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Meeting Notice and Club News

WELCOME to the newsletter of the Rotary Club of Livonia AM. Our club meets weekly to socialize, discuss the needs of our community and the world around us, and take action to address those needs. Please consider visiting our club or joining us on a service project.

All Are Welcome!

Coming Up This Week

President David Stechholz invites you to a Hybrid Zoom meeting scheduled for Wednesday, December 04, 2024, at 7:30 AM.

This week, we will be holding a Club Assembly with an Invocation by Larry Stephens.


During our last meeting, Rev. David Stechholz gave the Invocation. Thank you, Dave!


Please inform Mike Ladwig if you want to lead us with a spiritual or inspiring message to start our meeting.

Garden City Santaland Parade

November 30, 2024

Members of our club joined the Garden City Rotary Club in the Garden City Santaland Parade on Saturday. Tammy Bonifield had the honor of pulling the Rotary float in her pickup truck bed.

Organizers reported it was one of the coldest Santaland Parades ever, but it didn't stop the participants from having a great time! The annual parade attracted 1,610 participants across 88 incredible entries, with the help of 117 volunteers.

Braving the cold were club members Erin Dobbins, Dave Stechholz, Victoria Haltom, Tammy Bonifield, Susan Paluchniak, Claude Kendrick, along with Jim Lenze (Garden City Rotary Club President), and Interact Club members.

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Member News

Christmas Tree Decorating at the Livonia Recreation Center

November 27, 2024

Club members Victoria Haltom, Susan Paluchniak, Bob Carris, and Bill and Rose Friske joined together to decorate our Livonia AM Rotary Christmas tree at the Livonia Rec Center this past Wednesday.

There are a total of 11 trees on display, and the public will vote for their favorite tree.

If you are in the neighborhood of the Rec Center, stop in and take a look. Be sure to scan the QR Code in front of our tree to log your vote!

You can also scan the QR Code pictured here to vote.

Club Breakfast Meeting at George's Senate Coney Island

November 27, 2024

Our club enjoyed a special breakfast meeting at George's Senate Coney Island last week. It was a fond reminder of what we have been missing since we stopped meeting in area restaurants.

The owner, George, came out and gave our group a brief history of his coming to America and working his tail off to become a successful business owner.

This occasion marks our second club visit to George's. All in attendance agreed we should make this an annual Thanksgiving time tradition.

Upcoming Club Meetings

12/04/2024 - Club Assembly, Invocation by Larry Stephens

12/11/2024 - Kevin Kelly, Major Gifts Manager for The Rotary Foundation, Invocation by Bob Carris

12/18/2024 - Ted Davis, Superintendent Livonia Parks & Recreation, Invocation by Victoria Haltom

12/25/2024 - No Meeting, Merry Christmas!

Upcoming Events

12/02/2024 - "Deck The Rec" Christmas Tree Decorating at the Livonia Recreation Center, Drop in Before Christmas and Vote for our Tree.

12/08/2024 - Our Club Has Been Invited to Participate in Livonia's "Merry & Bright" Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting, Staging 2:45 PM at Frost Middle School; Parade Starts at 4:00 PM.

12/14/2024 - Salvation Army Bell Ringing at Joe's Produce in Livonia, 10:00-2:00 PM, Signup HERE.

12/15/2024 - LIvonia Civic Chorus Presents "Scenes of December", Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church, Tickets Available HERE.

12/21/2024 - Salvation Army Bell Ringing at Joe's Produce in Livonia, 10:00-2:00 PM, Signup HERE.

12/27/2024 - Christmas Fellowship Friday Evening Get-Together at Rev. Dave & Janet's Home, 6:00 PM, Details to Follow.

Join Us


We meet at the

Livonia Senior Center Complex

15218 Farmington Road

Livonia, MI 48154

Every Wednesday, 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM

All Are Welcome!

Past Meetings and Events

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