Regional Housing News - October 7, 2024 | |
In The News
Don't miss it! Next RHN:
How to Make Your Community More Friendly to People of Color,
RHS Evaluation Checklist for Cities and Villages
Thursday, October 10, 3:00-4:00pm
Housing Strategy Spotlight - Missing Middle Housing
NEW! Missing Middle Housing 101 Fact Sheet
New Housing Financing - Apply Now!
Housing Events
Housing in the News
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Don't miss it!
Next RHN:
How to Make Your Community More Friendly to People of Color,
RHS Checklist and Evaluation Guide for Cities & Villages
Thursday, October 10, 3:00-4:00pm
Please join us on Thursday, October 10 to hear from Dane County’s Manager of Policy and Program Improvement for the Office of Equity and Inclusion, Theola Carter, and Senior Planner, Olivia Parry, on “How to Make Your Community More Friendly to People of Color;” the first presentation of a new RHS series on racial equity and housing. Then learn about the launch of the new “RHS Checklist and Evaluation Guide for Cities & Villages” that includes strategies and action items identified in the RHS that cities and villages can use to inventory and assess municipal housing activities. See you soon!
Zoom link:
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RHS Housing Strategy Spotlight
The core of the RHS Strategic Action Plan (2024-2028) are the top housing Priorities, Strategies and Action Items.
Each month we will spotlight strategies and action items based on one of the five housing priorities from the RHS Action Plan. Spotlights will vary and be relevant to different stakeholder groups including municipalities, non-profits, realtors, residents, developers, builders, financial institutions, employers. Pursuing these strategies is critical to solving the housing crisis. It will take all of us.
An annual RHS survey will go out in November to housing stakeholders and municipalities to track our progress. An RHS Progress Report will be shared at the RHS annual meeting in February, and online.
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Dane County is experiencing a severe housing shortage. Missing Middle Housing is an important solution that can help add much needed housing stock. | | |
What is missing middle housing? |
“Missing middle housing” refers to residential building types that have more than one unit, but less than 20 units, approximately. It can be rental or owner-occupied with smaller units by square foot.
Missing middle housing types include duplexes, fourplexes, other small apartment buildings, townhouses, condominiums, and accessory dwelling units (ADUs) within residential areas. These housing types are similar in scale to detached single-family homes, but provide more housing units with the same amount of land and building materials.
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Why is it missing?
There is a national shortage of these housing types due to various obstacles preventing their development, such as residential zoning regulations that prohibit smaller homes, apartment buildings, ADUs, townhomes, etc.
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Demand for missing middle housing? | |
Dane County’s residents have varied housing needs depending on their household type, income and other factors. Housing markets are considered “healthy” when households are able to choose from a variety of housing types in locations that meet their needs.
The number of new households in Dane County was 8,000 higher than new housing units built from 2010 to 2020. There is a county-wide shortage of missing middle housing options including smaller multifamily rental buildings, as well as owner-occupied townhomes and condos. The county must produce approximately 7,000 new housing units per year, including missing middle units, to meet increasing demand.
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The RHS includes various action items and metrics related to increasing the development of missing middle housing, including:
Identify funding sources for local zoning amendments to better facilitate the creation of a variety and number of new of housing units
Update zoning codes to allow context-appropriate multifamily by right in certain residential zones
Share of residential-zoned areas that permit up to four units per lot by right
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Some Dane County municipalities have already made efforts to increase missing middle housing development where appropriate within their communities. For example, the City of Fitchburg implemented a SmartCode Zoning Ordinance, which established new zoning districts that allow a diverse range of small-scale multifamily housing types to be built by right. | |
Download and share RHS fact sheets with your colleagues, neighbors, residents, or elected officials: | |
New Housing Financing
WHEDA Launches NEW Home Repair Loan Program!
WHEDA and Gov. Tony Evers officially announced the launch of the new More Like Home™ Repair and Renew Loan program ($50 million total) for eligible Wisconsin homeowners! The program provides low-interest loans between $5,000 and $50,000 to owners of houses that are over 40 years old (built before 1984). Homeowners can use these loans to finance crucial structural repairs and energy-efficiency updates such as roofing, insulation, plumbing, electrical, heating, and air conditioning. Loans can also be used for removal of environmental contaminants including lead paint, asbestos, mold, and other internal environmental contamination. Loans are available through WHEDA’s participating lenders.
Key qualifications:
- Home must have been constructed at least 40 years prior to the date of application
- Eligible property types include owner-occupied single-family homes, condos, 2-unit, or manufactured homes
- Applicant must occupy the home as their primary residence
Income limits – Dane County residents must have an annual household income less than $176,260
- Funds can be used only for qualifying repairs completed by a licensed and insured contractor
Think you qualify? Contact a participating lender today!
WHEDA's Affordable Housing and Infrastructure Loan Programs: Accepting Applications Now!
WHEDA has announced the next round of funding is open for applications for the Infrastructure Access, Restore Main Street, and Vacancy-to-Vitality competitive loan programs. Visit each loan program’s webpage for more information, or send your questions to
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Housing Events
Please share this information with interested residents and community leaders!
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FREE Homebuyer Education Classes
October 12 – December 14
Atrium Villager Mall
2300 S Park St., Madison, WI
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Take the first step to owning a home and join the Home Buyers Round Table for their Home Buyer Education Workshop. This FREE Homebuyer Education workshop takes place in-person at the Atrium Villager Mall (2300 S Park St, Madison, WI), and lunch will be provided. Certificate of Completion is provided upon completion of class AND a one-on-one counseling session with Consumer Credit Counseling Services. You must attend the entire class (choose one) to sign up for a counseling session. This course is provided by a HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agency – Consumer Credit Counseling Service.
The workshop will cover:
- How to find the right home
- How to apply for a mortgage
- Credit improvement tips
- How much you can afford
- Barriers that can prevent you from qualifying for a mortgage and
- What down payment assistance may be available to you
Upcoming classes are being offered (choose one):
- Saturday, October 12, 8:30am - 3:30pm
- Saturday, November 9, 8:30am – 3:30pm
- Saturday, December 14, 8:30am-3:30pm
Check the brochure here for more information, or register here now!
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Landlord and Property Manager Event:
Addressing Mental Health with Tenants
Thursday, October 17, 8:30am Registration/Light Breakfast, 9:00am Program
United Way of Dane County
2059 Atwood Avenue
3rd Floor Evjue Board Rooms
Are you a landlord or property manager in Dane County? Please join Dane County’s Landlord/Property Manager Engagement Committee to hear from a panel of experts on how best to support tenants with accessing resources during a behavioral or mental health crisis.
Register here!
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Shining a Light on Homelessness in Dane County:
A Summit of Awareness and Action
November 12, 2024, 9:00am – 3:00pm
Alliant Energy Center
1919 Alliant Energy Way, Madison WI 53713
Join the Homeless Services Consortium of Dane County for an opportunity to learn more about rising homelessness in Dane County. Educational sessions, networking opportunities, and discussions with your fellow community members and elected officials. Help make homelessness a rare, brief, and one time experience!
Register here!
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Housing in the News
September 12, 2024, The Washington Post – Rent, utilities rose faster than home values for first time in a decade
September 12, 2024, CNN – Nearly half of US renters spend more than 30% of their income on housing costs
September 23, 2024, Northside News – Northside housing expert answers questions about our housing crisis
September 24, 2024, Wisconsin Public Radio – Wisconsin realtors hopeful for further mortgage rate declines, but supply is bigger issue
September 24, 2024, HNG News – Cottage Grove to participate in county’s housing planning program
September 26, 2024, Wisconsin Public Radio – Study: Past housing discrimination affects present childhood asthma risk
October 3, 2024, Isthmus – Can Monona help solve Madison’s housing crisis?
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Send an email to for questions or more info on the Dane County Regional Housing Strategy.
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