But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.

Luke 14:13-14

Dear Brownson Church,

We continue our Lenten series “Meeting Jesus at the Table.” In our first week, the crowd of five thousand had a meal by the lakeside, and the crowd of five thousand was transformed from a mindset of scarcity to the miracle of God’s abundance. Jesus invites them to slow down and sit with Him. Instead of focusing on what they do not have, Jesus invites them to see what is right before their eyes - Him. He breaks bread and invites them to see the gift right before them. There is enough, and all are filled.

The following week, we hear a call story. Jesus invites Matthew, a tax collector to follow him and they end up eating at Matthew’s house. The Pharisees see this and are appalled. They keep Jesus at a distance because he invited them all to the table, especially tax collectors and sinners. We wondered who we are in the story? Are we amazed, like Matthew, to be invited to be close to Jesus, or do we choose, like the Pharisees, to keep Jesus at a distance?

Last week, Elizabeth did a great job. She invited us to see the woman at Jesus’s feet and see that God might call us in the interruptions. Are we open to following Jesus in the interruptions? 

Over the next two weeks, we will be looking at Luke 14. In this passage, Jesus is invited to a meal by the Pharisees. He tells stories about being humble and a parable about inviting the broken, but it only seems to confuse those at the party. Reflecting on this dinner party, I think Jesus talks about a very different meal than at the Pharisee’s house. A Kingdom meal, where together we will explore with awe that the Host invites us all to the table. Especially, the broken and struggling. Not only does this Host invite the broken, but He says, “I have saved you a seat. The best seat at the party.” This is a Host, a God, who lifts the broken and lowly. This is a Host, a God, who welcomes all. This is a Host, a God who sacrifices Himself so that you may be lifted. But like the Pharisees, can we see this meal that Jesus is describing? Are we changed by it? Maybe the work of Lent is to remember and see the amazing grace of God in Jesus Christ.

See you on Sunday! 


P.S. The Church Barbecue is coming up soon! To make sure we have enough food, please reserve your meal by clicking HERE!

Schedule for Holy Week

Sunday, April 2—Palm Sunday: 9 & 11 AM

Join us for this special Sunday with a Palm procession, trumpets, welcoming new members, and you are invited to an all-church Barbecue. We hope you will invite a friend and join us as we begin Holy Week.

Thursday, April 6—Maundy Thursday

Tenebrae Service @ 7 PM

Join us for this powerful service in shadows with communion. We remember Christ’s last supper with his disciples and through a series of dimming lights, and powerful music, we remember the sacrifice of Christ. Many people have called this one of the most moving services of the year.


Friday, April 7—Good Friday

Prayer Service @ 12 PM

On Good Friday we remember the death of our

Lord Jesus on the Cross during this meaningful prayer service. 


Sunday, April 9—Easter Sunday - 9 & 11 AM

On Easter we invite you to join in the Hallelujah Chorus,

to flower the Cross, and join us for worship! 

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Brownson Connects:

The Ligon Bible Class—This class studies The Present Word quarterly curriculum. Join us in Conference Room B at 10 AM.


The Living Word Today (hybrid) - This class discusses current events through the lens of our Christian faith, using The Wired Word curriculum. Join us in Conference Room A or on Zoom at 10 AM. Meeting ID: 825 8501 9818. Passcode: 664945.


Donuts and Devotionals – Bring your coffee and donuts to Conference Room C at 10 AM as we discuss some of the most important stories in the New Testament.




Theology on Tap–The men of the church meet on Wednesday nights at 6 PM at Table on the Green.


Men's Tuesday Fellowship Breakfast - This men’s group meets the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7 AM at Sizzlin’ Steak or Eggs. Contact Bill Berger for more information.

Women—Bible study is offered through six different Circles. For information, contact Membership Leader Nancy Ahlfeld at 910.235.4646 or visit brownsonchurch.org/pw.


Large Print Bulletins can be found in the Narthex along with headphones for those with hearing impairment. Our Sanctuary is equipped with a t-coil system if your hearing aids include that feature.



Gilmore Client Services—1500 Indiana Ave

· Third Tuesday of each month 8:30 AM-11 AM

· Contact: Jan Lindstrom [email protected]


· Second Tuesday of each month 9 AM-11 AM

· Contact: Bob McCall [email protected]


Join us for after school homework help one day/week at Southern Pines Elementary, assisting 4th-graders with basic math and reading. To sign up, contact Austin Vernon, [email protected].


Brownson and the Village Chapel are partnering up for the construction of the 2023 Apostles Build. The Apostle Build is only made possible by volunteers from numerous churches throughout Moore County. The dates for the Brownson/Village Chapel Build are April 27, 28 and 29 and the location is 200 Hatley Street – Aberdeen. Habitat would like 6 volunteer “builders” from each Church each day from 8 am – 1 pm. No experience is required. Habitat will provide all equipment, hard hats, goggles, water/snacks and a contractor from Habitat will be on-sight at all times. Please go on-line and register to volunteer at sandhillshabitat.volunteerhub.com.

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