Dear Members,
We have been advised from the Treasury Department that they have made a change to the CERTS application and how people list their PPP loans/grants. This effects those who have filled out their application in the first week of the portal being open.
Originally the application only allowed companies to list one PPP loan number. There was no place to list additional PPP loans or additional amounts. Treasury mistakenly assumed people would roll the amounts all together. And once the CERTS application is submitted there is no way you would know this section changed.
Operators who only listed one PPP (but received multiple) need to go back to their application and edit how many loans they received. To do this, you need to contact Treasury at either at or call the helpdesk 877-398-5862 and request to open your application so you can correct the error.
The Treasury Department is accepting applications for CERTS grant funding. Click here to access the website for the application portal. Also on this the webpage you will find CERTS program guidelines, frequently asked questions, and instructions regarding the identity service.
The CERTS portal will be open for applications through Monday, July 19. To be considered for a CERTS grant, an application must be completed, electronically signed, and submitted through the portal by 11:59 p.m. ET on Monday, July 19.
Please note that after the deadline, the portal will not accept new applications, and users will not be able to finish draft applications in the portal.
Members received an email alert last week & we previously posted on social channels. Together, we can be heard!
H.R. 3684, the Invest in America Act, contains a provision that would hurt employees and owners of private-sector charter bus companies. We need your help to get Congress to stop this provision..
While some concessions have been made and House leadership is contemplating others, as an industry we have long concluded that the revised charter service rule is working very well, and no modifications are needed.
UMA has put together a "click-here" campaign to ease the process; see below. However, if you would like to call or write your House Rep, please reach out today!