Governor Newsom’s May Revise budget proposal eliminates the Family Urgent Response System (FURS), which is designed to provide 24/7 trauma-informed support to youth currently or formerly in foster care and their caregivers through a statewide hotline and county mobile response systems.
During this critical time, we need to protect our children in foster care, not compromise their well-being. This proposed elimination of FURS places children in foster care at greater risk of instability, disrupted relationships, loss, and re-traumatization. The added isolation, uncertainty, and anxiety brought on by the pandemic, as well as disruptions to normal routines and visitation with family, are devastating to children and youth in foster care. FURS is needed now more than ever.
Please sign on to
this letter
asking legislative leadership to restore FURS and prioritize it as a critical resource for youth in foster care and their caregivers.