Celebrating Over 30 Years of Professional Meeting & Association Management

October 2022 news & updates


Back to Work….

at Home or Office?

There has been so much discussion lately on working from home or in person at the office.

I read two very interesting articles that address this issue. "What do workers want to return to regularly working in the office?" and "Gen Z Is Lonely Thanks to 'Flexible' Remote Work, Falling Behind"

For our staff we are taking the hybrid approach. There is no doubt that working from home is great for personal flexibility. However, I do believe that working in the office develops more team spirit and creativity. For now, we are doing a little of both. I have a love/hate relationship with Zoom….But it does make distance working a good alternative to in person. Let me know how things are working for you. Do you have any tips to share on what has been working for you and your team?

MPI Michigan Chapter

Are you planning on attending the October 27th MPI Michigan Chapter meeting “Topic: Horror Stories”? Hope you can circle it in on your calendar. I am pleased to let you know that I have been invited as one of the panelists for the program. I guess they figure that after over 30 years in this hospitality industry that I have a few meeting/conference horror stories to tell. More importantly to tell how to turn a zombie event into a successful event. Hope to see you there. Here is the LINK to register.

On Another Note…

Did any of you attend the revised Detroit Auto Show last month? One of my clients, Marketing & Sales Executives of Detroit wrote an interesting review if you would like to read it HERE. Also for any of you Sales & Marketing folks out there, that organization is having a networking event on Wednesday October 26th. This "Meet & Greet" is open to non-members and guests…please join us.

Till we meet again….enjoy the festivities this month!

Ann K. Bruttell
Meeting Coordinators, Inc.

Help is a phone call away…

Meeting Coordinators, Inc. would like to help your association and/or corporation get back to successful meetings, conferences and events in 2022. COVID has placed a strain on all of us. Associations and corporations are short staffed. Meeting Coordinators, Inc. can be that extra set of hands to coordinate your future programs. Because in every great association or company, there comes a time when a conference, seminar, sales meeting or special event must be arranged. Utilizing the services of Meeting Coordinators, Inc. will not burden your employees or volunteers with countless overwhelming logistical tasks. Meeting Coordinators, Inc. has a staff of experts to manage the day-to-day operations of your organization and also create professional events to exceed your every expectation. You can learn more about us at www.meeting-coordinators.com.

"Anti-Aging: Living Healthier and Longer"

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

6-9PM, OCC Auburn Hills

Presented by Oakland Community College

For more information, please click HERE.

"Tips for Dealing with Dysfunctional Colleagues"

Thursday, October 13, 2022

1PM, Webinar

Presented by HRCI

For more information, please click HERE.

"2022 Incentive Trends Explained"

Thursday, October 20, 2022

2PM, Virtual

Presented by Smart Meetings

For more information, please click HERE.

"17th Annual Nonprofit Management Conference" 

Thursday November 3, 2022

8AM-2PM, Oakland University

Presented by Troy Chamber of Commerce

For more information, please

click HERE.

Volunteers Needed!

For volunteer opportunities, please click HERE.

Meeting Coordinators, Inc.

maintains a "Resources" page on our website with information on webinars, articles, and e-books for meeting and event planners, as well as Meeting Coordinators, Inc. events..

Check it out at:


A huge "Thank You!"

to our Advertisers!

For advertisin opportunities, please click HERE for our advertising rates or contact us at meetings@meeting-coordinators.com.

Meeting Coordinators, Inc. www.meeting-coordinators.com
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