
Mega-Star Line Up: Earth, Sun, Alcyone of the Pleiades



The upcoming Solar Eclipse on May 20th in North America / May 21st in Asia is creating a lot of excitement among scientists, astrologers and spiritualists. There is no doubt that the astronomy behind this day is special. The uniqueness of this particular eclipse is heightened as it will see our Sun and Earth align with the star Krittika (also known as Alcyone in the Pleiades by astronomers). Profound spiritual and astrological indications arise from this alignment.

AstroVed's founder, Dr. Baskaran Pillai, shared that the upcoming eclipse presents a unique opportunity for people to access the energy of the Sun and the higher frequency Pleiades star constellation, which is the abode of the Vedic Archetype Lord Muruga. To this end Dr. Pillai has commissioned the performance of a rare Sun God's Chariot with 7 Horses fire ritual on this coming Solar Eclipse. This is an esoteric and seldom performed fire ritual which involves 9 priests and 9 separate homa pits (fire pits). This will be conducted at Sunrise on Monday, May 21st IST.

Join us for these rituals and a conference call with Dr. Pillai, revealing the mantras and energy of this day. Only 48 hours left to enroll.

More on Sun God Fire Ritual

We found many sources from ancient traditions like Hopis, Mayan and Aborigines had a common view that the world is changing cycles but it is not ending. This resonates with the astrological time cycles we observe. We requested our Advisory Board member, Dr. Brahmasri K.V. Seshadrinatha Sastri, to present the ancient Vedic viewpoint. Dr. Sastri, now over 70 years old, is renowned throughout India for authentic Vedic wisdom. He trained from childhood onwards in both academic and the experiential aspects of the rich sciences of astrology, vastu, ayurveda, pariharam (remedies) and Sanskrit. He has been honoured by governments and premier academic institutions where he also held high positions. We are grateful for his advisory service. We hope you enjoy the following interview that is filled with insights and wisdom that stretches back to a forgotten time.

Interview with Vedic Master Dr. Sastri

AstroVed: What are the astrological implications of this solar eclipse?

Dr. Sastri: The visible external space exists internally within us in an invisible form. Therefore any disturbance that happens to the planets in outer space is reflected by planetary aspects inside our body.

Read Complete Interview

Special: Moon Phase Energy Ceremony

Thirumeyachur Temple

Apart from the Solar Eclipse, there is a special Lunar celebration occurring beginning Monday. We recently discovered that at the Thirumeyachur temple the 15 Nithya Devis (15 Moon Phases) are always present in invisible form. A special ceremony for them occurs from May 21st - June 4th. This ceremony is performed once a year. The Nityas represent the lunar energies of the day determined by the Moon Phase and worshipping them will bring success in day-to-day life. Propitiating the Nityas at the right time will help you throughout the year and guide you to spend time wisely.

Use Moon Phases Wisely

6 planets Grouping Together in one Sign

6 planets together in one sign causes trouble as the saying goes, "too many cooks spoil the broth". 6 planets will be in the sign of Taurus. When a House has 4 or more planets in it, none of the planet can be clear or strong. That is why it is good to strengthen all the planets so their best qualities can be invoked.

Strenghten All the Planets

It's All In The Timing