It's a new year, and we'd like to introduce you to our newest NLAI missionaries, Roblans and Jessi Mejia!
January 2019
Meet our Newest Missionaries: 
The Mejia Family:  Roblans, Jessi, Elijah, and Rachel
Serving At-Risk Youth through Soccer 

Tell us about your heart for Guatemala. 
We have just recently joined the NLAI family, but we have been serving in Guatemala since 2008. We started a ministry that uses soccer as a way to bring Christ to youth who are at risk of becoming involved in gangs and drugs. We are eager to return to Guatemala, and we love NLAI's vision and heart for children. We are so looking forward to a long future with NLAI.

What kind of ministry will you be working in?
We are so excited to get back to hands-on ministry. We love seeing something as simple as soccer being used to further God's kingdom and bring children to the foot of the cross. 

Day in and day out, we want to shine light in the darkness of the red zones of Guatemala City. When the kids have no one else to count on, we want them to know that we are there for them. We are anxious to guide children away from gangs and drugs and towards Christ and freedom. 

We also hope to start a home remodeling business that will allow us to  teach skills that can lead to future employment opportunities for the youth involved in our soccer ministry.

Tell us about your family.
Roblans grew up in Guatemala, has a bachelors in Children's Psychology, and has been doing soccer ministry since 2005. Jessi has been doing sports ministry since 2006 and has completed several trainings and certifications. We met in 2008 in Guatemala and married in 2012. We have two little children, Elijah (4) and Rachel (2). 

How can we pray for you? 
We are in the challenging times of fundraising, which feels like a roller coaster. Some days are very encouraging and other days are quite hard and can be discouraging. So we could use a lot of prayer for strength, encouragement, patience, and perseverance. We know God has called us to continue doing this ministry but sometimes it's hard to see the end line to getting back and being able to trust His timing in this all.

Once we are funded, we could use a lot of prayer for transition back into life in Guatemala, especially since this time we have our two little ones with us and have their safety to consider. 
The Mejia Family is currently raising support in order to return to Guatemala as missionaries with New Life Advance International. Please click on the button below and select  "Missionary Support Funds" and then  "Mejia, Roblans and Jessi" in the drop-down boxes.