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Meeting Notice and Club News

WELCOME to the newsletter of the Rotary Club of Livonia AM. Our club meets weekly to socialize, discuss the needs of our community and the world around us, and take action to address those needs. Please consider visiting our club or joining us on a service project.

All Are Welcome!

Coming Up This Week

President David Stechholz invites you to a Hybrid Zoom meeting scheduled for Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 7:30 AM.

This week, our speaker will be Linda Hollman, Outreach, Assimilation, & Women's Ministry at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church, discussing "Livonia Cares", with an Invocation by Rev. David Stechholz.


During our last meeting, Mike Ladwig gave the Invocation. Thank you, Mike!


Please inform Mike Ladwig if you want to lead us with a spiritual or inspiring message to start our meeting.

Its Bell Ringing Time Again

December 14th & 21st

We invite all club members to come together as we participate in our annual Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army at Joe's Produce in Livonia. This event is a fun opportunity to give back, actively engage with our community, and increase awareness of the support needed for many in our community.

There are two dates to choose from:

  • December 14th, 10:00-2:00 PM, Signup HERE.
  • December 21st, 10:00-2:00 PM, Signup HERE.

Member News

Glen Eden Memorial Parks

November 13, 2024

Reverend Dave Stechholz opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mike Ladwig shared a Meditation at the meeting.

Mike brought a fellow member of his Church, Marty, as a guest and potential member to the meeting, and he was cheerfully welcomed. There were 22 people in attendance, with 7 zooming in, including Tammy Bonifield from the Dominican Republic.

During “Happy Bucks”, birthday greetings were sent to Larry Stevens. Victoria Haltom reported she had a stroke in one of her eyes. Fortunately, she now has vision in both eyes but has a black spot in the eye.

It was pointed out that it was “World Kindness Day,” and the group was happy to celebrate the occasion. Bob Carris, zoomed into the meeting and reported that his eye surgery went well.

The Giving Committee reported on their review of grant requests and recommended awarding four grants. They were unanimously approved. During “Happy Bucks”, birthday greetings were sent to Larry Stevens.

Victoria Haltom reported she had a stroke in one of her eyes. Fortunately, she now has vision in both eyes but has a black spot in the eye.

It was pointed out that it was “World Kindness Day,” and the group was happy to celebrate the occasion. Bob Carris zoomed into the meeting and reported that his eye surgery went well.

Reverend Dave reported that the LAMR Club has one of only eleven Christmas trees allotted this year by the City at the Deck the Rec event and thanked Victoria for the decorations she made. He also reported that Governor Nick Krayacich approved our club establishing a “Volunteer Corp.” After some discussion, it was decided that we need to set up how to manage it at a meeting dedicated to the topic.

Erin Dobbins reported that the Peace Pole Committee is working on languages to feature on the pole and stated that the club may want to install two poles. She also informed the club that the City does not want to discuss installing the pole in Rotary Park until both Rotary Clubs in Livonia deal with the damaged comfort station in Rotary Park. A meeting is scheduled with Ted Davis, the Parks and Recreation Director, on Monday, November 18th to establish a fund-raising plan for reconstructing of the comfort stations and shelter.

The club was reminded of our breakfast meeting at George's Senate Coney Island on Haggerty Road in Northville Township on November 27, 2024, at 7:30 AM.

There will be a signup email sent out to the group for the Christmas Holiday Parades for Garden City and Livonia coming up.

The guest speaker was Eric Moore talking about Glen Eden Memorial Parks. Eric and his wife Laura live in New Hudson. They have twins.

Although Eric is an “Elder,” he graduated with a degree in law enforcement. Glenn Eden has three locations, Livonia, Macomb Township and St. Clair. It was established in 1929 with the purchase of land by several Churches. Currently, it features two mausoleums in a park-like setting. There are over 52,000 individuals resting there.

The importance of pre-planning for your passing was stressed by Eric. It allows for grieving and healing. Planning allows you to lock in costs, pre-order markers and make plans that alleviate your loved ones from trying to figure out what you want. If you are a veteran setting up an “Honor Guard,” requires review of discharge papers ahead of time. Glenn Eden has services that help families set up wills or trusts. Families can select from ground burials, cremation or columbarium placement. In closing Eric once again stressed the importance of pre-planning arrangements for your passing to alleviate future family stress or conflicts. 


Upcoming Club Meetings

11/20/2024 - Linda Hollman, Livonia Cares, Invocation by Rev. Dave Stechholz

11/27/2024 - Club Breakfast Meeting at George's Senate Coney Island, 39430 Dun Rovin Drive, Northville, 7:30 AM. Enter off Haggerty Road, between Five and Six Mile Roads

12/04/2024 - Club Assembly, Invocation by Larry Stephens

12/11/2024 - Kevin Kelly, Major Gifts Manager for The Rotary Foundation, Invocation by Bob Carris

12/18/2024 - Ted Davis, Superintendent Livonia Parks & Recreation, Invocation by Victoria Haltom

12/25/2024 - No Meeting, Merry Christmas!

Upcoming Committee Meeting

11/20/2024 - Membership Recruitment Committee Meeting, after LAMR Meeting, 8:35 AM.

Upcoming Events

11/21/2024 - Rotary Foundation Legacy Dinner, Crystal Gardens, Southgate, MI, 6:00 - 9:00 PM, Details HERE.

11/30/2024 - Our Club Has Been Invited to Join the Garden City Rotary Club and Other Area Clubs to Participate in the Garden City Santaland Parade, Details HERE.

12/02/2024 - "Deck The Rec" Christmas Tree Decorating at the Livonia Recreation Center, Details to Follow.

12/08/2024 - Our Club Has Been Invited to Participate in Livonia's "Merry & Bright" Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting, Staging 2:45 PM at Frost Middle School; Parade Starts at 4:00 PM.

12/27/2024 - Christmas Fellowship Friday Evening Get-Together at Rev. Dave & Janet's Home, 6:00 PM, Details to Follow.

Join Us


We meet at the

Livonia Senior Center Complex

15218 Farmington Road

Livonia, MI 48154

Every Wednesday, 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM

All Are Welcome!

Past Meetings and Events

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