Celebrating Over 30 Years of Professional Meeting & Association Management

July 2022 news & updates

Summer is Here...

Hope you have sun-in-your-face, wind-in-your-hair kind of summer days.

Don’t you just love it? Saw this card the other day and just had to buy it. One because it perfectly says my wish for all of you my colleagues and friends but two because it looks like my sweet Bichon-Frise, and she joins me in wishing you summer fun.


With all that we have been through the last few years this is the summer we need just to relax and enjoy. However, if you want to get the edge this fall, (while you are sunning at the pool) you may want to pick up one or two of the following 110 business books recommended by Carol Roth in her Summer Reading List: Must-Read Business Books. Surprisingly to me, most of the books she recommends I had not heard of. Let me know which of them you enjoy.


Interested in the Auto Show?

My client Marketing & Sales Executives of Detroit is hosting a webinar on the subject on July 12th.  It is free to members and non-members.  Take advantage of this opportunity to hear from the organizer herself, Tavi Fulkerson.

MSE Detroit presents:

"What to Expect at the 2022 North American International Auto Show (NAIAS)"


Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 1PM, Webinar

Presenter:  Tavi Fulkerson, Founder of the Fulkerson Group

For more information and to register, please click HERE.


Golf Anyone?


A couple of great opportunities to mix business with golf are coming up this August. Both events are open to members and non-members. Check out:

MHCC 31st Annual Golf Outing

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

Indianwood Golf and Country Club, Lake Orion

Presented by the Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Click HERE for more information.

26th Annual Swinging "Fore" Scholarships Golf Outing

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

Fox Hills Golf and Banquet Center, Plymouth Township

Presented by AWA Foundation

Click HERE for more information.


Enjoy the summer fun. Maybe I will see you at the pool or on the golf course soon!

Ann K. Bruttell
Meeting Coordinators, Inc.

Help is a phone call away…

Meeting Coordinators, Inc. would like to help your association and/or corporation get back to successful meetings, conferences and events in 2022. COVID has placed a strain on all of us. Associations and corporations are short staffed. Meeting Coordinators, Inc. can be that extra set of hands to coordinate your future programs. Because in every great association or company, there comes a time when a conference, seminar, sales meeting or special event must be arranged. Utilizing the services of Meeting Coordinators, Inc. will not burden your employees or volunteers with countless overwhelming logistical tasks. Meeting Coordinators, Inc. has a staff of experts to manage the day-to-day operations of your organization and also create professional events to exceed your every expectation. You can learn more about us at www.meeting-coordinators.com.

"Insider Secrets for Planning Events at an All-Inclusive Resort"

Tuesday, July 26, 2022, 2PM, Webinar

Presented by Smart Meetings

For more information, please click HERE.

"Strategic Negotiating Fundamentals"

Wednesday, July 27, 2022, 12N, Webinar

Presented by Meetings Today

For more information, click HERE.

"How to Use Stories to Get Engaged with Your Customers"

Tuesday, August 2, 2022, 9AM, Virtual

Presented by Meller Marketing

For more information, please click HERE.

"How I Know Hiring is a Sales Function"

Tuesday, August 9, 2022, 9AM, Virtual

Presented by Meller Marketing

For more information, please click HERE.

"Live & Learn:  Coaching Makes a Difference in Your Career"

Tuesday, August 30, 2022, 12N, Virtual

Presented by the AWA Foundation

For more information, please click HERE.

maintains a "Resources" page on our website with information on webinars, articles, and e-books for meeting and event planners, as well as Meeting Coordinators, Inc. events..

Check it out at:

DEI Webinars/Workshops

CADIA Connects: "Unexpected Impacts: Why focusing on moms makes a big difference to your company and culture"

Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 12Noon, Webinar

Presented by CADIA

For more information, please click HERE.

"DEI Series Part 3: Reskilling Front-Liners Promotes Economic Health for People of Color"

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

12:30-2PM, Webinar

Presented by Detroit SHRM, and featuring Sharri Watkins & Ida Byrd-Hill

For more information, please click HERE.

A huge "Thank You!"
to our Sponsors!

For sponsorship opportunities, please click HERE for our advertising rates or contact us at meetings@meeting-coordinators.com.
Meeting Coordinators, Inc. www.meeting-coordinators.com
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