September Neighborhood Member Meeting on Crime
DCCA’s September Meeting was very well attended. Gregg Pemberton, Chair of the DC Police Union, gave us an informative presentation about issues facing MPD officers with the current increase in crime and decrease in the number of officers, and he answered many questions from attendees. We also tried out our new format of having refreshments first and our new sound system, both of which worked nicely.
Up Next: Can't Miss DCCA October Meeting
Monday, October 2nd
7:00 PM
Congressional Club
2001 New Hampshire Avenue NW

We are delighted to announce that John DeFerrari and Douglas Peter Sefton, the authors of the new book, 16th Street NW: Washington, DC's Avenue of Ambitions will regale us with stories of the ups and downs of the buildings along the street. Books will be available for $25 for signing by the authors. To ensure we have enough books, please reserve a copy by emailing DCCA, and bring cash or check to the meeting.

Note that this meeting will take place at the historic Congressional Club creating a wonderful opportunity for us to gather at another of our neighborhood's historic gems.

This meeting is open to the public - members and neighbors are welcome!
Not yet a DCCA member? New memberships start at just $15.
Click here to join or renew online or download the form to renew by mail.
DC Recycles Paint
The District Department of Energy and Environment is reminding residents of options for recycling cans of paint. In addition to drop off events at RFK. Paint drop-off & free pick up for over five gallons is also available year round.

Click here for more information about drop-off sites throughout the District of Columbia where the public can take unwanted paint for recycling. These sites are available to households, businesses, government agencies, and others with leftover paint.
10th Celebration of DDOT PARK(ing) Day PopUps
Friday, September 15th (today!)

For 2023, nine pop-up parklets are planned throughout the city including two in nearby U Street and Shaw. Participating groups include District agencies, Business Improvement Districts, main streets, and local businesses. Read more about the program here and also use the interactive map to find a pop-up.
Does DC’s Planning and Zoning Need an Overhaul?
Wednesday, September 20th
6:30 - 8:00 PM
First Congregational UCC
945 G Street NW

The Committee of 100 on the Federal City is marking their 100th anniversary by hosting seven public conversations on topics of interest to DC residents, neighborhood commissioners, elected officials, students, academics, neighborhood association members.

The September conversation will dive into a conversation about what can be done to make planning and zoning more accessible and responsive to community interests including equity.nTo learn more and register for this free event click here.
Mark Your Calendars for Art All Night
Saturday, Sep 30th
7:00 PM – 11:50 PM
Dupont Circle (and across the city)

The tenth annual Art All Night is coming soon and will be turning local galleries, embassies, museums, and Dupont Circle park into an exciting evening celebrating the arts. In addition to art, music, markets and fire jugglers - this year includes the showing of DC Fashion Week Menswear Collections in Dupont Circle Park at 10pm.

Click here to read about Art All Night.
Panda Parting Party
September 23rd - October 1st
National Zoo

To see the giant pandas off in style, the Smithsonian's National Zoo will host Panda Palooza, a nine-day celebration for people of all ages in a series of fun, family-friendly and conservation-forward events.
Warm Up those Jazz Hands for Theatre Week 👐🏼
September 21st - October 8th

During Theatre Week you can see a show for $20, $40, or $60 in venues throughout the city. Visit the website to learn more about the performance schedule for musicals, plays, classics, and new works.
Pickleball Pop Up
Thursday, September 28th - Saturday, September 30th
JFK Hockey Fields
1964 Independence Avenue SW

Ready to join the trend? Nine courts will be open for play for those who reserve spots. If you don’t book a slot in time, there will also be a dedicated court for walk-ons. Paddles and balls will be provided to all players. Click here for more info.
Hearing on 911 Call Center
Thursday, October 5th
9:30 AM

The DC Council Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety will hold a hearing on Operations of the Office of Unified Communications' 911 Call Center and on Bill 25-344, which seeks to establish important oversight mechanisms to improve efficiency, transparency, and accuracy of OUC operations. For more information see
Mythbusting: “Trees and Crime”
Our friends at Casey Trees have an excellent series around mythbusting. Recently they considered the urban folklore that dense vegetation and tree foliage is a hiding place for criminals and asked, does tree cover indeed encourage crime? Their research offers evidence that the exact opposite is true. Trees and the canopy coverage they provide do not contribute to crime rates – instead, trees may actively decrease crime.

Click here to read more about the conclusion and watch a short segment a local StormTeam4 meterologist and science teach did on the topic!

🌈 The More You Know!
Time Travel in Dupont
The Old Dutch Market at Dupont Circle is now occupied by our neighborhood CVS on the circle. It was a thriving business in DC through the 1920s.

The ghosts of DC Website offers a look at some old advertisements and stories about the market. Click here to time travel!
Newslinks of Note
Red Line Service Will Shut Down at Three Metro Stations in December - LINK

What to do about D.C.’s rat problem? Release the terriers! (wapo paywall) - LINK

Where To Get Your Challah, Rugelach, & Other Noshes for High Holidays - LINK

Ice Cream Jubilee’s T Street NW location closing - LINK

Little Blackbird Wine Bar Opens In Cleveland Park - LINK

Food & Wine Names Georgetown Chef on Best New Chefs in America List - LINK
Dupont Circle Citizens Association | |