Meeting Notice and Club News | |
WELCOME to the newsletter of the Rotary Club of Livonia AM. Our club meets weekly to socialize, discuss the needs of our community and the world around us, and take action to address those needs. Please consider visiting our club or joining us on a service project.
All are welcome.
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Club Assembly
November 06, 2024
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Bob Carris opened our meeting with an Invocation followed by the members singing two songs, "The Great Pumpkin is Coming to Town" and "This Land is Your Land". Sharon Pommerville collected Happy Bucks. Mike Ladwig happy for Sounds of Silence on his phone since the election is over, Bob Carris happy that his eye surgery went well. His other eye will be done next week. Pat Zucal is pleased that he will walk his daughter down the aisle on Saturday. Congratulations, Pat!!
Our Club was pleased to have a Rotarian, Bryan Lindfors, from Charlevoix, visit us.
Good news for Touch a Truck: $4,200 was found in going through the books and will now be around $12,000 that the Interact Club will have to work with.
The Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser evaluation will occur on or around Nov 19? at Deanna Gaffney's home (the correct date will be sent out.) The dinner had the largest attendance at 245+ and 23+ carry-outs. It was decided to give the Church an extra $500 since we did so well. Members reported that there was a joyfulness at the event that we didn't have before. Some said that was due to the front table with the Interact students helping and welcoming people to the event. Things that went well were the ribbons for people to wear, aprons for the bussers, and the sponsored placemats.
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Placemats could be projected on the wall of the hall to give more visibility to the sponsors. The position of the speakers should be moved to a more central location to help with better hearing of the speakers.
Reverent Dave Stechholz brought up that Ted Davis (Livonia Parks & Rec Superintendent) wanted the Spaghetti dinner to be held next year at the new Senior Wellness Center. Members didn't like that idea. Would the new Center be ready and could we use the kitchen? People know where the dinner takes place and to change location might cause confusion. President Dave will respond to Ted.
The Livonia "Merry & Bright" Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting event is on Sunday, December 8th. Tammy Bonifield will be the contact person for the parade; we will have seven people attend. We will have Tammy's truck pull a float with a large inflatable Rotary logo. Meet at Frost Middle School on Stark Rd.
Membership Committee (Dave Stechholz, Greg Greene, Victoria Haltom, and Mike Ladwig) announced they want a Volunteer Corp to get more people involved in Rotary. These people will be introduced to Rotary and help in our projects. It was suggested that we all need to ask friends to attend our meetings.
Victoria Haltom presented a list of 50 reasons to become a Rotarian that will be rolled up and put on our "Deck the Rec" Christmas tree for people to take. Rose Friske has begun putting lights and ribbon on our "Deck the Rec" Christmas tree. Victoria has made numerous decorations for the tree, as well. More information to follow.
Susan Paluchnak
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11/13/2024 - Eric Moore, Glen Eden Memorial Park, Invocation by Mike Ladwig
11/20/2024 - Linda Hollman, Livonia Cares, Invocation by Rev. Dave Stechholz
11/27/2024 - Club Breakfast Meeting at George's Senate Coney Island, 39430 Dun Rovin Drive, Northville, 7:30 AM. Enter off Haggerty Road, between Five and Six Mile Roads
12/04/2024 - Club Assembly, Invocation by Larry Stephens
12/11/2024 - Kevin Kelly, Major Gifts Manager for The Rotary Foundation, Invocation by Bob Carris
12/18/2024 - Ted Davis, Superintendent Livonia Parks & Recreation, Invocation by Victoria Haltom
12/25/2024 - No Meeting, Merry Christmas!
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11/21/2024 - Rotary Foundation Legacy Dinner, Crystal Gardens, Southgate, MI, 6:00 - 9:00 PM, Details HERE.
11/30/2024 - Our Club Has Been Invited to Join the Garden City Rotary Club and Other Area Clubs to Participate in the Garden City Santaland Parade, Details HERE.
12/02/2024 - "Deck The Rec" Christmas Tree Decorating at the Livonia Recreation Center, Details to Follow.
12/08/2024 - Our Club Has Been Invited to Participate in Livonia's "Merry & Bright" Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting, Staging 2:45 PM at Frost Middle School; Parade Starts at 4:00 PM.
12/27/2024 - Christmas Fellowship Friday Evening Get-Together at Rev. Dave & Janet's Home, 6:00 PM, Details to Follow.
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We meet at the
Livonia Senior Center Complex
15218 Farmington Road
Livonia, MI 48154
Every Wednesday, 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
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| November 06, 2024
Newsletter | October 30, 2024
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser | October 23, 20243 Newsletter | October 16, 2024
Meal Packing Event | October 09, 2024
DG Golf Outing | October 02, 2024
Adopt-A-Road Clean-up | September 25, 2024
Newsletter | September 18, 2024
Newsletter | September 11, 2024 Newsletter | September 04, 2024
Newsletter | August 28, 2024
Touch-A-Truck | August 21, 2024
Detroit Tigers Outing | August 14, 2024
Newsletter | | | | | |