The Hilton Head Campus
Returns to
Two In-Person Services
The 9:00 am and 11:15 am worship services will resume on Sunday, July 4 when St. Andrew welcomes our new senior pastor, the Rev. Dr. Robin Dease. These will be duplicate services with livestreaming during the 11:15 hour.
Also on July 4 and 11, you are invited to stay a moment, or come a few minutes early, to a special coffee hour between the services so you may meet Pastor Robin and say hello.
There will be no Children's Church on July 4 due to the holiday, but on July 11, the Children's Moment will resume during the 11:15 am hour after which children are dismissed to continue Children's Church with Miss Connie.
Our Bluffton campus continues with two dynamic in-person services at 9:00 am and 10:30 am, and both are livestreamed. Join Pastor Daniel, Monica, and their team for worship online or at the Persimmon Street location in Bluffton. Children's Church is at the 10:30 service.