November 4, 2022

Weekly E-Newsletter 


For Melmark employees and families of individuals who reside and attend programs at Melmark's service division in New England. Please see below for important program information. Watch your inbox for a new newsletter every week.

In this Issue:

  • Mission Moments
  • Advocacy: Breaking News Update
  • Reminder: Peanut Free Environments
  • School Dress Code and Field Trips
  • Visitation Guidance
  • School Calendar
  • Staff Updates
  • Vaccine Reminders and COVID-19 Protocols
  • Research and Publications
  • Events
Mission Moments

Scenes from Melmark Harvest Fest and Halloween, 2022!

Advocacy: Breaking News Update

We are pleased to share landmark news out of North Carolina! Here you'll find details about the historic injunctive relief order that will have positive impacts for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (“I/DD”) in NC . Its ripple effects will have impact across the country.

On Nov. 2, 2022, Superior Court Judge R. Allen Baddour entered an injunctive relief order in Samantha R., et al. v North Carolina and the NC Department of Health and Human Services. The case, which was filed in May 2017, challenged the lack of adequate home and community-based services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (“I/DD”).

The state has said for many years that it wants to, and intends to, reduce reliance on institutional settings and serve more people in the community. The Order holds the state accountable to do just that – provide community-based services for more people with I/DD.

Under the order:

*Within 10 years the state must provide services to the 16,314 people currently on the waiting list for an Innovations (Medicaid) Waiver slot. The Innovations Waiver is a package of services that support people with I/DD who want to live in the community instead of an institution.

*The state must effectively address and resolve the serious shortage of direct care workers who provide community-based support. The support these workers provide is critical to the success of people who want to live independently. Without these important workers, the independence of disabled people cannot be realized, preventing people with I/DD from living, working, and playing in their own communities.

*The state must assist 3,000 people who want to leave or avoid institutional settings, and cease new admissions to institutions after 6 years, except for purposes of respite or short-term stabilization.

*The state must provide quarterly reports about each measure the judge set forth in the order, and post data to its website so everyone gets timely information about the state’s progress. The state must also report this information to DRNC and the judge to allow for verification and tracking.

Here we have included a few reference documents, from Disability Rights North Carolina, related to this news:

Full Press Release

Full Story

Judge Baddour’s Order


Important Reminder: No Peanuts, Please

An Important Reminder

We maintain several peanut/nut free environments at Melmark. No food or snack items containing nuts are allowed to be brought into the school building for any reason. This applies to the Lawrence Adult Day program as well.  

Thank you for your monitoring and vigilance!

School Dress Code and Community Trips

Dress Code

As the weather and season here in New England begins to change, please take a moment to review reminders from Melmark's student dress code.

Review Student Dress Code Reminders, Here!

Community Trips and Field Trips

Also, we are excited to resume routine classroom community outings and field trips! Our goal is for students to develop and generalize a variety of skills including money skills, social skills, group interaction, appropriate van and community behavior.

We will be providing a schedule for your child/classroom along with correspondence in student communication logs related to specific days and locations for these outings. 

For any further questions or concerns, please reach out to Silva Orchanian, Lauren Carter or Julia Hrdina.


Thank you for your support and collaboration!

Silva Orchanian, M.Ed., BCBA, LABA 

Senior Director of Day Services

Visitation Guidance

On August 25, 2022, Melmark visitation policies were updated. Please see the following documents for reference:

Visitation Policy for Children's Service Programs

Visitation Policy for Adult Service Programs

Thank you!

Reminder: School Calendar

Our next half day is: November 23, 2022

Please be advised of the latest Melmark calendars.

► Children’s Services Day Program Calendar 2022-2023

► Children’s Services Residential Calendar 2022-2023

► Adult Day Program Calendar 2022-2023

Reminder: We will be closed on Thursday, November 24 and Friday, November 25.

Staff Updates

We have recently said goodbye to the following Melmark staff member(s) and we wish them well in their future endeavors:

Olivia Mazzoni, ABA Children’s Residential Counselor, Birch 

Emmanuel Smith, ABA Classroom Counselor

Employee News

Melmark Employee Benefit Resources from TIAA:

A November calendar of events and promotional flyers from TIAA (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America.) are available on SharePoint and via (10/31/22) email from Mary Morris, TIAA is the administrator for Melmark’s Retirement and 403(b) plans. Webinars are open to all and are available now for registration at:  

Flu Vaccine and Covid Vaccine Reminders

Parents: Flu Consent Forms Needed!

Flu Vaccines: Parents, please send in the flu consent form for your child. We must receive the form back for every child. If you have a completed form please send it to Esther Chege in the Nursing Department, email: [email protected]. Thank you.

COVID-19 Vaccines - As we enter the fall months, we urge any families whose loved ones are not vaccinated against COVID-19 to please consider vaccination and/or the most recent booster available. If you do vaccinate your child, please send in the vaccination document so we can update our records.


Effective 10/3/2022, EOHHS updated its congregate care guidance to be consistent with the CDC's guidance for the general public related to isolation, exposures and asymptomatic close contacts. Below you will find links to CDC guidance for the general guidance. 

Specifically, in residential congregate care guidance, if a residential student or adult is identified as a close contact, regardless of their vaccination status, they are no longer required to quarantine unless they have symptoms. However, they should wear a mask for 10 days (when possible) to ensure safety for all.

Helena Maguire, M.S., LABA, BCBA, CDE

Executive Director

Melmark New England 

Here, you can find previously published information on Melmark COVID-19 protocols for reference as needed.

► Covid-19 Isolation and Exposure Guidance for General Public General Public


► Covid-19 Isolation and Exposure Guidance (K-12) DESE


► EOHHS Covid-19 guidance for Congregate Care programs (j6/8/22 effective 7/1/22) Congregate Care


► EOHHS Covid-19 Guidance for day programs - August 16, 2022 Day Program

Please note: You can see the latest information from the state on the COVID-19 data page by clicking here.

Research, Publications and Conference Presentations

We are proud to have many of our highly skilled professionals working together to build Melmark’s research footprint and presence. For questions or to request information on Melmark research and publications listed below, please reach out to us!

Here, we've included a few recent highlights. You can access a full list of Melmark's research and publications, to date, here.

Article: Rethinking Non-Compliance as a Skill and Promoting Self-Advocacy

The article in Autism Spectrum News s is written by Alex Kishbaugh, MS, BCBA, Haley M. K. Steinhauser, PhD, BCBA-D, and Frank L. Bird, MEd, BCBA, CDE.

Nearly all behavior analysts have come across “non-compliance” within the behavior repertoire of our consumers. Many of us have operationally defined it and targeted it for deceleration. However, how often do we stop to consider the significance of non-compliance? Can noncompliance be adaptive? Can non-compliance have multiple adaptive functions? Can we teach our consumers to discriminate when and how to adaptively communicate “no”?

Congratulations, Melmark Authors!

Expert Speaker Series

Whether you're a clinician needing BCBA credits or you're a parent / caretaker wanting to learn more - check out Melmark's Expert Speaker Series. Melmark facilitates the sharing of knowledge regarding clinically sophisticated, evidence-based practices. All events are streamed to Melmark divisions, so you can attend the location nearest you.

Register here!

Association of Professional Behavior Analysts Leadership Conference

Jennifer Mucellin, MA, BCBA, Director of Operations for the Residential Treatment Facility at Melmark Pennsylvania, and Kara Reagon, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA, Director of Curriculum at Melmark New England, attended the Association of Professional Behavior Analysts Leadership Conference in New Orleans, LA, this week. Melmark supports conference attendance and other professional development activities as part of our commitment to a highly-skilled workforce.

Melmark Events

Last month we mailed our Fall Appeal to members of the Melmark Community! We hope you received it and are enjoying many of the fall activities referred to on the checklist.

Donations to the Fall Appeal are important to our fundraising success and gifts of any amount are appreciated! It's not too late to donate online, or to use the reply slip in the mailing. As always your support is greatly appreciated.


Ellen M. Kallman, CDE

Director of Advancement

Donate Today!

Save the Date: Annual Holiday Show, December 9 & 16

We are planning for the Melmark New England Annual Holiday Show - Further details will follow. For now, please save the following dates:

Friday, December 9, 2022: EC classrooms and the Adult Program

Friday, December 16, 2022: Classrooms 1 -14

Community Events

Storytime for Special Needs Families at the Pollard Memorial Library in Lowell.

November 12 at 10:00 AM

Children of ALL abilities are invited to join us for a morning of songs, rhymes, and movement. Everyone in the family is welcome, siblings, too!

Registration is required.

For more information contact Molly Hancock, Coordinator of Youth Services at 978-674-1527 or at [email protected].

To register, visit the events page at or call the Children’s Desk at 978-674-1529.

Storytime Info Flyer

Thank you for your ongoing partnership and collaboration to ensure Melmark's mission-first programs for the children, adults and families who rely on us every day. 

Rita M. Gardner, M.P.H., LABA, BCBA, CDE (she/her)

President and CEO

Helena Maguire, M.S., LABA, BCBA, CDE

Melmark New England Executive Director 

Melmark's Core Commitments

Unified Culture

Compassionate Care

Integrity in Everything We Do

Highly Skilled Workforce

Evidence-Based Practices

Best Outcomes

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