash: Brush the challah with a thin layer of egg wash, wait for it to absorb, apply another layer after 10 minutes.

And other facts about Jan, our temple grandmother here.
Useful Reading
and further resources
  • Meet Leeav Sofer in last week's Temple Beth David Religious School eblast together with his work with Mostly Kosher and Urban Voices Projects here.
  • Tikkun Olam endeavors at our religious school, and other words from our sisterhoodmensclub Temple Beth David's rabbi, service schedule and more from David's Word, TBD's newsletter for July, August 2019 here
  • Shalom, and welcome to Temple Beth David of the San Gabriel Valley! Watch our video here.
  • Dates to volunteer at Union Station in preparing breakfast for the homeless.
  • Parashat Pinchas is the 41st weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. 
  • The Reggio Emilia Centro's discipline of education speaks about the "Hundred Languages of Children" These are symbolic and are open to the endless potentials in children. They believe in the potential of a child's ability to wonder. It is the belief that there are "multiple ways of seeing and multiple ways of being."
Shabbat Shalom from little Pierce
who will be one of Miriam's students next year (awwww!!!)