For Melmark staff of individuals who reside and attend programs at Melmark's service division in New England. Please see below for important program information. Watch your inbox for a new newsletter on the first and third Fridays, each month.
In this Issue:
Calendars and Family Reminders: Upcoming Early Release Day & No School
- Inclement Weather Communication
- Cultural Ambassador Update
Health and Welfare Benefits Plan & Mileage Reimbursement Information
Expert Speaker Series: Thursday, January 30th
Mission Moments
Upcoming Events: Discovery Museum – Free Events for Visitors with Disabilities
- Epilepsy Foundation Seasonal Clothing and Textile Drive
- Staff Updates
Student Illness Reminder: Notice Regarding Respiratory Illnesses
- Residential Notes
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Calendars and Family Reminders | |
Early Release Day and No School Reminders!
⮕ There is no school on Monday, January 20th.
⮕ There is an early release day on Wednesday, January 29th.
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Inclement Weather Communication | |
Weather Related Closings and Delays:
It’s that time of year again. As we get ready for another winter and the snow that’s likely to come, we would like to remind everyone that if Melmark's Andover, Stoughton or Lawrence locations close or will experience delays, it will be advertised on 7 NEWS on Channel 7 and Channel 56 (CW).*
In addition, you can access closings or delays via the WHDH website, http://www.whdh.com or by downloading their free 7NEWS mobile app. Just search WHDH in the app store. Scroll down the main page and tap the storm closings box.
If time permits, you may also get a Blackboard Connect (aka Connect Ed) message and email notification from Melmark Administration by 6:00 a.m.
Please ensure that we have your most updated phone numbers (and email address) in order to receive these voice and email notifications in a timely manner.
*Please note that each site will be labeled separately in the event that closure is only specific to certain locations. Example- Melmark New England/Stoughton vs Melmark New England/Andover vs Melmark New England/Lawrence.
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Cultural Ambassador Update | |
Congratulations to our newest Cultural Ambassador, Francis Chiminje, MNE Program Coordinator! As a reminder, Melmark New England’s Cultural Ambassadors are listed below. You can always seek out a Cultural Ambassador or DEI Committee member if there is a topic that you would like discussed related to diversity, equity, and inclusion activities.
Across divisions, our Cultural Ambassadors serve as members of the DEI Committee and focus on ways to:
· Build upon Melmark’s rich history of providing an inclusive culture to every employee, individual, and family member who relies on our services.
· Ensure we celebrate our differences while collaborating to make our community a better place.
· Identify cultural differences that may need to be better supported in Melmark’s workplace (including professional standards, attendance, interpersonal interactions, and activities of daily living (ADL) care).
· Address communication barriers due to ethnicity, gender, gender identity, or other differences that may require additional support and/or training.
· Provide input and support for Melmark’s diversity and cultural training.
The role of a Cultural Ambassador to our workforce involves assisting in evaluating and facilitating DEI within our organizational processes. Cultural Ambassadors are stipend-based roles which involve a commitment beyond a staff member’s regular duties and responsibilities.
We have a Cultural Ambassador opportunity open to represent our Stoughton Day School. If you would like to apply and/or have any questions about becoming a Cultural Ambassador, please reach out to Maggy Godfroy at mgodfroy@melmarkne.org or 978-654-4339.
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2023 Melmark Benefit Plans - Summary Annual Report & Mileage Reimbursement | |
Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached the summary annual report notice for our benefits plans. It is also located in the Human Resources SharePoint site for your reference.
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The IRS has updated the mileage reimbursement rate for 2025 to .70 cents.
Melmark’s expense reimbursement form, located at the link below, has been updated to reflect this change.
T:\MNE Admin\Finance and Admin\T&E Reimb Form 2025
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Expert Speaker Series: Thursday, January 30th | |
Mission Moments
We are proud of our students' and adults' accomplishments and look forward to sharing more of their exciting journeys and achievements. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our mission.
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Cassidy and Birch staff at virtual golf. | |
Ryan and Jarret at Dunkin Donuts. | |
Ben and staff at the arcade. | |
Tommy in front of the candy art at Jordan's Furniture. | |
Saquib and Danny getting haircuts together. | |
Tommy and Sam at Jordan's Furniture together. | |
Adam working hard in the classroom. | |
We are thrilled to celebrate Dante's graduation! We are so proud of everything he has accomplished and can't wait to see all the amazing things he'll do in the future! | |
The first snowfall before our recent holiday break called for a gingerbread house competition in Stoughton! Some students followed visual models to replicate patterns and designs, while other students created their own. Classroom staff voted at the end for our award ceremony where superlatives were given to each student! | |
In the spirit of giving, our Stoughton students did a "secret snowflake" gift swap. Everyone filled out a wish list with some items they would like, then all students pulled a name out of a hat. Using their friend's wish list, everyone picked out an item from the store for their secret snowflake. Students then learned how to wrap their present incorporating their cutting, taping, and folding skills. Everyone was so excited to purchase a gift for a friend, and to receive their own special gift! | |
Discovery Museum Announces Schedule of Free Events for Visitors with Disabilities for the First Half of 2025
The Discovery Museum’s Especially for Me program offers free Museum access and dedicated hours for families that would benefit from a sensory-friendly experience. The Museum recently announced upcoming dates for the first half of 2025 for the Especially for Me series of free events for families and groups with members who may have a disability, including sensory sensitivities, visual impairments, and/or hearing loss. The popular program offers accommodations that increase access to and enjoyment of the Museum. Because admission is free, families may come and go based on their needs without concern for cost. Visitors also have the chance to meet others in similar circumstances, thereby reducing feelings of isolation and judgement by others often described by families dealing with special needs. A medical diagnosis is not required to attend.
All Especially for Me events are free to attend, but preregistration is required. Dates and registration links can be found online at http://bit.ly/EspeciallyforMe. Registration generally opens up 4 to 6 weeks in advance of each event.
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Support MNE with Post-Holiday Seasonal Clothing and Textile Cleanouts and De-Cluttering Donations | |
Support MNE with Post-Holiday Seasonal Clothing and Textile Cleanouts and De-Cluttering Donations
Melmark New England’s relationship with the Epilepsy Foundation (EF) continues to expand! We will no longer need to host annual clothing drives at MNE as the EF has placed three community donation bins that Melmark New England will benefit from all year long!
Andover - Mobil, 139 River Road (Near the Chateau & Rt 93) *just down the street from the Andover day school
Andover - Mobil, 309 Lowell Street (Across from the IRS)
Ipswich - Brake & Clutch, 105 County Road (Rt 1A heading South)
You can drop off clothing, shoes, linens, and other textiles to donate in support of MNE. The more donations each bin gets, the bigger the monthly donation to MNE. Spread the word to your family and friends!
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We have recently said goodbye to Melmark staff members in the following positions and wish them the best in their future endeavors:
At the Andover Campus and surrounding day and residential programs and Early Intervention:
William Gould – Maintenance Worker
Edmar Washington Matis - ABA Counselor
Jacob Richardson - Educational Coordinator
Jennifer Mfum - Adult Residential Program Staff
Loria Cassagnol - ABA Counselor
Melissa Cash - ABA Counselor
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We are pleased to announce the promotion of Adonis Singleton to Lead ABA Counselor at the Willow residence! Adonis obtained his Bachelor’s in Psychology from the University of New Hampshire and is beginning his Master’s in ABA and Autism through Regis College in January. Adonis has worked as an ABA Counselor at Willow since March of 2021. Adonis brings a calm and composed sense of leadership to each shift, paired with a positive and fun energy. Adonis is always willing to support his colleagues and demonstrates Melmark’s Mission each day!
We are also pleased to announce the promotion of Leandro Celado to Lead ABA Counselor at the Willow residence. Leandro obtained his Bachelor’s in Sociology from UMass Lowell. Leandro has been an ABA Counselor at Willow since February of 2018. Leandro has demonstrated Melmark’s Mission through his dedication in his years at Willow. Leandro has an excellent interaction style with the students and is always willing to support his colleagues.
We look forward to Adonis’ and Leandro’s Professional Development! Please join us in congratulating them in their promotions!
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Notice Regarding Respiratory Illnesses
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) has recently reported a significant increase in the number of cases of both Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Bordetella pertussis. This is consistent with the increased number of respiratory viruses we have observed here at Melmark, including diagnosed cases of pneumonia requiring medical attention. Mycoplasma Pneumonia is a common cause of community-acquired pneumonia, especially in children, and can cause community outbreaks. Symptoms of mycoplasma pneumonia often include persistent cough, fever, and fatigue. Mycoplasma pneumonia is spread from person to person primarily via respiratory droplets.
Hand washing and respiratory hygiene are therefore crucial for preventing spread. Please be diligent in supporting basic hygiene practices including covering coughs and sneezes, performing thorough handwashing, and sanitizing materials. We also ask that staff mask when symptomatic and strongly encourage wearing masks when working with students who are exhibiting any symptoms. Individuals should not attend school or work if they have a fever over 100 degrees or if they have symptoms of a contagious illness without clearance from a doctor.
There is plenty of PPE available for staff, including masks, and we can provide more across locations as needed. We truly appreciate your support in this matter as well as everything you do for our students and adults every day. Please see below for additional resources and reach out if you have any questions.
· CDC: Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infections Have Been Increasing https://www.cdc.gov/ncird/whats-new/mycoplasma-pneumoniae-infections-have-been-increasing.html
· CDC: Clinical overview of Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infections https://www.cdc.gov/mycoplasma/hcp/clinical-overview/index.html
· MADPH: Pertussis advisory https://www.cdc.gov/ncird/whats-new/mycoplasma-pneumoniae-infections-have-been-increasing.html
· CDC: Clinical Overview of Pertussis https://www.cdc.gov/pertussis/hcp/clinical-overview/index.html
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Parents: As we strive to maintain a healthy and safe environment, we kindly remind you to keep a vigilant eye on your child's well-being. If your child exhibits any symptoms of illness, such as fever, cough, or flu-like symptoms, we urge you to keep them home. This precautionary measure not only safeguards your child but also helps prevent the potential spread of illness within our school community. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Nursing Department, email: nursing@melmarkne.org. Thank you. | |
Look ahead at our schedule of planned outings for Melmark New England Residential Programs for Adults and Children! | |
Weekend LOA Reminder
Please remember that in order to plan for the weekend and allow nursing ample time to pack medications, all LOA plans for the weekend are due to the residence by Wednesday evenings. Please be timely in getting this information to them as requested. Thank you in advance!
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Thank you for your ongoing partnership and collaboration to ensure Melmark's mission-first programs for the children, adults and families who rely on us every day.
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Rita M. Gardner, M.P.H., LABA, BCBA, CDE® (she/her)
President and CEO
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Katie Salvatore, M.Ed., LABA, BCBA
Melmark New England Executive Director
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Melmark's Core Commitments
Unified Culture
Compassionate Care
Integrity in Everything We Do
Highly Skilled Workforce
Evidence-Based Practices
Best Outcomes
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Follow us on social media @MelmarkNE | | | | |