Updated with articles on depression, stress, academic anxiety, opioid abuse, emergency lifesaving, and more.

  • The Calm Room: Videos, sounds, and resources to help you relax and refocus.

  • Correlated to CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) Standards.

  • Support for School Counseling and student success.

  • Trusted Source: Authoritative content for hard-to-ask questions, including psychologist Dr. Jan feature.

"Ground-breaking... A+. Highly recommended for all libraries serving teens." School Library Journal

"Fall is here, and many students (and teachers) are struggling with anxiety and depression. I want to make you aware of a wonderful new resource that can help—the Calm Room."

Ruth Thoreson, Johnston Community Schools, Iowa

"Our go-to resource for SEL and Health classes. The materials are presented with the secondary audience in mind and connect with our students."

Ananda Campbell, Carson City School District, Nevada

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For over 15 years, Teen Health & Wellness has provided up-to-date, nonjudgmental, curricular, and self-help support. Topics covered include vaping; drugs & alcohol; sexuality & sexual health; nutrition; mental health; LGBTQ+ issues; school safety; skills for school, work, and life; and more.
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