36 Main Street, Newtown, CT

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Welcome to our New Vestry Members!

Trinity's annual meeting was well attended and spirited. While activities of the year past were highlighted, looking to the future there was an enthusiastic and confident focus on continued growth in such areas as membership, spirituality, and mission.  Please take a few minutes to review our Annual Report, and see below to "get to know" our new Vestry members!

Bob Gardner, Warden

Sue Roman - Clerk

Sue Roman is retired from a career in special interest publishing at The Taunton Press. Her passions are photography, sketching and meeting people of other cultures. Her recent research and social activism has concentrated on immigrant rights, racial justice and gun violence. She has an adult son, Will, who was raised at Trinity. The peace garden by the rear entrance is dedicated to her son Ben who passed away in 2013. She is fluent in Spanish and is also a labyrinth facilitator.

Anne Calmels - Music & Choir

I am the sum of my life’s experience: raising two children, Ellie and Pierre, forays into foodservice and travels with the much missed Jean-Maurice. Speech language pathology was my profession and passion for 40 years. My avocation was always singing in the Danbury Concert Chorus, the choir at St Paul’s Woodbury, the Connecticut Choral Society and a variety of projects in the area. Then I found Trinity where there is extraordinary support for music. After 15 years in the choir loft at Trinity, it is time I broadened my perspective from performance to outreach. I am excited to represent music and the choir on the vestry where I’d like to make more use of our resources ; the unique acoustics of the sanctuary, the best organ in the area, the resounding new Baldwin piano for recitals, concerts , more student and youth opportunities and yes, a larger choir which all say “come to Trinity where music happens.”

Rosemary Gallant - Membership

Rosemary Gallant grew up in Newtown.  She was a career diplomat with the U.S. Department of Commerce and served in China, Indonesia, Brussels and the United Kingdom promoting trade and economic development.  In 2024 she retired, and she and her husband Jonathan moved back to Newtown.  She is on the board of the Housatonic Valley Association and serves on the Trinity Finance Commission.   She and Jonathan are the proud grandparents of two grandsons. 

Beth Murphy - Children's Ministry

I grew up in Newtown and have lived here for most of my life. I am a Library Media Specialist at Head O'Meadow School. I love reading and being outdoors. I started coming to Trinity in 2012 when my family moved back from a year in Wales where my husband was born and raised. I grew up Catholic, but really loved the Protestant church in Wales. Trinity matched the feeling of the church we left. Everyone was so welcoming and I felt like it was a great place to bring my children because everyone was so supportive. I am excited to be part of the board this year!

John Sullivan - Stewardship & Development

John and Mary Lou Sullivan have lived in Newtown for 27 years. Their son Patrick attended Newtown Schools and holds a BA in Business Administration from Western Connecticut State University.

John has been a member of the Trinity choir over 15 years and currently acts as the Tenor section leader. He holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Columbia University in New York and a BS is Chemistry from Tufts University in Medford, MA. His most recent professional engagement, which lasted 15 years, was as a partner at Paul Larsen Consulting where he both managed client relationships and developed a client-based financial reporting system which facilitated the monitoring of client credit card activity.  After the sale of his company, John retired from the corporate world and is now fortunate to be able to offer his time and talent to Trinity. John will focus on the area of Stewardship and Development and welcomes other parishioners to join him in finding new and different ways to ensure that Trinity will thrive for centuries to come.

Parish-wide Survey on Trinity Groups Results Are In

Trinity’s Stephen Ministry Leaders’ Team conducted a survey late last year to gather some

opinions on current and possible future groups and activities here at Trinity that might be of interest to our parishioners.

The findings are highlighted below:

A fuller summary of the report can be found by clicking here.

The survey results help provide a kind of insight into the “state of the parish” as a community . . . what some people like now—and what people would like to see—regarding the ways that we gather in groups, and how we do things together.

If you have any interest in pursuing any of the ideas listed in the summary, please let Reverend Andrea, your Vestry members, or your Stephen Ministry team members know. If a number of people want to participate in and/or move forward with any of these kinds of activities, we want to facilitate your being in touch with us and each other to make them happen.

Thanks for your participation and continuing interest in having Trinity be all that we want it to be—as a cherished place of worship and as a beloved community.

Dorothy Day Coat drive

There will be a collection box by the glass doors in back for winter coats, gloves and socks to bring to Dorothy Day next Month on February 18.

The Trinity hot meal team is assigned to the third Tuesday of each month. 

In January, we served 175 hot meals of chili, rice, corn bread and cole slaw in 18 degree weather. In addition, sandwich meals, coats, gloves and socks were given out, These come from generous donations made by supporters of the Dorothy Day mission. There are usually a minimum of 150+ hot and cold meals given to the guests who stop by the hand-out window to receive their meals. Many of these people have families, places to live and jobs. Sometimes, that isn’t enough. 

Trinity is proud to be able to participate and give back with hot and cold meals and coats, gloves, hats and socks!

Read more about the history  and activities of DDHH

California Wildfire Relief

For those who would like to join this Episcopal Ministry worldwide, you may contribute here for the relief of California wildfires.  Mission & Outreach has found this an easy and direct way to give to causes we believe in.

Little Pantry Restocks Meeting

Please join us on Feb 2 after service in the Johnson Room for a review and reassessment of the restocks’ roles. Our Little Pantry growth, because of your dedication and commitment, has skyrocketed! Marcia DeBrock, Laurie Trotto and I would like to thank you, review some procedures and  show you some interesting statistics. Of course we will clarify any questions as well. If you want to contact someone on the restocker or Little Pantry team, we have our own Group in the on line directory called "The Little Pantry"

Thank you, Nancy Cole

Little Pantry Needs this week

We are so thankful for all your donations!

Peanut butter and jelly

Oatmeal/cold cereal

Coffee is appreciated


Pasta/Pasta sauce

Rice-regular or minute

Canned legumes (kidney, black beans etc)

Pet food

Grocery or Walmart gift cards

We are NOT in need of canned veggies at this time

Lord, now lettest now thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou has prepared before the face of all people; To be a light to lighten the Gentiles, and to be the glory of thy people Israel.”

Luke 2:29-32

This week’s Gospel captures an incredible moment as Simeon recognizes the fulfillment of God’s promise to him and to the people of Israel. Simeon is promised by the Holy Spirit that he will not die before seeing the Messiah. Upon encountering the infant Jesus in the Temple, Simeon declares this hymn, expressing joy and readiness for death now that he has seen the salvation of Israel in the Christ child It’s a peaceful, prayerful, and grateful moment of closure for Simeon. 

The Song of Simeon, or Nunc Dimittis as it’s more often called (based on the Latin “Nunc dimittis servum tuum Domine”), is a treasured prayer in our Episcopalian tradition. Our Evening Prayer service in the Book of Common Prayer contains this canticle, and there are some gorgeous musical settings of it, one in particular by Thomas Attwood Walmisley that our choir will be singing this Sunday! 

The Song of Simeon (Nunc Dimittis) is often used as a prayer of thanksgiving for the day's blessings and as a meditation on the peace that comes with encountering Christ. It reflects the completion of the day and the completion of God's promise of salvation. We can all adopt this prayer on a daily basis as a moment of gratitude at the completion of the day. 

In Christ,


Valentines for Troops

All are welcome to join us this Sunday, 2/2, to make Valentine's Day cards for our troops! Our cards will go to the canine handlers and military dogs of the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) currently training in Florida. Drop by during coffee hour in the Glover Community Room to make some heartfelt cards to show your appreciation for their service to our country. Craft supplies will be provided.

Many thanks to Beth Murphy and Jessica O'Meara for their help with our church school rotation learning about Ruth. During the month of February our kids will learn about Moses and the burning bush. Workshops will include: creative drama, video, art, and cooking. Visitors and friends are always welcome!

Upcoming Events:

Sunday, 2/2, Valentines for Troops

Tuesday, 3/4, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and games

We are absolutely thrilled to support our college students from Trinity Episcopal Church, a place where community and inclusivity shine bright! If you have a college student in your family, please share their name and mailing address with us so we can sprinkle some joy their way with delightful goodie boxes! 🎁✨ Let’s keep those connections strong!

We’re not looking for candy; let’s get creative! Bring in items like ramen noodles, gum,

tic-tacs, hot chocolate packets, chapstick, and post-it notes to brighten our students' days! There’s a collection box waiting for your contributions at the front entrance of the church.

Our wonderful youth will be crafting heartfelt Valentine's for our troops on February 2nd, because love knows no bounds! ❤️ And mark your calendars for our exciting monthly meeting on Sunday, February 9th, in the library right after church—let’s come together and strengthen the bonds within our Trinity family! We can’t wait to see you there!

Christian Yoga

Join Christian Yoga class on alternating Tuesdays at 7 pm for an hour of movement that beautifully intertwines prayer and scripture. This is a great way to connect to yourself, with others and with God. The next session will be held on 2/11 & 2/25. All are welcome!

Free will offering is completely voluntary.

Weekly Happenings

Trinity's nursery is open every Sunday from 9:15 - 11:15, and is professionally staffed by Wee Care Nanny Agency. Click here to review the nursery guidelines.

Trinity's Grief Support Group runs every first and third Thursday of the month from 4-5:15pm, and is open to all.

Should you wish to make a donation to LL, please mail a check to First Congregational Church of Ridgefield (FCC), 103 Main Street, Ridgefield, Ct 06877. The memo line should read LLGD or click here.

New Process for Vouchers

Thank you to all of you who have seamlessly transitioned over to the new system - it is such a pleasure to be working with Lori Rohrbacher again!

Vouchers can now be submitted virtually. There is a new page on Trinity's website (Vouchers). Please use this online form as a way to submit vouchers. If you need help learning this new system, please contact Kim.

Praise and Thanksgiving

For those requesting our prayers

Maureen, Janet, Rick, Marie, Jennifer, Joyce, Jacky, Gail, Alveta, Bode, Gracie, Martha, Daniel, Shirley, Dan, Barbara, Lucille, Caroline, Eric, Brent, Judy, Kathy, Joan, Jacob, Peter, Sandy, Donna.

For those celebrating a birthday this week 

Carter Ready, Judy LaCroix, Cindy Anderau, Jessica Gibson, Karen Wojtowicz,

Hailey Loftus, Jenna Dunn, Patrick DeBrock

Contact Us
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Online Giving
Safe Church Training

There are events happening at Camp Washington - click here to learn more!

We are proud to be a parish in The Episcopal Church within 

The Episcopal Church in Connecticut.

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