With Association of Facilitators

Coming up:

Making Friends with Zen and the Fertile Void - Meeting with Chaos and Paradox

The Transpersonal in Group Facilitation and Life Coaching

Dear Bella,

Please see details below for an invitation to a 3 hour Transpersonal Facilitation Workshop to be held online via Zoom on Monday 20th May, starting at 10am UK time and led by AoF Board Member, Professor Paul Barber. This will be of particularly interest to leaders and facilitators who are interested in working with individuals and groups from a different, deeper perspective.

This will be a hands-on virtual workshop where you experience and appraise the usefulness of meeting with chaos and unstructured potential in a facilitative relationship, be it as a manager, coach or as a professional facilitator. You will be led through exercises where you will meet with paradox and confusion, learning to shape and work with the same for the good of both yourselves and your clients. This will help bring mindfulness into your management or facilitation practice.

By way of introduction, Paul writes:

"I encourage my clients to always strive after a ‘Don’t Know Mind’, for paradoxically, when ‘The Don’t Know Mind’ becomes clear & with rumination left far behind we begin to understand that much is really interpretation & cultural conditioning – by beliefs masquerading as ‘fact’. At this point, with possibilities opening up & socialization in question, we are freed to rethink the ‘musts’ & ‘shoulds’ & ‘oughts’ we impose upon our life! To see afresh & welcome in the fertile void to stay with ‘What is’.

Transpersonal facilitation & coaching won’t always lead to enlightenment, but at least it will make sufficient psychic space to provide opportunity to re-write a more current & realistic life-plan & to see through the folly of our habitual ways! But why bother to work in this way? Well, many people’s minds are like overfull glasses that need emptying out before they can receive more - & that’s a facilitator’s job!"

Numbers will be purposefully small to encourage dialogue and case discussion so book your place soon.

Those enrolling in the workshop will receive an introductory paper in preparation for the workshop.

The cost of the workshop is £80 for AoF members and £100 for non-members.

To register, email or call +44 208 282 7128.

About the facilitator:

Paul Barber, (PhD., MSc., BA., EAGT., RNT., Fellow Roffey Park Management College., Hon Dip Integrative Therapy). I am trained in Gestalt, Group Analysis, Co-Counselling & Transactional Analysis. As an ex-Director of the Human Potential Research Group (HPRG) at the University of Surrey, I have taught & continue to teach group facilitation, organizational consultancy & Gestalt therapy internationally, I continue to publish widely & live in semi-retirement in Bucharest, Romania, with my wife, & a daughter of 9 years – who is a full-time job in herself!

With regards.

Bella Mehta & Brian Watts

Association of Facilitators (AoF)

0203 282 7128

Other Continuing Professional Development opportunities in 2024:

24th June - Advanced Practical Constellations - Bella Mehta

16th September - Gestalt informed bodywork for facilitators - Professor Paul Barber

21st October – Critical Reflection – Sharpening the Blurred Edges - Brian Watts

Face-to-Face Open Programmes:

Foundations in Facilitation Skills

The Facilitator's Toolkit

Group Dynamics

Certificate in Facilitation Skills

Online Programmes:

Group Supervision

Fundamentals in Co-Coaching

The Facilitator's Toolkit (in-house)

coloured group

Please see our website for more details of our courses, and dates are available on our calendar. To register, please email