The Voter

April 2023

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President's Message

By Janice Garry

Dear Alachua County,

As many of you know, the LWV fiscal and administrative year concludes at the end of May. Our Bylaws require that we provide materials to you, the full membership, prior to the Annual Meeting, which takes place on May 23rd at 5:30 p.m. Since we have several board and other members who will be traveling, the meeting will take place on Zoom to allow them to participate. We miss meeting in person! Perhaps next year circumstances will allow an in-person meeting.

This Voter contains all of the materials to be discussed and voted on by meeting attendees, including the 2023-2024 Budget, Local Program, Officer Nominations, and updated Bylaws. A lot of work has gone into revising the Bylaws to add clarity. We hope this will benefit our League. Please take twenty minutes to review the materials and be ready to vote on May 23rd. If you have any questions about the items up for a vote, please let me know.

Florida's legislative session has been a busy one already, with many controversial bills moving through the process. Our League is especially concerned about the GRU Takeover Bill, HB 1645, which would substitute GRU governance from our elected city commission to governor appointees. See below for how you can help stop the GRU Takeover Bill. It's time to be an activist!

Our league has had a busy, productive year and each of you can be proud to be a part of the work. At the Annual Meeting, we will be unveiling a newly formed Health Care Committee. Plan on attending to hear the good news.

In League,


Help Stop the GRU Takeover Bill

Florida is in the middle of a very active legislative session that will conclude on May 5th. LWVFL updates members regularly with weekly Capitol Reports and Action Alerts calling on members to contact their legislators.

Our league has been following a bill, HB 1645, that would substitute GRU governance from our elected city commission to governor appointees. This is a big deal. We are opposed to this as it preempts home rule and bypasses the will of the voters, who rejected a change in governance on a 2018 ballot referendum.

The bill has been assigned to the State Affairs Committee and likely will be heard on the morning of Wednesday, April 19th. It is urgently important that the members of the committee hear from you. You can voice opposition to state intrusion into Gainesville and our utility's governance using this document for suggested messaging and the provided member contact information.

In addition, a joint meeting with the City Commission, Utility Advisory Board and Legislative Delegation will be held at Gainesville City Hall on April 21st at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the future of GRU Governance. We need strong attendance, either in person or on Zoom to show support for continued city commission governance. Go to the Public Meeting Calendar for details on how to attend. 

Thank you for taking action to help make democracy work!

Join Us at the Annual Meeting, 5/23 @ 5:30 PM

Alachua County, the LWV of Alachua County Board invites you to join us for our 2023 Annual Membership Meeting via Zoom.

When: May 23, 2023, at 5:30 PM Eastern Time

Please register in advance for this meeting.

Register Now!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Please be familiar with Zoom prior to the meeting, we will not be able to assist you during the meeting. If you have questions about using Zoom, please contact us well ahead of the meeting.

We will ask you to mute your microphone during the meeting and to “raise your hand” if you would like to speak. 

Meeting Agenda

We will be conducting a poll during the meeting to request your vote on four questions. Each will be presented for your vote as a yes or no question.

Given the limitations of running a large Zoom meeting, we will NOT be able to discuss these matters during the meeting. If you have any questions or concerns about any of the attached documents, please contact President Janice Garry or any of the Board to make suggestions or ask for clarification prior to the meeting.  

Please review each document and come to the meeting prepared to vote. If you are unable to attend the Annual Meeting, you may cast your votes on the questions being considered by sending your vote of yes or no on each question to President Janice Garry no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 19th.

The four questions are:

Do you approve the proposed 2023-2024 Budget?  

Do you approve the proposed 2023-2024 Local Program?

Do you approve the proposed 2023-2024 Slate of Board Officers and Directors?

Do you approve the proposed updated Bylaws?

Please review all the attached materials, and we look forward to seeing you at the meeting on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, at 5:30 p.m.

Items for Vote

2023-2024 Budget
2023-2024 Local Program
2023-2024 Slate of Board Officers and Directors
Updated Bylaws

Comments, Questions, Feedback? Contact the editor Connie Nicklin.

LWV of Alachua County Leadership Team

President: Janice Garry

Vice-President: Deb Shimon

Secretary: Eileen Roy

Treasurer: Fran Towk

Past President: Lynn Frazier

A full list of LWV of Alachua County Board Members and Committee Chairs can be found here.

League of Women Voters of Alachua County |


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