Dear EPHS Families,
We’re excited for you to join us on Monday night for our “Meet the Teacher Open House!” As you know, our primary focus is creating a sense of belonging for each of our students. The connection between parents/guardians and teachers is central to students’ belonging and, ultimately, their academic success. Monday night is designed with that in mind--the purpose of the event is for you to make connections with your child’s teachers. It also provides you the opportunity to see our instructional spaces. We hope you’re able to join us! Here is the essential information:
Date: Monday, September 20
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Format: Open house style. You can tour our classrooms at your own flow/pace. Non-instructional staff and student leaders will be available to provide directions to classrooms. Please come with access to your student’s class schedule & room locations.
Note: A couple years ago, we switched from families following the bell schedule to this format based on feedback from families that the previous format was difficult for those who couldn’t make the full night and those with multiple students. We will collect feedback from you to inform future plans.
Location for teachers who use multiple classrooms throughout the day: Teachers will share their location with families in advance if they’ll be in a different location for this event than listed on your student’s schedule.
A is for Activities in South Commons Collab: You can drop-in to meet Russ Reetz, Associate Principal of Student Activities, to learn about how students can get involved at EPHS.
If you’re unable to join on Monday, please find other ways to connect with our teachers and support your child’s progress. Schoology pages, teacher emails & calls, and conferences on October 6 & 11 (more on these next week--we’ll have both virtual and in-person options) are all good options for this.
As always, please be in touch with questions.
Robb Virgin, Principal