Issue #838
April 25, 2022
Highlights of this issue:

  • Meet Soul Friend: Wilma Stern-Cavalcante - Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
  • Kindred Spirits' Glorious Give-Away Extravaganza!
  • NEXT FR*EE ZOOM CLASS: Seeking Counsel from the Council Suit
  • FEATURED PRODUCT: Goddesses of Self-Care Book
  • LAST WEEK- 50% Off SoulCollage Video Retreat Packages
  • Upcoming SoulCollage® Zoom Class Schedule
  • Soul Nourishment (Resources for SoulCollagers)
  • Contact Information
Quotation of the Week
I might remember . . . who I am when I am not afraid of knowing what I know and feeling what I feel. I might feel such value in that moment that I would trust that no one could take it away from me because no one gave it to me to begin with.

~ Geneen Roth

Soul Friends
The Voice of a Different Kindred Spirit Each Week
Wilma Stern-Cavalcante
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

I was born in Brazil and immigrated to Canada with my husband in 1990. I was first introduced to SoulCollage® in 2018 when a friend of mine invited me to a workshop. I was not able to attend, but I was intrigued so I sought out another class. I was surprised to learn that an old colleague (I had not seen her for longer than a decade) was part of the event. Can you say synchronicity? Of course, I had to reach out to her. I always liked her and loved interacting with her.

Before I go any further, I need to let you know that I am a skeptic and look at things with big analytical eyes before I “buy into it.” When I got introduced to the cards and the person was instructing us to listen to what the cards had to say . . . Well, I wondered what she was talking about. Cards talking to me?!?! Cards talking to each other?!? Being respectful and curious about other people’s experiences, I gave it a try. You also need to know that I have been a psychologist for over twenty years and consider myself a very self-aware person . . . or so I thought! Don’t get me wrong, I am self-aware, but SoulCollage® brought a completely different level of awareness.

I was so impressed with what I was learning about myself and the process. Then, I began to see the potential to work with my clients. By the end of 2018 I became a SoulCollage® Facilitator. I am always looking for ways to explore my deck and learn about SoulCollage® in general.

As a psychologist and personally, I think what I like most about the process is the non-threatening way we can learn about ourselves, and what floats or sinks our boats. SoulCollage® is gentle, accepting, and inclusive – personally and collectively. I love these aspects. I love that we embrace all parts of ourselves – there is no good or bad – just what is.

I would like to share one of my success stories. I have a client that I worked with for a few years, and we were making progress – slowly but surely. He was quite reserved and resistant. One day I decided to introduce him to SoulCollage® and oh boy! The progress from there was leaps and bounds. The Neters helped him to go where he was unable to go before. He was able to embrace aspects of his personality that he would not even admit to at first. He still has a long way to go (don’t we all??), but he is so much happier and more aware. And this is only one of many stories that I can share. I can hardly wait to get SoulCollage® into more people’s lives and let them go with it and find their own treasures.

In my personal life, SoulCollage® has been a source of support and insight. I feel that I embrace the “contradictory” parts of myself more easily. I can also work on the parts that I am not fond of with more compassion and acceptance. In times of doubt or overwhelm, I can reach to my deck and I always get what I need. What a blessing!!!

If you are new to SoulCollage®, I would like to encourage you to be patient with the process. Respect your pace. At times, the cards may not speak to you, or you may feel that you are making things up. Sometimes it can be challenging and sometimes we don’t want to hear or accept what is coming through the cards. That is just fine. Do not rush the process. Don’t give up! Take one day at a time and keep opening your heart and your mind to them. When the time is right, I know you will get what you need. It is your journey and nobody else’s.

Here are two cards I’d like to share with you this week :
Committee Suit

I am the one who protects my rights by setting boundaries. 
I am the one who does not say “yes” when I mean “no.” 
I am the one who does not please people just to be accepted. 
I am the one who cherishes who I am and who lets people know when they hurt me.
Part of the Pack  
Committee Suit

I am the one who is part of the pack. 
I am the one who knows we are all connected and feels my happiest when I am mindful of that connection. 
I am the one who loves to be in the company of my pack and who feels sad when any one of its members gets hurt or is not treated well.
 I am the one who feels protected by the pack.
***** Highly recommended *****
Stephanie Anderson Ladd's New Book 

Goddesses of Self-Care: 
30 Divine Feminine Archetypes To Guide You 

This beautifully illustrated self-care manual introduces you to goddesses from around the world to help you better care for your Self and your Soul. You will learn both ancient wisdom and practical knowledge from these experts whose unique voices will guide you through twelve chapter topics such as: Creativity & Play, Depression & Grief, Healthy Relationships, Anxiety & Fear, Reparenting Yourself, Resting & Being Present, and more. Some of the goddesses you will meet and work with are: Artemis, Bast, Isis, Hera, Kali, Yemaya, Tara, Sophia, Persephone, Demeter and Hecate.

Goddesses of Self-Care is a great resource for your self-care practice, complete with relatable stories, therapeutic tools, creative activities, and journal prompts.

50% Off SoulCollage®
Video Retreat Packages

* Inspiring, fun ideas for card making and working with your cards
* teaching/guidance from Anne
Marie (17 years experience)
* handouts
* guided imagery
* journaling activities w/ your cards

** new topics just added: Mermaid Magic, Movie Magic

** great ideas for your own workshops if you're a Facilitator

Use code WOW for 50% off
Ends THIS Saturday April 30, 2022.

Do you have an online SoulCollage-focused event that you'd like to advertise here? Excellent idea! Soul Songs goes out to over 2200 avid SoulCollagers every month and Soul Treasures reaches 950+ paid subscribers who love SoulCollage®. Please send a reply to this email or use the Contact form on and we'll send you more info.
Soul Nourishment - (Resources for SoulCollagers)
Step Into Your Magic Life - SoulCollage® cards shared by Jennifer Lehr. You can see each one larger, just use your mouse!

Grateful: A Love Song to the World - This short video says it all. Watch it and sing along! You will be moved.

Kiala Givehand, Life Alchemist - There are a lot of resources here for those of us who love creativity and spirituality.

Soul Treasures is brought to you by,
Spinning the fragments of your world
into wholeness and beauty through SoulCollage®.

SoulCollage® cards are made either from one's own art or from images found in materials which have been bought by or given to the SoulCollage® card maker. These collaged cards are used only for the cardmaker's own inner exploration.

SoulCollage® cards are not sold, traded, bartered, or copied (except as a back-up for the card maker's own use) as is stated in the Principles of SoulCollage®.

Where SoulCollage® cards are available to be seen by others, it is for the purposes either of demonstrating the SoulCollage® process of sharing the card maker's inner process in the context of community.

SoulCollage® is grateful to the artists and photographers who make this deep awakening process possible and in all ways SoulCollage® seeks to be respectful of their rights.
Soul Treasures is published by and Anne Marie Bennett.
Please do not reproduce or forward this newsletter in any way.

Inner Journeys, copyright 2022,
by Anne Marie Bennett.
All rights reserved.

To give us feedback, we invite you to send a reply email to this message.

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