December 8, 2020
St Johns County Democratic Headquarters
71 South Dixie Highway, Suite 6
St. Augustine, FL 32084
Telephone: 904-825-2336

Currently Open by Appointment Only Due to COVID Surge
Please note: This is a long newsletter. be sure to click on the link below
to expand and read the entire email.
Dear Fellow Democrats,
We did it. With Joe Biden's election, our nation at last has an opportunity to reverse course and begin to restore democracy. Your new DEC -- elected last week -- is excited to enter this new phase, eager to support the new administration, and looks forward to breaking the Republican stranglehold on our state in the 2022 election. In our enthusiasm, we do not want to miss expressing our deep gratitude to the outgoing DEC members and officers for holding the mantle of the party high. Their selfless service is further proof that dedicated Democrats are alive and well in our red county. In particular, we wish to thank Nell Toensmann, who served as your DEC Chair for two terms. Her legacy will not be forgotten as we move forward into a new day. With gratitude,
--Robin Dion, Chair, St. Johns County Democratic Party
Welcome new St Johns County
Precinct Leaders and Officers 2020-2024!
On December 1, the four-year terms of our newly elected and returning Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen began. More than 80 Democrats now represent the party across the county's 48 voting precincts. Also known as Precinct Leaders, they promote the Democratic party within their communities, helping to inform their neighbors about candidates and upcoming elections and showing Democrats that they aren't alone. With resources and training from the DEC Campaign Committee, they will be empowered to circulate petitions, register new voters, encourage mail-in and early voting, and recruit more volunteers. Precinct Leaders make democracy work. You can help by contacting today to find out if there is a vacancy in your precinct or to just sign up to volunteer in your neighborhood!
On December 3rd, our Precinct Leaders elected a slate of new officers for the St. Johns County DEC. Just after each Presidential election, the Democratic Party reorganizes at the national, state, and county levels. That means electing new officers to lead the party over the next four years and may include the formation of new committees, clubs, and caucuses. Stay tuned for more on that soon!
Robin Dion, Chair
Gary Farris, Vice Chair
Elizabeth Balaschak, Second Vice Chair
Lisa Hampton, Recording Secretary
Barbara Haugen, Corresponding Secretary
Susan Kary, Treasurer
Mike Spaid, Deputy Treasurer
Marie Garnes, State Committeewoman
Richard Briggs, State Committeeman
Help us Win the Senate! GA Runoff Races Need You!
Want to join St Johns County Democrats in Brunswick, GA to canvass for Ossoff, Warnock, and Blackman in the January 5th run-off races?

Erica Connor will be leading a caravan from the beaches area on Saturday morning, Dec. 12th at 8 AM if you'd like to join! Text Erica at 734-657-4762 for the meetup location.
Join SJC Democrats to Canvass in Georgia!
You are invited to help canvass in Georgia for the U.S. Senate Candidates! The Georgia Working Families is hosting a canvass each weekend and welcomes volunteers with all experience levels. Bring your phones & comfortable shoes. They will provide robust volunteer training, PPE and strict COVID safety guidelines. All canvassing is launched outdoors and they will provide all the information needed to keep you and voters safe. SIGN UP HERE

Members of Ponte Vedra United for Progress have joined the volunteer effort to elect Jon Ossoff to the US Senate! You too can help get the word out to voters across Georgia about the upcoming election by phone banking with the Jon Ossoff Team. This phone bank is especially for out-of-state volunteers like you. SIGN UP HERE

At each shift time, you join a brief Zoom call to get campaign updates before you begin calling. If it's your first time, stay on the call to go through a quick training on all things Ossoff—once you've been trained, you can hop off after the updates and start calling! All information will be emailed to you after you sign up, and on the morning of your phone bank shift. Feel free to reach out to Team Ossoff West organizer David Rivera with any questions, at
State-Level Party Reorganization
In January, the Florida Democratic Party will hold its quadrennial election of new state-level officers -- Chair, First Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The current FDP Chair, Terrie Rizzo, has opted not to run again. The State Executive Committee will also elect 11 DNC members. All candidates are to submit their filing forms to by December 29 at 5pm EST.

Those eligible to run for state officer positions include county chairs, county first vice chairs, state committeemen, state committeewomen, state caucus presidents, DNC members, members of the State or National Party finance committees, or any individual who has held any of the above titles within the previous eight (8) years. Any person who has served but is not currently serving as a Democratic elected official within the last eight (8) years is also eligible. Candidates for DNC Member must be registered Florida Democrats.
St Johns County Young Democrats Club: Dec 12th
Join the Young Democrats Kickoff Meeting!

We're excited to announce that St Johns County is renewing its Young Democrats Club.The club will work with the Florida Young Democrats which provides resources to local chapters. This is an opportunity for Young Democrats to become leaders in our community, help develop the next generation of Democratic voters, and ensure youth turnout for local, state, and national elections.

Join the Zoom meeting on Saturday Dec. 12th at 2 PM to learn what it's all about and meet like-minded young people. Anyone from teen years through age 40 is welcome. And help us spread the word! Click here for the Zoom link.
Marcus Nelson is Interim President of the St. Johns County Young Democrats. A political science major and leadership minor on the pre-law track at the University of Florida, he previously served as Co-Chair of the Joe McAnarney Campaign.
Ready for Inauguration Day? Get your Swag at the DEC!
Lots of great Democratic items available at DEC Headquarters! Suitable for holiday gifts and for Inauguration Day!

T-Shirts and Hats, Cup of Joe Mugs, Biden Sunglasses, Masks, Tree Ornaments, Bumper Stickers, Magnets, Buttons and more

Soon you can order online and pick your items up curbside. In the meantime, contact for information and to make arrangements. The office is currently open by appointment only while COVID is surging in our area.

Thank you!
Your donation helps support your DEC!
St. Johns County Legislative 2020 Meeting: Dec. 18th
 Do you have something you'd like to say to our St. Johns County's state representatives and senator? The St. Johns County Legislative Delegation will hold a meeting on Friday, December 18, 2020, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM at the St Johns County Commission Chamber Auditorium, located at 500 San Sebastian View, St Augustine to discuss issues regarding local legislation for the 2021 Legislative Session.

  • If you would like to participate in the meeting during the public comment section, please contact Rep. Stevenson’s office.
  • To be placed on the agenda, contact Rep. Stevenson’s District office prior to Dec.14th, 2020 at (904) 823-2300.
  • You may provide materials or handouts to the St Johns County Delegation members by mailing or hand delivering them to Rep. Stevenson’s District Office, 309 Kingsley Lake Drive Suite 902, St Augustine, FL 32092, before 12:00 noon on Dec.14th, 2020.

The proceedings will be available on GTV to watch live.  
St Johns County Delegation meetings are open to the public.
Join the First St Johns County DEC Meeting of 2021: Jan 21st
Thursday, January 21, 6:30 PM via ZOOM
All registered Democrats in St Johns County are welcome to attend the monthly meetings of the St. Johns County Democratic Party. At our first monthly meeting, we will announce opportunities for involvement, such as leading or serving on a committee, joining a club or caucus, becoming a precinct leader, or serving as a volunteer on a range of activities. Our tent is big, and everyone can have a role--small or large! Although voting on specific issues is restricted to duly elected and appointed Precinct Leaders, you have the option of lobbying yours on decisions that are important to you. Contact to learn who your Precinct Leaders are and how to reach them. We value all Democrats, so plan to join the conversation and contribute your input!
Congratulations Newly Elected and Ongoing Democratic Officials!
Democrats have now two judges on the 7th Judicial Court and hold 2 of 5 seats on each of the following boards: St Johns County School Board, St Johns County Airport Authority, and the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission.
Did You Know?

In St. Johns County, we won 10 out of 14 (71%) of non-partisan races in which a Democrat competed in November 2020.

As a result, Democrats now have majority control of:
  • City of St. Augustine Commission
  • St. Johns Soil & Water Conservation Board
  • Anastasia Mosquito Control Board


Anthony Coleman, St. Johns County School Board, Seat 2
Patrick Canan, St. Johns County School Board, Seat 5
Barbara Blonder, City of St. Augustine, Seat 2
Roxanne Horvath, City of St. Augustine, Seat 1
Gayle Gardner, Anastasia Mosquito Control District, Seat 5
Nicole Crosby, St. Johns Soil & Water Conservation District, Seat 3
Mary Lawrence, St. Johns Soil & Water Conservation District, Seat 5
Joan Anthony, Circuit Judge 7th Circuit, Group 14
Jane West, St. Augustine Port, Waterway and Beach District, Group 4
Rob Olson (NPA), St. Johns County Airport Authority, Group 4
Justin Mirgeaux, St. Johns County Airport Authority, Group 2
Jeanne Moeller, Anastasia Mosquito Control, Seat 2
Trish Becker, Anastasia Mosquito Control, Seat 4
Chad Levrini, St. Johns Soil & Water Conservation District, Group 1
Erica Connor, St. Johns Soil & Water Conservation District, Group 2
Alva Hollon Jr., Ponte Vedra Municipal Services District, Seat 5
John Valdez, City of St. Augustine, Seat 4
Matt Brown, Port Waterway and Beaches, Group 3
Linda Gaustad, Circuit Court Judge, 7th Judicial Circuit, Group 15
Nikki Fried, Florida Commission of Agriculture and Consumer Services
St. Johns County: Second Highest Democratic Turnout
While we await final, final data, all indications are St. Johns County dramatically improved its performance in the 2020 election compared to 2016. Thanks to the successful implementation of a strategic, data-driven campaign plan and the vigorous efforts of many volunteers from the Blue Wave Coalition, the DEC, and the Coordinated Campaign, the results are striking:

  • November 2020 turnout by Democrats in St. Johns County was the second highest in the state of Florida. Our turnout increased from 79% in 2016 to 85% in 2020.

  • U.S. Congressional District 4 which covers much of St. Johns County also had the most improved voter turnout compared to other districts -- an increase of 7.1%.

  • Votes for the Democratic presidential candidate increased by 5% in St. Johns County from 2016 to 2020, suggesting that a substantial number of non-party affiliated voters and possibly Republicans shifted to the left.

Environmental Progressive Caucus: Jan 7th
There will be a Zoom meeting of the Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida, St. Johns County Chapter, on Thursday, January 7th, at 6:30 pm. Many of the local candidates who ran in the November election and were endorsed by our caucus will be our guests. They include: Barbara Blonder, City of St, Augustine Commission Seat 2; Nicole Crosby, St. Johns County Soil & Water Conservation District 3; Mary Lawrence, St. Johns County Soil & Water Conservation District 5; Jane West, St. Augustine Port. Waterway and Beach Group 2; Heather Hunter, Florida House District 17; Joe McAnarney, St. Johns County Commission Seat 1; Dave Rogers, Florida House District 17.

For the link to the meeting, and/or information on joining the caucus for 2021,
contact John Pilecki,
Ponte Vedra Democratic Club: Jan 13th
Wednesday, Jan 13th, 6:30 PM, via Zoom
Join the Ponte Vedra Democratic Club for their monthly meeting featuring a fascinating presentation, "How to Have Impossible Conversations." Wondering if you'll ever be able to communicate with Republicans in your midst? Trying to understand millennials/Gen Y's or Gen Z's? Don't understand why some prefer vanilla when everyone knows chocolate is best? Our speaker will offer tips for finding common ground.

Click here for Zoom link 
This meeting will also feature presentation of our 2021-2022 slate of officers and members of the club’s new Board of Directors to be voted on at the February 10th meeting. Questions? Call Jan Kary at 202-438-6750 or
Northwest SJC United for Progress Democratic Club: Jan 11th
Nominations are now being accepted for officer elections. The NW St Johns County United for Progress club will be taking nominations for officer positions through its first meeting of the new year, January 11th. Voting for the new officers for the Board will take place at the general club meeting on February 8th. Anyone interested in running for a position should send an email to the club at

We are always looking for smart and talented people like YOU!!  All officer positions are up for election including President, 1st-Vice President, 2nd Vice President-Membership, Treasurer, Secretary and Parliamentarian. 
  • All terms are for two years.  
  • Nominations from the floor and candidates will be announced on Monday, January 11 and the election for officers will be Monday, February 8, 2021.
  • All candidates must be club members as of December 31, 2020.

Join now and get membership through 2021 for only $20.00!! Membership is our principal source of income for the year. Membership by December 31 will entitle you to vote for officers in February.  

Please mail your payment of $20 per person to NWSJCP,
P.O. Box 600332, St. Johns, FL 32260.
Indivisible St. Johns

Click on the link above for information about more action items, including outreach to Georgia for the Senate runoff.
St. Augustine Democratic Club in Formation
St. Augustine Democratic Club to be Re-Established

If you are interested in becoming a member of the newly forming St. Augustine Democratic Club, fill in the membership form at the link below and send a check in the amount of $20 for the membership fee, payable to St. Augustine Democratic Club. Please mail it to: Attention St. Augustine Democratic Club, St Johns County Democratic Party, 71 South Dixie Highway, Suite 6, St. Augustine, FL 32084. Interested members will be notified by email of the Zoom organizational meeting.

Democratic Party of St Johns County
Or by check payable to SJC DEC and sent to Democratic Headquarters.
Please Note: Contributions to Political Parties are not tax-deductible.

If you have information for the St. Johns Democratic newsletter, please send it to:
For more information contact:
St. Johns County Democratic Party | 904-825-2336

71 South Dixie Highway, Suite 6
St. Augustine, FL 32084

Please note: The DEC office is currently open by appointment only due to the rise in COVID rates in St. Johns County. We will re-assess the situation in January.